ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит з граматики [Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon132, icon0

Сторінка 16
1. Match.
1. Why did Ed make this cake? - c. To give it to Ann on her birthday.
2. When did you wash it up? - f. 15 minutes ago.
3. What did they tell you? - e. They told me to go outside.
4. What happened yesterday? - g. We lost the keys.
5. Who helped you with this? - d. Jay did.
6. Where did Pam find that? - b. In the kitchen.
7. Which knife did Fred use? - a. This one.
2. Put wh-questions to the answers below.
1. Who cleaned her room? - Helen cleaned her room.
2. When did Bill come back? - Bill came back at 8 o'clock.
3. Where did they have a walk? - In the park. They had a walk there.
4. Who split the beans? - Rick and Ron did. They split the beans.
5. Why did you sit down? - I sat down because I was tired.
6. Which cat made that sound? - This one. This cat made that sound.
3. Fill in was or were.
1. Why was I so mad?
2. When were you ready?
3. Who was so beautiful?
4. Which glasses were the best?
5. Where were they?
6. What was interesting?
7. Why were the kids here?
8. When was he in Kyiv?
Сторінка 17
4. Turn the sentences into wh-questions, as in the example.
1. You were late then. When were you late?
2. Jack was in the pool. Where was Jack?
3. This was the problem. What was the problem?
4. The kids were happy because the lesson was over. Why were the kids happy?
5. Nancy was at the cafe. Where was Nancy?
6. Adam and Leila were in the room at 7 pm. Where were Adam and Leila at 7 pm?
7. The shoes were on the floor. Where were the shoes?
8. We were outside two hours ago. Where were you two hours ago?
9. Bella was at school that day. Where was Bella that day?
5. Circle the correct verb.
1. Which one was your idea?
2. When did you go there?
3. Who was with Mia?
4. What did you do then?
5. Why were the students outside?
6. Who did your chores?
7. Where were your friends last week?
8. Why did Ted make this presentation?
6. Work in pairs. Interview your partner about last Sunday. Ask: what he/she did, when exactly he/she did it, where and why he/she did it, who was there with him/her and if he/she was happy/sad/tired, etc. in the end. Make notes and then tell the class about him/her.
NOTES: What did you do last Sunday? - I went to the park.
When exactly did you do it? - I went in the morning, around 10 AM. Where did you go? - I went to the central park with my friends.
How did you feel by the end of the day? - I felt relaxed and happy after spending time outdoors.
Сторінка 19
1. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.
1. Chad was doing the gardening then.
2. We were making a cake at that time.
3. I was drawing while Ed was reading.
4. Kelly was not washing the dishes for 20 minutes.
5. My parents were not sleeping for hours last night.
6. Sam was not cooking while we were hoovering.
b) Make your own three positive and three negative sentences in the Past Continuous.
1. I was studying for my exams all evening.
2. They were playing soccer in the park when it started to rain.
3. She was reading a fascinating book during her lunch break.
4. He was not watching TV while I was cooking dinner.
5. We were not traveling last summer due to the pandemic.
6. The kids were not sleeping when I checked on them.
2. Match.
1. Was Carl talking about the news? - e. Yes, he was.
2. Was Anita relaxing that evening? - f. No, she wasn't.
3. Was the music playing while you were mopping? - b. No, it wasn't.
4. Were you drying the dishes for half an hour? - c. Yes, I was.
5. Were we watching a film then? - d. No, we weren't.
6. Were the cats sleeping on the sofa? - a. Yes, they were.
Сторінка 20
3. Put the sentences into the correct order to make wh-questions.
1. What was happening in the garden?
2. Where were Charlie and Fred dancing?
3. Why were the kids jumping on the sofa?
4. Which machine was making that sound?
5. Who was singing in the room?
6. When were you doing the ironing?
4. Put wh-questions to the answers below.
1. Who was talking all that time?
- Jack was. He was talking all that time.
2. Where was Ann sweeping the floor?
- In the bathroom. Ann was sweeping the floor there.
3. When was Bill doing exercises?
- At 5 pm. Bill was doing exercises then.
