ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит до підручника Карп'юк [Косован О.] 2019

icon15.01.2019, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon21 579, icon0

Lesson 3. Special days
1. Read the text (PB, p. 116, ex. 2) and complete the sentences with the following words.
• Boxing • relatives • speech • turkey • Christmas Tree • ‘thanks’ • holiday • Norway • presents
1. Christmas Day is a happy (holiday) for a lot of people in different countries.
2. On Christmas morning people open their and say to their (presents) members of family and friends.
3. In Britain people eat Christmas (turkey), potatoes and green vegetables for Christmas dinner.
4. Every year there is a big (Christmas Tree) in the centre of London.
5. The Christmas Tree is a present to Great Britain from (Norway).
6. The Queens (speech) is on TV at 3.00 p.m.
7. After Christmas comes (boxing) day.
8. On Boxing day people usually visit their (relatives) and friends.
2. Read the text (PB, p. 117, ex. 4) and answer the questions.
1. Where is John from?
John is from Liverpool.
2. What is his favourite holiday?
His favourite holiday Christmas.
3. When is this holiday in England?
Christmas in England at the end in December.
4. What does John like about Christmas?
He likes Santa Claus, presents, Christmas Tree.
3. Complete the sentences with the following prepositions.
• in • on • at
1. In Ukraine people celebrate Christmas (in) January.
2. In most parts of Ukraine (on) Christmas Eve people create‘Vertep’.
3. Santa Claus brings presents to children (at) night.
4. Our family usually goes for a walk in the park (at) weekends.
5. I wish to have a big cake (on) my birthday.
6. I usually get up (at) seven o’clock (in) the morning.
7. Easter is celebrated (on) Sunday (in) spring.
4. Match the parts of the sentences and write them.
I have my breakfast - in the morning.
I do my homework - in the evening.
I sleep at night.
It is hot - in summer.
The New Year is - in January.
I have my breakfest in the morning. I do my home work in the evening. I sleep at night. It is hot in summer. They New Year is in January.
5. Match the opposites.
1 before - В to clean up
2 delicious - E tasteless
3 to make a mess - C after
4 in the morning - A in the afternoon
5 usually - D never
6. Fill in must or mustn’t.
1. It is raining. You (must) take your umbrella.
2. This is a secret. You (mustn't) tell anybody.
3. You (must) eat fruit and vegetables.
4. The baby is sleeping. You (mustn't) shout.
5. You (must) do your homework.
6. You (must) wash your face every morning.
7. You (mustn't) drink cold water.
8. You (mustn't) watch TV a lot.
9. You (must) listen to your teacher.
10. You (mustn't) make a mess at home.
7. a) Match the dates to the holidays.
1 January, 1 - D New Year
2 January, 7 - A Christmas
3 February, 14 - E St. Valentine’s Day
4 August, 24 - В Independence Day
5 December, 19 - C St. Nicholas’ Day
b) Make up the sentences about the holidays from a) as in the example.
1. New Year's Day is on the January 1.
2. Christmas is on the sevents of January.
3. St. Valentine's Day is on the February 14.
4. Independence Day is on August 24.
5. St. Nicholas’ Day is on December 19
8. Read the text (PB, p. 123, ex. 4) and mark true + and false - sentences.
- 1. Mary is sad.
+ 2. Mary invited all her friends to a dinner party.
+ 3. Thanksgiving is a special holiday for her family.
- 4. The kids have some sweets for Mrs Cooper.
+ 5. They have roast turkey, corn, pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes.
- 6. Thanksgiving is not an important holiday in America.
9. Make up 5 sentences with the following words.
• get together • clean up • make a mess • delicious • set the table
Thanks given is the day when all family members get together. Before any holiday we usually clean up the flat. When i cook somethings in the Kitchen i usually make a mess very quicly. Mum knows how to cook a lot pf delicious dishes when the food is ready we set the table.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Косован 2019 Підручники і посібники Карпюк Карп'юк
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