ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г. К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
2 766,
Unit 8. Fame
Сторінка 91Where can you find the following in this module? Go through the module and find the pictures.
picture A: p.98
picture B: p.96
picture C: p.92
picture D: p.101
picture E: p.94
Сторінка 92
1. A. Read the headlines and look at the pictures. What do you think the texts are about? Listen, read and check your answers.
The first text is about a teenage girl who won a dream holiday. The second text is about a teenage boy who won a wail design competition.
Підлітки в заголовках
Щасливий підліток виграє подорож мрії
Минулого вівторка підліток Джейн Робсон, яка є ученицею Кінгсфордської школи, виграла відпустку мрії, просто відправившись по магазинах. Вона стала 1 000 000-м клієнтом у супермаркеті Megabuys і виграла подорож на двох до Нової Зеландії. Це неймовірно! «Я вперше щось виграла», - каже Джейн. Я виграла поїздку до Нової Зеландії, країни, яку я завжди хотіла відвідати, - каже вона. Шістнадцятирічна Джейн збирається в подорож з татом, але їй шкода інших клієнтів. «Це не здається справедливим, - каже Джейн. - Я зайшла туди лише за жувальною гумкою, і раптом я стала тією людиною, яка виграла поїздку.
1-ша премія для підліткового художника
Минулого вечора Рада Гілфорда оголосила переможця конкурсу дизайну стін. Вони хотіли, щоб місцеві художники розробили щось, що було б на величезній північній стіні нової ратуші. Тисячі художників взяли участь у конкурсі, але художник, який переміг, не відомий. Його студент на ім'я Тім Блейк, і йому всього тринадцять. Дизайн, створений Тімом, барвистий і веселий, і це саме той образ, яким ми хотіли скрасити місто». - розповідає Леона Вілкінс, організатор конкурсу. Тім був дуже здивований своєю перемогою, і тепер хоче брати участь у більшій кількості мистецьких конкурсів. Дизайн Тіма збирається з'явитися на новій ратуші, але він також виграв 5000 фунтів стерлінгів. Він збирається дати трохи грошей своєму братові, але він ще не впевнений, що він хоче робити з рештою.
2. B. Read again and write J for Jane, T for Tim or B for both.
1. This person didn't know about the competition. - Jane.
2. This person did something for others to see. - Tim.
3. This person is going to share his/her prize. - both.
4. This person didn't expect to win. - both.
5. This person has decided to enter similar competitions. - Tim.
6. This person won something without doing anything. - Jane.
2. C. Read again. What do the highlighted words refer to
1. it: the trip to New Zealand;
2. her: Jane Robson;
3. there: Megabuys supermarket;
4. They: Gilford Council;
5. He: the artist/Tim Blake;
6. it: the design;
7. it: the money.
Сторінка 93
2. Use the nouns given to form adjectives and complete the sentences.
1. I think life in the country is more peaceful than life in the city.
2. Sheila called the police because she saw a mysterious man in her garden.
3. The traffic on Highfield Road is very for dangerous children.
4. The Internet is really useful when you need information for a project.
5. We couldn't go sailing today because it was too windy.
6. It's too noisy in this café and I can't hear you.
7. The doctor said that Perry is a very healthy young boy.
8. My exams went well so I'm quite hopeful about my marks.
3. Circle the correct words and add commas where necessary.
1. William Frank is the man who won the race.
2. Camels, which live in the desert, can carry a lot of weight.
3. This is the shopping centre that opened last month.
4. I saw Miss Jane, who used to look after us when we were young, on my way back home.
5. Those are the mugs which I wanted, not those ones!
6. I want to buy the new laptop that I showed you yesterday.
4. Listen to the news bulletin and complete the sentences.
1.Schools were dosed today because of the snow.
2.Two firefighters died in a fire in Manford.
3. Roger Woods won a tennis championship in Australia.
4. Jameson Gallery bought a painting that cost 152 million.
5. Talk in pairs. Read the headlines below and try to guess what the articles are about. Add your own information and use who, which or that, as in the example. Then tell your story to the class.
