ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023

icon22.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 978, icon0

Unit 9. Clothes and fashion
Сторінка 40
1. Match the words in the box to the photos.
1 - tie; 2 - sunglasses; 3 - swimming costume; 4 - trainers; 5 - socks;
6 - boots; 7 - jumper; 8 - swimming shorts; 9 - gloves; 10 - suit; 11 - scarf; 12 - cap.
2. Where do you wear the clothes? Complete the table with the words in Exercise 1. Some words can go in more than one column.
At the beach
On your feet
On your head
When it is cold
At work in an office
Sunglasses Swimming costume Swimming shorts
Boots Socks trainers
Cap scarf
Boots Gloves Jumper Scarf socks
Suit tie
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. My favourite jumper is bright red.
2. I like your new black boots.
3. My dad wears a pale grey suit to work.
4. My swimming costume is purple and blue.
1. Complete the words with the missing vowels.
1 - wool; 2 - cotton; 3 - leather; 4 - plastic; 5 - metal; 6 - cork.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. My shirt is made of cotton.
2. Mobile phones and tablets are usually made of metal.
3. My winter jumper is warm because it's made of wool.
4. Water bottles are usually made of plastic.
5. My boots were expensive because they're made of leather.
Сторінка 41
1. Match the sentences.
1. It's my pen. - d. It's mine.
2. It's your phone. - a. It's yours
3. They're his books. - e. They're his.
4. They're our jumpers. - f. They're ours.
5. They're her pencils. - b. They're hers.
6. They're their bags. - c. They're theirs.
2. Look at the words in brackets and complete the sentences with the correct determiners.
1. This isn't Clara's cap. I think that cap is yours (Clara's cap).
2. I've got your mobile, but I can't find mine (my mobile).
3. This is my bag. Where's yours (your bag)?
4. That is your computer and this is ours (our computer).
5. These are our trainers and those are theirs (Daniel and Lucia's trainers).
3. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. She watches TV in her free time.
2. Can I borrow yett your new sunglasses?
3. It's a my birthday on Sunday. I'm having a party.
4. My mum bought my me some new trainers for school.
5. This jacket isn't your yours. It's mine.
4. Choose the correct words.
1. Harry loves his dog and takes it for a walk every day.
2. Can you help me with my homework?
3. I've got your tickets for the concert
4. This book isn't mine.
5. The students are writing stories in their English class today.
6. Sarah left her coat in the playground.
Сторінка 42
1. Look at the photos and the title. What do you think the article is about? Choose the best answer. Then read the article and check your ideas.
Вам подобається мода? Ви носите новий одяг? Ви купуєте новий одяг щомісяця? Для багатьох людей відповідь на ці запитання - "так". У минулому люди не купували багато одягу. Вони подарували свій старий одяг своїм братам і сестрам, або переробляли їх у будинку. Але сьогодні багато одягу дешеві. Люди купують одяг, і вони носять їх лише два -три рази. Вони не хочуть їх через два -три місяці. Ми називаємо це "швидкою модою". Це весело, але це погано для навколишнього середовища. Не купуйте багато нових речей. Купіть одну хорошу футболку, а не шість дешевих. Переробити свій старий одяг. У всіх нас Є ОДЯГ, ЯКИЙ МИ не носимо. Деякі люди продають СВІЙ одяг в Інтернеті або обмінюються їх друзями. Ви можете подарувати хороший одяг в благодійному магазині та відправити дуже старий або пошкоджений одяг до центру переробки. Купуйте перероблений одяг та аксесуари. Метт і Нат - компанія, яка робить сумки. Але сумки не виготовлені зі шкіри - вони виготовлені з 100% перероблених пляшок! Компанія також використовує пробку та гуму для своїх мішків.
2. Read the article again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
1. In the past, people recycled their clothes. - Right.
2. It's now possible to buy many clothes without spending a lot of money. - Right.
3. 'Fast fashion' is when you buy things quickly. - Wrong.
4. You can sell your old clothes to a recycling centre. - Wrong.
5. The bags at Matt and Nat are made of plastic. - Right.
3. Find words or phrases in the text to match the meanings.
1 - environment; 2 - swap; 3 - charity shop; 4 - recycling centre; 5 damaged.
1. Complete the texts with the words in the boxes.
My favourite clothes.
I've got a blue dress and a red jacket. I bought them last year with some money my parents gave me for my birthday. I sometimes wear the dress at school in summer.
It is made of cotton. The jacket is very special. It is made of leather. I wear it when I meet my friends in town at the weekend.
My favourite clothes.
I love my new trainers. My mum bought them for me last week. They are blue and white, and they are made of leather. I wear them in the afternoon when I go to the park. I also like my green shorts. I often wear them on holiday on the beach.
2. Read the texts again and complete the table.
1 - blue; 2 - summer; 3 - school; 4 - jacket; 5 - weekend; 6 - white; 7 - shorts; 8 - beach.
3. Complete the table with information about your favourite clothes.
Favourite clothes: T - shirt, jeans;
Colours: white, read;
Material: cotton;
When: on holiday;
Where: in the park.
4. Write about your favourite clothes. Use the information in the table in Exercise 3 and write about 50 words.
My favourite clothes is jeans and T - shirt. I like white and red colours of the clothes. And of course it must be cotton. I like to wear it on holidays and walk in the park.
Сторінка 43
1. Listen to Julie talking to her dad. Why does she ask her dad for help
She doesn't know what to make for the School Family Day.
2. Listen again and write one word for each answer.
1. The School Family Day is next Saturday.
2. The students want to sell things to help children in poor countries.
3. Julie's dad says she can make necklaces with pasta.
4. Julie wants to give her yellow dress and some T - shirts.
5. Julie should ask her mum for help to find clothes for the School Family Day.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит Англійська мова Зошит 2023 Сміт Куки 6 клас Лінгвіст
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