ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023

icon22.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 978, icon0

Unit 13. Healthy bodies
Сторінка 56
1. Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences.
1. Jason can't play tennis because he's got a broken arm.
2. My mum had a headache so she stayed at home.
3. I need to go to the dentist because I've got toothache.
4. I can't eat because I've got a stomach ache.
5. I've got a cold today so I'm going to stay at home.
6. My ears hurt because it's so cold.
7. She ate a lot of cake and now she feels sick.
8. My sister's got a temperature so she's in bed.
9. Did you have a pain in your arm after you fell?
2. Complete the sentences with words in Exercise 1.
1. A: Do you want to go swimming this afternoon?
B: Sorry, I can't. I've got toothache. I think I need to go to the dentist.
2. OK. Let's see. Oh! 37.5 degrees! You've got a high temperature.
3. A: What's the matter?
B: I feel sick and I've got a stomach ache. I think I ate something bad.
4. A: Why are you walking slowly?
B: I’ve got a pain in my foot.
5. A: Does your arm hurt when I touch it?
B: Ow! Yes.
A: I think you've got a broken arm.
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - B.
1. I went to the doctor because I had a (B) pain in my stomach.
2. Your head feels hot. Have you got (A) a temperature?
3 I can't play rugby for six weeks because I've got a (C) broken arm.
4. I don't want to eat anything because I (B) feel sick.
1. Complete the blog with the phrases in the box.
Hi, everyone. Today I've got eight tips and pieces of advice for people who want to start running. Read on if you want to get fit in no time at all!
Start slowly. Run a little, then have a rest, then run again.
Run five times a week.
Eat well - lots of fruit and vegetables. A good diet helps you stay healthy.
Drink lots of water.
Don't watch screens late at night so you can sleep well eight hours a night at least.
In bad weather you can do some exercises in a gym.
Remember, at first it hurts but later you feel great!
Enter a race. This will give you something to work towards in the future. Maybe you'll win!
2. Match the sentence halves.
1. It is very - d. important to do exercise.
2. I like running but I don't want - c. to enter a race.
3. I try to keep fit so - a. I go cycling, swimming and running.
4. Swimming is a good way - b. to stay healthy.
5. The secret to eating well - e. is lots of fruit and vegetables.
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. I like to get some exercise when I'm on holiday.
2. You should have a rest after so much running.
3. She's going to the gym because she wants to get fit.
4. You feel healthy when you eat well.
5. I'm going to enter the 100 m race in the school sports day.
6. You should do some exercises to make your legs stronger.
Сторінка 57
2. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
1. A: I've got a pain in my right arm.
B: You shouldn't play tennis this afternoon.
2. A: I'm very tired and it's late.
B: Then you should go to bed, Sam.
3. A: My foot hurts.
B: You should sit down for a while.
4. A: I feel sick.
B: Well, you shouldn't eat so much chocolate!
5. A: I've got a difficult maths exam tomorrow.
B: You should study hard tonight.
6. A: Sarah's got a terrible cold.
B: She should rest and drink lots of water.
3. Read the sentences. Is the advice right or wrong?
1. you shouldn't talk to people from English-speaking countries. - Wrong.
2. you should listen to music in English. - Right.
3. you should watch films in English. - Right.
4. you shouldn't practise pronunciation. - Wrong.
5. you should only study at weekends. - Wrong.
4. Correct the mistakes in three of the sentences. Which two are correct?
1. I think you should take a coat.
2. Should I bring a DVD?
3. How much money should we bring? - correct.
4. You shouldn't eat sweets in class. It's a school rule.
5. You should bring some water. It's very hot today.
6. Don't forget your keys. You should put them in your pocket. - correct.
Сторінка 58
1. Read the article and tick the sports that are mentioned. cycling, running, skateboarding, swimming;
Моєму двоюрідному брату Олексію 18 років. Вона біжить три кілометри щоранку перед школою, вона їздить до школи на велосипеді, вона плаває в шкільному басейні в обідню пору, а потім повертається додому після уроків. Ти можеш у це повірити? це ще не все! По суботах вона бере участь у перегонах. Це спеціальні заходи, які називаються «триатлонами». У триатлоні спортсмени повинні пропливти, їздити на велосипеді та пробігти дуже довгий шлях. Олексій дуже добре займається триатлоном. Торік вона виграла шість змагань, тричі фінішувала другою та чотири рази третьою. Алекс хоче взяти участь в Олімпійських іграх, коли стане старшою. Хочеш бути у формі? Олексій має багато хороших порад. «Не думай про це, не говори про це, просто зроби це. О, і не робіть ніяких вправ у неділю. Відпочивайте в цей день. Я завжди так роблю. Дуже важливо відпочивати. Я хотів би бути таким же здоровим, як Алекс, але я не можу швидко бігати і погано плаваю. Проте я добре катаюся на скейтборді. Можливо, я поїду на Олімпіаду ... але тільки щоб подивитися на свого двоюрідного брата!
2. Read the article again and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
1. How does Alex get to school? She cycles to school.
2. What does she do at lunchtime? At lunchtime she swims in the school swimming pool.
3. What does she do on Saturdays? On Saturdays she enters races.
4. How many triathlons did she win last year? She won six triathlons last year.
5. What does she want to do when she is older? She wants to be in the Olympics.
6. When does she have a rest? She has a rest on Sundays.
1. Read the email from Emily to her pen friend Jacob. What does Emily want?
Some advice about how to get into the school football team and how to get fit.
Привіт Джейкобе, Як справи? Чи можете ви дати мені якусь пораду? Я хочу грати в шкільній футбольній команді, але інші гравці дуже хороші. Крім того, я не дуже здоровий. Що я повинен зробити? Напишіть мені в найближчий час! Емілі.
2. Complete Jacob's answer to Emily's email with the words in the box.
I think you should do some exercise. You should go running every day and go to the gym in the sports centre. You need to practise football so you should go to the park and play with your friends. You should also eat healthy food, like fish and vegetables!
Сторінка 59
1. Listen to four conversations. Match the conversations (1 - 4) to the places (A - D).
A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2.
2. Listen to the conversations again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
1. William hasn't got a headache. - Wrong.
2. Susie has got a pain in her arm. - Right.
3. Carla's eye hurts. - Wrong.
4. Marek's foot hurts. - Right.
5. Marek thinks his hand is broken. - Wrong.
3. Complete the sentences from the conversations with the words in the box. Then listen again and check your answers.
1. You should take some medicine.
2. What's the matter, Susie?
3. OK, Carla. Tell me, what's wrong?
4. What about your hand?
3. Read Jacob's email again and answer the questions.
1. How often should Emily go running? every day.
2. Where should she go in the sports centre? to the gym.
3. Who should she play football with? her friends.
4. What should she eat? healthy food, like fish and vegetables.
4. Read the email from your friend Harry. Write an answer to him. Write about 50 words.
Hi Harry,
Hope you are getting well soon. You need to go to the gym and start practicing with the trainer. He will definitely know how to bring your body fit again. Good luck.
1. Look at the map and choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.
1. The museum is opposite the park.
2. The football stadium is next to the car park.
3. The car park is in front of the train station.
4. The restaurant is beside the cinema.
5. The post office is opposite the restaurant.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит Англійська мова Зошит 2023 Сміт Куки 6 клас Лінгвіст
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