- I think the article is about the lottery.
- Yes, the girl tried her luck and won a great amount of money!
Сторінка 94
1. Listen and match the words in bold with their meaning a-f.
1-е; 2-d; З-a; 4-b; 5-е; 6-f.
2. A. Look at the picture. What do you think is wrong with Amy and Stu? Listen to the dialogue and check your answers. Then read it out in groups.
Amy and Stu are nervous before the audition.
Чоловік: Full Blast, ви наступні. Добре?
Вілл: Правильно, хлопці, це все. Наш шанс стати відомим.
Лів: Давайте спробуємо якнайкраще.
Вілл: Що трапилося? Емі?
Емі: Я просто трохи нервую.
Стю: Так і я.
Вілл: Давайте ви двоє, я ніколи вас не бачив такими.
Лів: Я теж. Це не те, що це наш перший виступ.
Емі: Так, але це інше. Якщо це прослуховування пройде добре, ми виступимо на телебаченні і мільйони людей будуть дивитися нас! Лів: Так, ти не хочеш бути знаменитим?
Емі: Я не знаю. Я не відчуваю себе готоввою.
Стю: Я теж. А що, якщо ми помилимось? Соромно чи що?
Вілл: Я не можу повірити, що ви двоє! Ми не збираємось робити помилку. Ми всі будемо блискучими!
Стю: Чому ти такий впевнений?
Вілл: Тому що ми багато працювали для цього. Добре, послухай мене. Чому ви приєдналися до групи?
Емі: Тому що я люблю виступати з вами, хлопці.
Стю: Я теж.
Вілл: Добре. Я вам ось що скажу. Давайте просто підемо туди і насолодимося цим, еге ж? Якщо ми не потрапимо на телебачення, не варто розчаровуватися. Ми просто хочемо виступати та розважатися, чи не так?
Стю: Добре!
Емі: Full Blast, ходімо!
Сторінка 95
2. B. Read again and find sentences in the dialogue to prove the following.
1. Full Blast, you are on next. Ok?
2. Come on you two. I have never seen you like this before. Neither have I.
3. If this audition goes well, we will perform on TV.
4. We aren't going to make a mistake. We are all going to be brilliant.
5. So do I.
6. We aren't going to make a mistake. We are all going to be brilliant! Let's just go. We just want to perform and have some fun, right?
3. Complete using so or neither and an auxiliary verb.
1. A: Susan doesn't want to perform tonight. B: Teither does Donna.
2. A: I hate going to Danny's parties. B: So, do I.
3. A: Richard and I went to the cinema on Saturday. B: So, did we.
4. A: Victoria Isn't ready yet. B: Neither is my sister.
5. A: Adrian was a bit disappointed with the museum.
B: So, was Oliver
6. A: We won't go to the concert B: Neither will we.
4. Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b or
1.Who performed well in the audition? - c. Ken and Zoe.
2. How does Ricky feel about what happened in the competition? - b. disappointed
3. What is true about Luke'? - b. He can play the drums.
5. Talk in groups of three. Discuss the statements given below.
- I went to the cinema last week.
- So, did I. The film was interesting.
- Oh, I had no chance to go there.
Сторінка 96
1. A. Look at the pictures and read the captions a-e. Put them in order. Then listen and check your answers.
a-3; b-2; c-1; d-4; e-5.
1. B. Read again and answer the questions.
1.What do they discuss at the first meeting? - They discuss ideas for articles.
2. Who designs the layout of the magazine? - Graphic designers design the layout of the magazine.
3.How do they send the magazine to the printers? - They save it on a hard drive and send to the printers.
4. What happens after they print all the magazines? - The magazines are put into boxes.
5. Where do they deliver the magazines? - They deliver them to shops all over the country.
Сторінка 97
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Some supermarkets offer to deliver your shopping to your home.
2. Millions of computers are sold every year in the USA.
3. The reporter interviewed Brad Pitt for FilmPlus magazine.
4. You should save your work on your computer as often as you can.
5. During the meeting, the editors of the magazine discussed what free gifts to give their readers.
6. Did you mention anything to Steve about tomorrow?
7. Every birthday card in this shop is printed with a special message.
3. Complete with the Present Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. This TV channel is watched by millions of teenagers.