4. Which tool were you using?
- This one. I was using this electric saw.
5. What were you fixing?
- We were fixing the washing machine.
6. Why were they helping Sue?
- They were helping Sue because she asked them to.
Сторінка 22
1. Match.
1. What did Rick do yesterday? - a. Bob did.
2. Who did you see at the cafe? - e. Tara.
3. Where did Chuck go last year? - f. To Japan.
4. Which apron did Jackson wear? - h. The longer one.
5. What dishwasher did you buy? - c. They were dirty.
6. When did Sarah dry the dishes? - d. Ten minutes ago.
7. Why did Tim take the clothes away? - g. This one.
8. Who used the microwave last time? - b. He went to the supermarket.
2. Turn the sentences into wh-questions, as in the example.
1. Paul made this mess. Who made this mess?_
2. Bella went to the shop Where did Bella go?
3. I read a great book. What did you read?
4. Steve bought this fridge. What did Steve buy?
5. We broke the dishwasher. What did we break?
6. The dog scared Diane. Who did the dog scare?
7. They smiled because they were happy. Why did they smile?
8. You hoovered the kitchen a day ago. When did you hoover the kitchen?
9. I cleaned that room yesterday. What room did you clean yesterday?
3. Circle the correct verb.
1. Who was angry at Gregory?
2. When were you in the house?
3. What was so good about that?
4. Where were the kids back then?
5. Why was Ann upset?
6. Which kettle was dirty?
7. Why were your friends here?
8. When were they so happy?
4. Fill in did, was or were.
1. Where were you then?
2. When were they here?
3. Why did I do that?
4. When did he Leave?
5. Who was in the bathroom?
6. Which idea did you choose?
7. What was in the garden?
8. Who did Sue meet?
Сторінка 23
5. а) Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.
1. I was cleaning the room for 30 minutes.
2. Edward was mopping the floor back then.
3. We were not walking the dog in the park.
4. The kids were not watching TV from 2 to 4 pm.
5. They were dancing while the music was playing.
6. You were not cooking meat and salad for two hours.
b) Put questions to the answers below.
1. Was Dave hoovering? - No, he wasn't. Dave wasn't hoovering.
2. Was the sun shining all day? - Yes, it was. The sun was shining all day.
3. Were your friends diving? - No, they weren't. My friends weren't diving.
4. Were you sleeping for an hour? - Yes, you were. You were sleeping for an hour.
5. Were you listening to the song then? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't listening to the song then.
6. Were you sweeping the floor there? - Yes, we were. We were sweeping the floor there.
6. Put the words into the correct order to make wh-questions. Then answer them.
What were you doing at 6 pm yesterday? - I was having dinner.
Why was your brother cooking? - He was cooking for a family gathering.
When did it rain last time? - It rained last week.
Who was talking to you for a few minutes? - Sarah was talking to me. Where were your relatives relaxing all day? - They were relaxing at the beach.
Which book were you reading back then? - I was reading "The Great Gatsby."
What was your best friend doing from 5 to 6 pm yesterday? - He was studying for his exams.
Why were your friends laughing at you? - They were laughing because I told a funny joke.
7. Match.
1. What were they doing then? - d. Cleaning the bathroom.
2. Why were you so angry? - e. No one listened to me.
3. When did Ron go there? - f. Yesterday at 5 pm.
4. Who fixed the oven? - b. Jay did.
5. Who was screaming? - c. Ricky was.
6. Where was Kim Last night? - a. At the cinema.
8. Put wh-questions to the answers below.
1. Where were you walking the dog? - In the park. I was walking the dog there.
2. Who was hoovering? - Edna was hoovering.
3. When were you waiting for him? - At 8 am. We were waiting for him then.
4. Who was drying the dishes at that time? - Mike was. He was drying the dishes at that time.
5. Why was John laughing? - John was laughing because the joke was funny.
6. Who were standing right here? ~ Jake and Jo were. They were standing right here.
7. Which parrot was singing all the time? - That one. That parrot was singing all the time.
8. How long were the children sleeping? - The children were sleeping for an hour.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2024 Карпюк Лібра Терра НУШ
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