ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Збірник тестів [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022
Unit 8. Where to travel?
Task 1. Choose a), b) or c).1.Annie has got a Leaflet from c) the USA,
2.I went to America b) because I wanted to learn English,
3.My brother visited London a) and Cambridge last year.
4.Luke and Sam went camping b) and Pete didn't.
5.Paulo is from Italy, b) so he can't speak Greek.
6.Helen and Kim are planning a) the trip to Asia.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
1.There are so many countries on this continent.
2.My family went to Asia to explore China and Japan.
3.Jessica's journey to Spain last month was wonderful.
4.Nick wants to display his photos from the Netherlands.
5.We read an interesting article about Portuguese people.
6.A trip to the UK this summer is not your only choice.
Task 3. Read the paragraph and mark the sentences below T (true) or F (false).
False. 1. People hate visiting other countries.
True. 2. There are different reasons to go travelling.
True. 3. You can try and learn a lot of new things when you go on a trip.
False. 4. All countries are the same and that is why it is boring to go abroad.
True. 5. Travel agencies can help you with your choice of where to go and what to see.
False. 6. People don't take pictures or buy anything to remember their journeys.
Багато людей люблять подорожувати по світу. Деякі з них їдуть за кордон на роботу чи навчання, інші - для розваги, як туристи.
Відвідати інші країни - це захоплююче, тому що ви отримуєте шанс відкрити для себе інші культури та мови, спробувати різні кухні та знайти багато нових друзів. У кожній країні є багато цікавих місць, красива природа та цікаві речі, які можна побачити та чим зайнятися. Тут на допомогу приходять туристичні агенції - вони допомагають вибрати, куди поїхати і які екскурсії взяти. Також люди купують сувеніри та фотографуються на згадку про подорожі. Нарешті, вони діляться багатьма інформацією зі своїми родинами та друзями або планують свою наступну захоплюючу подорож.
Task 4. Listen to the dialogue and finish the sentences.
1.Mia is reading an article about Australia,
2.She wants to go there by plane.
3.Mia wants to visit this country because she wants to discover another culture and to see kangaroos and koalas.
4.Ed thinks plane tickets are expensive.
5.Ed wants to visit Edinburgh, Scotland.
6.Ed can go there by car or bus.
Task 5. Write a paragraph about where you would like to go this summer. Say:
This summer I would like to visit Greece. My parents also like this country and we want to go there for a week.
Of course, we will fly there by plane.
The reason why I want to go there is simple. I like History and I am interested in Archeology.
Greece's history is one of the richest in the world. There are so many places to see! My dream is to visit Akropolis!
Greece has the longest coastline in Europe, because it is washed by the Aegean Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Ionian Sea to the west. This is amazing! I want to swim in all of them!