2. My dog isn't called Jax. His name is Max.
3. At my office, the rubbish is taken out every night.
4.Are computers used in your school?
5. These cars are sold all over the world.
6. Many different sports are played at this stadium.
4. A. Listen to an interview with the editor of Superstar magazine. What is the main topic of the Interview? Choose a, b or c.
b. What makes Superstar magazine popular.
4. B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
1. Superstar sells over a million copies every month. - False.
2. Oliver used to be a graphic designer for Superstar. - False.
3. Only teenagers between 13 and 17 read Superstar. - False.
4. Superstar gives away a free poster every month. - True.
5. Superstar isn't designed and printed in the same building. - True.
5. A. Talk in pairs. Read the prompts and try to make true sentences. Discuss them using the Passive Voice as in the example. Then check your answers with your teacher.
1. I think 40 million text messages are sent in UK every year. - No, I don't think so, I think 40 billion text messages are sent in UK every year.
2. I think keys are made of plastic. - No, I don't think so, I think keys are made of metal.
3. I think sushi is eaten in China. - No, I don’t think so, I think sushi is eaten in Japan.
4. I think cricket is played in England. - No, I don't think so, I think cricket is played in USA.
5. I think David Beckham's first son is called Romeo- No, I don't think so, I think David Beckham's first son is called Brooklyn.
6. I think 12 million new motorbikes are bought in USA every year. - No, I don't think so, I think 12 million new cars are bought in USA every year.
5. B. Use some of the prompts given and write four true sentences.
1. 40 billion text messages are sent in UK every year.
2. Keys are made of metal.
3. Cricket is played in England.
4. Sushi is eaten in japan.
Сторінка 98
1. A. What do you know about the Oscars? Listen, read and find out more.
A lot of famous actors receive some special prize for their work in the film.
Церемонія вручення премії «Оскар» - одна з найпопулярніших подій року. їх представляє Академія кінематографічних мистецтв і наук у Голлівуді. Перша церемонія вручення премії «Оскар» відбулася в 1929 році. Відтоді щороку ці спеціальні нагороди вручаються найкращим у кіноіндустрії. Є кілька категорій (наприклад, найкращий фільм, найкращий режисер, найкращий актор, найкраща актриса). Церемонію дивляться по телевізору мільйони людей у всьому світі.
Кожна нагорода Академії - це позолочена статуетка завдовжки 34,5 сантиметра (уся вага близько 4 кілограмів. Існує багато історій про те, чому її назвали «Оскар», але ця найпопулярніша: приблизно в 1931 році Маргарет Геррік, бібліотекарка Академій сказав про статуетку: «Вона схожа на дядька Оскара!» Найбільше «Оскарів» отримали фільми: «Бен-Гур» (1959), «Титанік» (1997) і «Володар перснів: Повернення короля» (2003). Кожен фільм отримав по 11 нагород!
У фільмі 1962 року «Чудотворець» Петті Дьюк була нагороджена «Оскаром» за найкращу жіночу роль другого плану. За весь фільм вона сказала лише одне слово! Джуді Денч отримала "Оскар" за найкращу жіночу роль другого плану за 8-хвилинну роль у фільмі "Закоханий Шекспір" (1998). Вона зіграла роль королеви Єлизавети І.
Марлон Брандо отримав «Оскар» за найкращу чоловічу роль (1972) за свою роль у «Хатині хрещеного батька». Він був одним із небагатьох людей, які коли-небудь відмовилися від цього. Насправді він навіть не побував на церемонії!
