ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
2c Look out!
Сторінка 221. Match the verbs related to accidents with the pictures 1-5. Then listen and check your answers.
1 - knock over; 2 - trip over; 3 - spill; 4 - slip (on); 5 - step on.
2. B. Read the comic strip. Choose the best last line for Mr Baxter to say. Then listen and check your answers.
b. Someone please fix the lights before we have any more accidents!
Сторінка 23
2. D. Read again. What happened when the lights went out? Put the sentences in order. Write 1-6.
1 - Penny fell down and sprained her ankle;
2 - Ken tripped;
3 - Ken spilt hot tea on Linda;
4 - Linda screamed;
5 - Jake ran to help Linda;
6 - Jake knocked over Mr Baxter.
3. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. I was running in the garden when I trap, fell and hit my knee on a rock.
2. While I was riding my bike, a cat jumped out in front of me.