ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 535, icon0

Unit 1a
Сторінка 8
A. Find seven school subjects in the grid. Then write them under the correct picture.
1. Art
2. Chemistry
3. ICT
4. Geography
5. History
6. Maths
7. PE
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. I like modern dances like hip hop and R&B. They're great fun.
2. John is 13 years old. He's in secondary school.
3. We always have PE in the gym.
4. On Friday mornings I have chemistry in the science lab.
5. We start classes at 8:30 in the morning.
6. I practice the guitar for 2 hours every day.
7. This school's got excellent facilities.
8. We learn three languages at our school.
C. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Tina and Mary are sisters but also best friends. When they (1) get home from school in the afternoon, they (2) do their homework. Then they (3) listen to music and (4) talk. In the evening, Tina (5) plays computer games and Mary (6) watches TV. Mary (7) doesn't like computer games.
Сторінка 9
D. Complete with do, does, don't or doesn't.
1. A: Do your friends go to the cinema every weekend?
B: Well, they don't go to the cinema but they watch DVDs every weekend.
2. 2. A: Does Rob play tennis in his free time?
B: Yes, he does.
3. A: Does Sandra want to become a dancer?
B: No. she doesn't. She wants to become a singer.
4. A: Do you like your new school?
B: No, I don't. It's very small.
E. Circle the correct words.
(1) On weekdays I haven't got free time because I've got homework every day. So, (2) at the weekend I want to have fun. (3) On Saturday mornings I get up (4) after eleven o'clock, have a big breakfast and go to the park with my friends. We play football (5) till two o'clock and then I go home and have lunch with my family. (6) After lunch I play computer games or watch TV and (7) in the evenings my friends and I go to a fast food restaurant. (8) On Sundays I get up (9) at ten and (10) at midday I have lunch with my best friend. (11) In the evening I go to the cinema or watch a DVD. Then it's back to school (12) on Monday.
F. Complete with the sentences a-f.
Interviewer. Hello, I'm from Teen Life magazine. Can I ask you some questions about your school? Jennifer Sure.
Interviewer. Thank you. (1) f. How many teachers work at your school?
Jennifer. About fifteen, I think.
Interviewer. (2) a. How many students are there?
Jennifer. I don't know. There are thirty in my class.
Interviewer OK. And... (3) c. What time do classes start?
Jennifer. At 8:30 a.m. and they finish at 4 p.m.
Interviewer. That's seven and a half hours. (4) b. What's the name of your school?
Jennifer. Summerled.
Interviewer. Ahh... OK. (5) d. What are your favourite subjects?
Jennifer. I like art and music. (6) e. They're great fun.

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