ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2021
8 Клас / Англійська мова,
30 755,
p. 85, ex. 2. Write these verbs in the Past Continuous form.2. I was playing. 3. They were listening. 4. He was swimming. 5. You were phoning. 6. It was raining. 7. We were eating. 8. She was waiting.
2. Я грався. 3. Вони слухали. 4. Він плавав. 5. Ви телефонували. 6. Йшов дощ. 7. Ми їли. 8. Вона чекала.
p. 83, ex. 3. Change these sentences from the Past Simple Tense to the Past Continuous Tense.
1. They were playing yesterday. 2. We were shopping all day. 3. It was snowing in Hawaii. 4. I was baking some bread. 5. She was sleeping.
1. Вони грали вчора. 2. Ми цілий день робили покупки. 3. На Гаваях випав сніг. 4. Я пекла трохи хліба. 5. Вона спала.
p. 86, ex. 4. Complete with was or were.
Harry was helping his friend with homework.
Harry’s brothers were playing football in the garden.
His mother was reading a book.
His father and grandfather were repairing the car.
His grandmother was watching TV.
His dog and cat were sleeping in their baskets.
Гаррі допомагав своєму другові з домашнім завданням.
Брати Гаррі грали у футбол у саду.
Його мати читала книгу.
Його батько і дід ремонтували машину.
Його бабуся дивилася телевізор.
Його собака і кіт спали у своїх кошиках.
p. 86, ex. 5. Complete with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Jill’s friend was cutting her hair in a bathroom.
Jill’s mum was putting stamps on a lot of letters.
Jill’s dad was studying some brochures about computers.
Jill’s cousin was writing a book report.
Jill’s grandparents were flying to Paris.
Their next-door neighbours were jogging in the park
Подруга Джилл стригла її у ванній кімнаті.
Мама Джилл виставляла штампи на багатьох листах.
Батько Джилл вивчав брошури про комп’ютери.
Двоюрідний брат Джилл писав звіт про книгу.
Бабуся і дідусь Джилл летіли до Парижа.
Їхні сусідні сусіди бігали бігом у парку
p. 87, ex. 6. Make sentences with while
a) While Harry was doing homework his brother was watching TV. b) While Bob was brushing his teeth his father was listening to music, c) While Mary was reading a book her friends were walking around the shopping centre, d) While Veronica and Pat were exchanging text messages their parents were playing cards, e) While I was talking on the phone my pets were fighting in the garden, f) While the teacher was waiting for the bus the traffic was moving slowly.
а) Поки Гаррі виконував домашнє завдання, його брат дивився телевізор. б) Поки Боб чистив зуби, його батько слухав музику, в) Поки Мері читала книгу, її друзі гуляли по торговому центру, г) Поки Вероніка і Пат обмінювалися текстовими повідомленнями, їхні батьки грали в карти, д) Поки я розмовляв по телефону, мої домашні тварини билися в саду, f) Поки вчитель чекав автобуса, рух рухався повільно.
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