ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022
Unit 3. it’s tasty!
Task 1. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.1.I have never been here before!
2.There are many apples in the bag.
3.Has Kim ever tried sushi?
4.There are some vegetables on the plate.
5.Nick and Bill went to the restaurant.
6.Is there some butter in the fridge?
Task 2. Choose a), b) or c).
1.Many c) Asians enjoy eating raw fish.
2. a) Tiramisu is a delicious coffee dessert.
3.Vegetables are good for your a) health.
4.Mia has found a great a) magazine for meat!
5.George has b) baked a huge cake for Jill!
6.You need to c) mix everything together for this salad.
Task 3. Read the recipe and fill in the table.
Ingredients | How much/many | Other things you need |
apples | S | ice-cream stick |
nuts | 200 g | 2 bowls |
chocolate | 300 g | fridge |
Спочатку візьміть і вимийте 5 яблук. Потім вставте в кожну паличку від морозива.
Підготуйте в мисці 200 г горіхів.
Візьміть 300 г шоколаду і проваріть його близько 5 хвилин, поки він не стане м'яким. Зварений шоколад покладіть в іншу миску. Після цього кожне яблуко паличкою вкладаємо в шоколад, перевертаємо і кладемо в миску з горіхами Залиште в холодильнику приблизно на 40 хвилин. Коли це буде зроблено, випийте його з чашкою чаю!
Task 4. Listen to the dialogue and choose a), b) or c).
1.Mia is cooking b) brunch
2.Mia is making a) two sandwiches.
3.Ann usually has b) an apple for a snack.
4.Ann had some c) biscuits with tea today.
5.Mia wants to drink some b) water
6.Ann and Mia are going to go to a a) cafe this evening.
Task 5. Write a short paragraph about what, where and when you usually have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Add snacks, too.
I usually have breakfast at home. It is usually a cup of tea, a yoghurt and a sandwich.
My lunch I eat at school. It includes some fruits, biscuits and some juice.
I usually have dinned when I come back home from school.
I usually have some soup or borshch for dinner.
In the evening my mother makes some salad and bakes some fish or chicken. We usually eat our supper together and speak about our day.