ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит до підручника Карп'юк [Косован О.] 2019

icon15.01.2019, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon21 566, icon0

Lesson 3. Focus on Ukraine
1. Read the text (PB, p. 218, ex. 1) and complete the sentences with the following words.
• territory • share • towns • places • language • enjoy • capital • tourists • situated • ancient
1. David is going to (share) the information about Ukraine with his friends.
2. Ukraine is (situated) in the centre of Europe.
3. Its (terretory) is 603,7 thousand kilometres.
4. Kyivan Rus was an (ancient) state.
5. Kyiv is the (capital) of our country.
6. Ukrainians live in villages, small (towns) and big cities.
7. Ukrainian people have got their own (language) and culture.
8. (Tourists) from all over the world visit Ukraine every year.
9. Ukraine has many popular (places) visited by many tourists.
10. Tourists (enjoy) their visit to Ukraine.
2. Read the texts (PB, p. 220, ex. 5a) and mark true + and false - sentences.
+ 1. Danylo is from Nizhyn.
- 2. It stands on the Dnieper river.
- 3. Nizhyn is a modern city.
+ 4. Many well-known people visited this town.
- 5. There is no Drama Theatre in Nizhyn.
- 6. Iryna lives in Chernihiv region.
- 7. There is an Art Gallery in Skala-Podilska.
+ 8. Her village is famous for its large park.
- 9. There is an old pine tree, which is over 400 years old.
3. Write an e-mail (8-9 sentences) to your friend from another country about your favourite Ukrainian holiday. Use the following questions.
1. When is it celebrated?
2. What are the traditions of that holiday?
3. Do you celebrate it with your relatives or friends?
My favourite Ukrainian holiday is Christmas, here in Ukraine we celebrate it on the seventh of January. On Christmas live we have a big family dinner with many delicious dishes. Traditionally there should be twelve dishas on the Christmas table but we never have so many. Also on Christmas carols and getting little treats for it frau the grateful host. It is also customany at Christmas to give present to your friends and family.
4. Circle the correct variant.
A: Have you (seen) / saw Michael lately.
B: No, I didn’t / (haven’t). I have talked / (talked) to him two weeks ago.
A: Where did he (travel) / travelled?
B: He (went) / gone to Italy for a holiday.
A: Really? My family has (spent) / spent a week in Turkey in 2010.
But we (have never been) / never were to Italy before. By the way, (has) / did Michael already (come0 / came back?
B: Yes, he did / (has). I have met / (met) him yesterday.
5. Make up the sentences, using the Present Perfect.
1. Sarah / not / wash the dishes / yet.
Sarah hasn't wash the dishes yet.
2. Anita / already / clean the kitchen.
Anita has already cleaned the kitchen.
3. Bill and Ann / just / water the plants.
Bill and Ann have just water the plants.
4. John / already / make his bed?
Has John already made his bed?
5. We / not / buy milk / yet.
We haven't bought i milk yet.
6. He / never / visit the UK / before.
He has never visited the UK before.
6. You are talking on Skype with your friend from Great Britain about your native town/village. Complete your dialogue.
Friend: What town/village do you live in? What region and country is it situated in?
You: I like in Kyiv. This city iss the center of the Kyiv region.
F: When and by whom was it founded?
Y: It was founded over thousand years ago by Kyiv, Shchek, Horuy and their sister Lybid.
F: Is there any river or lake in your town/village? Is it situated near the sea?
У: There is the Dnipro river flowing through the city. It is situatred for from the Black sea.
F: What places of interest are there?
Y: There are many churches and monastieres. There are also historical monuments and museum.
7. Choose one of the Ukrainian towns and complete the table with the information about it.
Town - Lviv
Region - Lviv
Founder - Prince Danilo of Galicia
Foundation / Date - 13th century
Seas / Lakes / Rivers - Undeground river Poltva
Mountains - There are the carphatian monuments not for from the city
Famous People - Solomia Krushelnitska.
Places of Interest - Rynok, the opera haus, coffee museum.
Description (опис) - Lviv is a beautiful ancient city with amazing architecture fantastic churches and museum.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Косован 2019 Підручники і посібники Карпюк Карп'юк
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