ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Павліченко О.М.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
18 666,
Lesson 4
1. Match the words to make word combinations. 1) to trust - c) your friends
2) to cheat - d) in tests
3) to become - a) a member of a club
4) to feel - e) lonely
5) to tease - b) other children
2. Write questions to the answers.
1) Do ypu study hard?
No, I don’t study hard.
2) Du you trust your friends?
Yes, I trust my friends.
3) Do you cheat in test?
No, I don’t cheat in tests.
4) Do you tease girls.
Yes, I tease girls.
5) Do you help your parents.
Yes, I help my parents.
3. Are you a good friend? Write answers to the questions.
1) Have you got many friends?
Yes, i have got many friends.
2) Do you trust your friends?
Yes, i trust my friends.
3) What games do you play with your friends?
I play volleyball with my friends.
4) Have you got a nickname?
No, i havn't got a nichname.
5) Do you tease your classmates?
No, I don't tease my classmates.
4. Read and choose the letter of the correct answer.
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