1. B. Read again and answer the questions.
1. Where are the Oscars held? - The Oscars are held in Hollywood.
2. What happened in 1929? - The first Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929.
3. How tall is an Oscar award? - It is 34.5 centimeters tall.
4. How many Oscars did Titanic win? - Titanic won 11 Oscars.
5. What was unusual about Patty Duke's performance? - She won an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
6. Who did Dame Judi Dench play in Shakespeare in Love? - She played the role of Queen Elizabeth I.
7. What did Marlon Brando do when he won an Oscar for the film The Godfather? - He refused it.
Сторінка 99
2. Complete with the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. The role of Frodo was given to Elijah Wood.
2. Tina and Jane weren’t invited to Amy's party Iasi week and they were very upset.
3. The film Slumdog Millionaire was awarded eight Oscars in 2009.
4. We were told not to open this door.
5. The two buildings were bought by a large company last month.
6. Who was this book written by?
3. B. Read the words and underline the silent letters. Then listen and check your answers.
two; receipt; island;
answer; knee; autumn
walk; sign; through
4. A. Talk in pairs. Form questions using the prompts below and the Past Simple Passive, and try to guess the answers. Then check the answers with your teacher.
1. Who were the Harry Potter books written by? - By J.K. Rowling.
2. Who were the The Lord of the Rings written by? - By J.R.R. Tolkien.
3. When was the first laptop made? - Around 1980.
4. Who was Lara Croft played by? - By Angelina Jolie.
5. How much was youtube.com sold for? - For $1.65 billion.
6. When was the Mickey Mouse created by Walt Disney? - In 1928.
7. Which actress was given Oscar for the film The Reader? - Kate Winslet.
8. How much was spent on Spider - Man 3? - $ 258 million.
4. B. Use some of the prompts above and write four true sentences.
The Harry Potter books were written by J.K. Rowling.
Youtube.com was sold for $1.65 billion.
The Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney in 1928.
Kate Winslet was given Oscar for the film The Reader.
Сторінка 100
1. Which the words below do you know? Match them with their definitions a-f. Then listen and check your answers.
1. acting - b. the performance(s) in a film;
2. leading actor - d. the person who stars in a film;
3. special effects - f. unusual and exciting images or sounds in a film, usually made with computers;
4. scene - e. a part of a film or play;
5. plot - a, the story of a film;
6. soundtrack - c. the music which is heard in a film.
2. A. Read the text and complete the table.
Title of film: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Year: 2009
Type of film: adventure
Leading actors: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams
Director: Shawn Levy
Opinion | + | - | + |
Acting: | + | ||
Plot: | + | ||
Soundtrack: | + | ||
Special effects: | + |
Сторінка 101
2. B. Complete the table below about your favourite film or about a film you've recently seen. Then talk in pairs.
Title of film: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Year: 2003
Type of film: adventure
Leading actors: Jonny Depp, Orlando Blum
Director: Jerry Bruckheimer
Acting: excellent
Plot: interesting
Soundtrack: excellent
Special effects: excellent
2. C. Read and then circle the correct words in the sentences 1-7. 1-who; 2-stars; 3-that; 4-were filmed; 5-directed; 6-which; 7-is played
1. In this film, Daniel Craig Is the hero who tries to save the world.
2. My favourite actress stars in this film.
3. Nobody should miss It especially people that love adventure.
4. Most of the scenes were filmed in New York City.
5. Clint Eastwood directed this film.
6. I was very disappointed by the film which I saw last night.
7. Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther films is played by Steve Martin.
2. D. Write about your favourite film or a film you have recently seen. Use the information from activity B and follow the plan below.
Recently I have seen the film called «Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl». It is an adventure film which came out in 2003. The leading roles played Jonny Depp and Orlando Blum. The film was directed by Jerry Bruckheimer. The film is about pirates which want to find treasures to receive their life back.
I think that the film is wonderful as acting was excellent. I like the plot and the effects. It was interesting to watch it as everything was unpredictable. I definitely recommend to watch this film.
Сторінка 102
Read the song and choose the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.
I can't (1) believe it's real I got a record deal
I'm doing really well My (2) albums always sell
I've hit the big time I've got fast cars
I've hit the big time I'm going to go (3) far
I've hit the big time I've got fast cars
I've hit the big time I'm a (4) pop superstar!
I won an (5) award in France I Just wanted to dance
(6) Fans love me for sure Soon I'll be on tour!
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