ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare 7. Workbook [Трелоар Ф., Скрипник І.] 2024

icon05.10.2024, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon886, icon0

Розділ 1:
Сторінка 4:
Вправа 1 (словник): Розташуйте літери у правильному порядку, щоб утворилися
1 - polite
2 - helpful
3 - friendly
4 - popular
5 - active
6 - kind
7 - lazy
8 - quite
9 - creative
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення словами з вправи 1.
1. On Saturdays, he gets up late and watches TV or funny videos online all day. He's (lazy).
2. She smiles all the time and talks to everyone. She's (friendly).
3. He always says 'please' and 'thank you' and listens to his teachers. He's (polite).
4. He cleans his mum's car and always offers to wash the dishes. He's (helpful).
5. Everyone likes her and wants to be her friend. She's (popular).
6. They go walking or cycling most weekends. They're (active).
7. She makes her own clothes and she loves drawing. She's (creative).
8. He's never angry and always says nice things to people. He's (kind).
9. She doesn't talk a lot and likes reading and painting. She's (quite).
Вправа 1 (граматика): Розподіліть слова і фрази у колонки таблиці.
Present simple
every Monday, often, twice a week
Present continuous
at the moment, now, this week, today
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення формою present simple чи present continuous дієслів з рамки.
1. Му sister (plays) tennis at school every Monday. She's (playing) in the park today.
2. Mum often (listens) to music on the radio. But at the moment she's (listening) to it on her phone.
3. My brother usually (does) his homework in his room. He's (doing) it in the library today.
4. My sister (has) violin lessons twice a week. This week she's (having) a piano lesson, too.
Сторінка 5:
Вправа 3: Оберіть правильне дієслова, щоб доповнити речення.
1. What do you usually do at the weekends?
2. My mum is teaching me how to make bread at the moment.
3. We don't go to the park after school on Wednesdays.
4. Are you having your dinner now?
5. My parents don't play golf on Saturdays.
Вправа 4: Складіть речення у формі present simple чи present continuous.
1. They are playing football in the park now.
2. My brother goes to the cinema on Friday evenings.
3. He visits his cousins on Sunday afternoons.
4. My parents are shopping in the supermarket at the moment.
5. We meet in the cafe every Saturday.
6. She usually sees her friends at the weekend.
Вправа 5: Виправте помилки у реченнях.
1. Every day in the morning we (eat) soup.
2. She (studies) medicine at Odesa University.
3. Anna goes to college every day. She (is) learning English this term.
4. I (am writing) this email because I want to tell you about my last trip.
5. My brother (is playing) a board game at the moment because he's bored of computers.
Вправа 1 (словник): Прочитайте листа. Потім доповніть особисті данні нижче.
1) Adam
2) Price
3) 15 years old
4) -
5) 07662012976
6) adampr45@kmail.com
Вправа 2: Доповніть розмову запитаннями продавця.
1) what is your surname
2) what is your first name
3) What is your address
4) What is your mobile or home number
5) What is your email
Сторінка 6:
Вправа 1: Прочитайте блог та оберіть А чи В.
1 - В
2 - А
3 - В
4 - В
Вправа 2: Прочитайте блог ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Her first name is Sofia.
2. Her surname is Marcos.
3. She is 21 years old.
4. Her address is 28 Spring Street.
5. Her first language is Spanish.
6. She learns about history in books.
7. She is good at swimming.
8. She would like to learn the violin.
Сторінка 7:
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Послухайте, як вчитель розповідає класу про похід. Оберіть (V) правильні речення.
B - V
D - V
Вправа 2: Послухайте ще раз та доповніть речення числом чи словом.
1. The teacher is telling Class (4B) about this year's camping trip.
2. Their trip is to (France).
3. They are on the trip for (5) nights.
4. The trip costs £(180).
5. (52) students from the school can go on the trip.
6. At the campsite, you can play (badminton) in the sports hall.
7. Students can win a (reward) for cooking and art.
8. Students must give their forms to the teacher on (Monday) next week.
Вправа 1 (письмова): Прочитайте листа. Потім поєднайте запитання з відповідями.
1 - е
2 - f
3 - а
4 - g
5 - d
6 - b
7 - h
8 - е
Вправа 2: Наступного року ви збираєтеся провести місяць в Об'єднаному Королівстві у британській школі. Доповніть листа, як у Миколи, щодо себе.
Ні! I'm Olena, and I'm going to be a student at your school in June. My teacher will send this message to your teacher. I'd like to get to know somebody before I come. Can you write back to me and tell me about yourself?
Here's a bit about myself, I'm 13 years old, and I live on Shevchenko Street in Cherkassy city.
I live with my parents and my younger sister. She's eight. In my free time, I play piano and make jewellery. I really love earrings! I also like baking. When I come to Britain, I will make my cherry pie. My grandmother taught me to make pies. I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes, Olena

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