ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023

icon22.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 978, icon0

Unit 10. Buying things
Сторінка 44
1. Find eight shopping words.
2. Choose the correct words to complete the text.
What kind of shopper am I? Well, I'm careful because I haven't got a lot of money. There's never any cash in my wallet! I always look at the price before I buy something. I don't spend a lot of money on clothes. I usually look for things with a discount. Last week, I got a great new T- shirt. It was only £3 in the sale. I always keep the receipt when I buy something.
3. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. My sister got some trainers in a sale. They were half price!
2. Tom lost his wallet in the shop. He had £20 in it.
3. I bought my mum a new leather purse for her birthday.
4. I lost the receipt for my new jumper so I couldn't take it back.
5. My dad paid the bill because I didn't have enough money.
6. How much are these sunglasses? I can’t see the price.
Сторінка 46
1. Read about two of the biggest shopping centres in the world. Which one do you think is the most interesting?
I think Dubai Mall is more interesting.
West Edmonton Mall — торговий центр у Канаді. Це дійсно велике! У цьому торговому центрі можна провести відпустку, адже тут є готелі, кінотеатри, аквапарк і багато-багато магазинів. Підлітки люблять проводити день у Galaxyland. Це найбільший критий парк розваг у світі. Є 24 атракціони та місця для гри. Можна пограти в міні-гольф або покататися на ковзанах. В аквапарку можна поплавати і спуститися з 21 гірки. Погода не важлива, тому що все всередині. Ви любите фільми? Щовечора в кінотеатрі показують 13 різних фільмів. Приходьте подивитися на цей торговий центр. Він відкритий 365 днів на рік.
Торговий центр Dubai Mall знаходиться в Об'єднаних Арабських Еміратах. Він відкрився в 2008 році і зараз налічує понад 1200 магазинів. Також є 200 ресторанів. У торговому центрі можна проводити час сім'єю, адже тут багато розваг для молоді. Одним з найкращих місць для відвідування є акваріум. Ви можете стояти в тунелі під водою і бачити рибу, що пливе над вами, або ви можете кататися в човні зі скляним дном і бачити рибу під собою. Ще одне чудове місце для підлітків - Кідзанія. Це маленьке місто, де можна спробувати різні роботи. Ви можете бути стоматологом, поліцейським або працювати в ресторані чи супермаркеті. Ви продаєте і платите за речі особливими грошима. Це чудове місце!
1. Match the sentence halves.
1. I sold my T-shirt to Luke - c. for £5.
2. What's English - e. for patatas!
3. Did you buy food - d. for the party on Saturday?
4. My parents paid - a. for the tickets.
5. Canada is famous - f. for its mountains and cold winters.
6. Did you have a party - b. for your birthday?
2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box and for.
1. I can't pay for the tickets today because I haven't got enough money.
2. I want to buy my sister some flowers for her birthday.
3. Kyle is going to sell his old T-shirts for £2 each.
4. We are going to have a party for the end of exams.
5. Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is famous for its beaches.
2. Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1. Where is West Edmonton Mall? - in Canada.
2. Can you steep there? - yes.
3. What is Galaxyland? - an amusement park.
4. Can you swim in the water park when it is raining? - yes. DUBAI MALL
5. When did Dubai Mall open? - in 2008.
6. How many restaurants are there? - 200.
7. What can you see in the boat in the aquarium? - fish underneath you.
8. What jobs can you try in Kidzania? - dentist, police officer, work in a restaurant or a supermarket.
Сторінка 46
1. Complete the rules with the phrases in the box.
1. We use some in positive sentences with countable nouns.
2. We use any in negative sentences with uncountable nouns.
3. We use a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns.
4. We use a few with countable nouns.
5. We use a bit of with uncountable nouns.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1. There were a lot of people in the café.
2. I would like some books for my birthday.
3. Do you have any money?
4. My brother hasn't got any football boots.
5. My sister wants to buy a few biscuits.
6. Would you like a bit of cake?
3. Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. My sister has got a lot of friends.
2. We've got a few of packets of crisps in our cupboard.
3. My friends haven't got any pets.
4. Do you have a bit of time to go shopping with me?
5. My brother bought some new shoes.
6. I've got a lot of books. I counted them yesterday. I've got 54!
4. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. I've got a some bread and an apple.
2. There aren't any cookies in the kitchen.
3. There are a lot of new students in my class.
4. I've got a_lot of books in my bag.
5. These trainers cost a lot of money.
Сторінка 47
1. Listen to five short conversations. For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - A;
1. You will hear Katie talking about a present for her mother. What did she buy?
B. something to read.
2. You will hear two friends talking during their lunch break. What do they decide to do together after school?
C. go to the library.
3. You will hear a man talking to his daughter. What does his daughter want to buy?
A. some shoes.
4. You will hear a teenager talking to his mother. What does he want to do?
B. He wants to sell his bike.
5. You will hear a boy talking to a shop assistant. Why does he buy the yellow T-shirt?
A. because it's cheap.
1. Read the text about a day out in a shopping centre. What did the family buy?
a jacket and a pizza.
2. You are going to write a story about a day out at a shopping centre.
It can be a true story or you can invent it. Think about answers to these questions. Make notes.
1. Where is the shopping centre? - in the centre of the town.
2. When did you go? - last weekends.
3. Who did you go with? - friends.
4. What did you do first? - had lunch.
5. Did you buy anything? - yes.
6. Did you do anything else? - yes.
7. Did you enjoy the day? - yes.
3. Write your story about a day out at a shopping centre. Use the notes you made in Exercise 2 and write about 50 words. Remember to use the words after that, after, later and finally to link the events in your story.
Last weekend I went with my friends to the shopping centre. It is situated in the centre of our town. First we went to have some lunch. The food is always tasty there. After that we went to buy jeans for me. Later we went to the entertaining park in that shopping centre. We really enjoyed our day and went home.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит Англійська мова Зошит 2023 Сміт Куки 6 клас Лінгвіст
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