ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Павліченко О.М.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
18 666,
Lesson 1
1. Read and colour. The apple is yellow and red. The pen Is blue and black. The schoolbag is brown and orange. The umbrella is green and grey. The kite Is pink and blue.
Яблуко розмалювати жовтим і червоним.
Ручку розмалювати синім і чорним.
Чумку розмалювати коричнивис і оранжевим.
Парасольку розмалювати зеленим і синім.
Повітряного змія розмалювати рожевим і синім.
2. Write the words from the box into the cortect column.
a pencil-case, a teacher, an elephant, a nose, a desk, a driver, a wolf, a ruler, a bookcase, a pilot, a sharpener, a tiger, a chair, an eye, a book, a cook, a bear, a leg. a wardrobe, a finger
an elephant
(a wolf, a tiger, a bear.)
School things Body
(a rule, a book, a sharpens.)
(a nose, a eye, a leg, a finger.)
My room
(a desk, a chair, a wardroke.)
(a teacher, a pilot, a driver.)
3. Draw logos to the suggested learning categories and match the logos with their meanings.
3) Grammar - a) You will learn new grammar rules in this section.
6) Writing - b) You will learn how to write letters, cards and posters in this section.
1) Reading - c) You will read texts in this section.
5) Speaking - d) You will learn and act out dialogues in this section.
2) Vocabulary - e) You will learn new words in this section.
4) Listening - f) You will listen to texts.and dialogues in this section.
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