ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Павліченко О.М.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
18 695,
Lesson 14
1. Write the greetings in the cards. (Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Easterl Many happy returns of the day! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)
1) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
2) Happy Valentine's Day!
3) Many happy returns of the day!
4) Happy Easterl
2. Match the dates.
a) 09.02 - 4) the ninth of February
b) 15.10 - 6) the fifteenth of October
c) 22.04 - 5) the twenty-second of April
d) 13.12 - 1) the thirteenth of December
e) 06.06 - 7) the sixth of June
f) 20.03 - 2) the twentieth of March
g) 11.07 - 3) the eleventh of July
3. Look at the table and write as In the example.
write a letter
Jane +
Fred -
You -
meet a friend
Jane -
Fred +
You +
clean the room
Jane +
Fred -
You +
buy bread
Jane -
Fred +
You -
Did Jano write a latter yesterday? — Yes, she did. She wrote a letter yesterdy.
Did Jane moot a friend yesterday? — No, sho didn't. She didn't meet a friend yesterday.
Did Jane clean the room yesterday? - Yes, she did yesterday.
Did Jane buy bread yesterday? - No, she didn't. She didn't buy bread yesterday.
Did Fred write a letter yesterday? - No, he didn't. He didn't write a letter yesterday.
Did Fred meet a friend yesterday? - Yes, he did. He met a friend yesterday.
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