ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare 7. Workbook [Трелоар Ф., Скрипник І.] 2024

icon05.10.2024, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon886, icon0

Розділ 4:
Сторінка 16:
Вправа 1 (словник): Роздивіться фото. Які речення правдиві (V), а які хибні?
1 - Х
2 - Х
3 - V
4 - V
5 - Х
6 - Х
7 - V
8 - Х
9 - V
Вправа 2: Доповніть відповіді на запитання деякими виділеними словами з вправи 1.
1. Where do you wash the dishes? in the kitchen (sink).
2. Where do you keep a car? in a (garage).
3. What do you open to get into and out of a field or a garden? a (gate).
4. In a first - floor apartment, where can you go outside? on the (balcony).
5. When you are inside a room, what do you see when you look up? the (ceiling).
6. Which floor is below the first floor in a building? the (ground floor).
7. In a kitchen, where can you keep plates and cups? in a (cupboard).
Вправа 1 (граматика): Поєднайте частини речень.
1 - е
2 - а
3 - d
4 - е
5 - b
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслова з дужок.
1. Marta (was swimming) in the sea when it (started) raining heavily.
2. Charlie (phoned) while you (were playing) football.
3. Dina (was walking) home from the sports club when she her French teacher, Mr Roland.
4. Jim's mum (bought) his birthday present while he (was playing) tennis at the club.
5. Sarah (was watching) a film in the cinema when someone (took) her bag.
6. Bruna and I (were flying) to London when a storm (began).
7. It was very busy in our house at seven o'clock this morning. While I (was making) breakfast, my mum (was talking) on the phone, my dad (was cleaning) the floor and my sisters (were playing) with the dog.
8. Katie (was doing) her homework when her best friend (arrived) to see her.
Сторінка 17:
Вправа 3: Виправте три підкреслені речення у листі.
1. I watched it with my family.
2. We danced, ate and drank.
3. We laid on the beach every day.
Вправа 1 (словник): Знайдіть ще десять прикметників.
Вправа 2: Який прикметник утворюють літери у сірих комірках?
Вправа 3: Оберіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.
1. The weather in my country is really hot in the summer, so it is difficult to keep our house cool.
2. You can't hear anything in my bedroom, only the birds in the garden - it's very peaceful.
3. It is unusual for a 15 - year - old to have their own flat.
4. It's always very light in our house because all the rooms have really big windows.
5. Tourists often take photos of my uncle and aunt's house because it is so big and attractive.
6. I always sit on our big sofa to watch TV because it is the most comfortable place to sit in our flat.
7. My sister is painting her apartment yellow and pink. She loves bright colours.
Вправа 4: Напишіть опис дому вашого знайомого.
Му friend's family has a pretty big house. It has a ground floor and a first floor. There is a garage and the entrance on the ground floor. The first floor has two balconies! We like to sit there. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. The kitchen and the living room are situated on the ground floor. The house is painted light green outside and I like it a lot!
Сторінка 18:
Вправа 1: Прочитайте опис будинків 1 - 3 та поєднайте їх з фото А - С.
1 - В
2 - А
3 - С
Вправа 2: Якого будинку стосується кожне речення? Напишіть 1, 2 чи 3. Іноді можливо декілька відповідей.
1) 1
2) 3
3) 2, 3
4) 2, 3
5) 2
6) 1, 2, З
7) З
8) 2
Сторінка 19:
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Для кожного запитання оберіть правильну картинку.
1 - В
2 - С
3 - В
4 - С
5 - С
Вправа 1 (письмова): Роздивіться три зображення. Напишіть розповідь за зображеннями. Напишіть 35 слів чи більше.
While Andrew was watching football on TW, two his friends came. They brought pizza. Andrew was really hungry and he was glad to see them. They was eating when Andrew get ketchup on his pans. When Andrew's sister Jane came, boys were sitting on the sofa, but there was no pizza for her. She took a picture of them and boys were really sorry.

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