ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2021

icon12.09.2021, icon8 Клас / Англійська мова, icon15 502, icon0

Unit 3. Lessons 3–4. Books Today
1. Look at the pictures. Say how the book has changed since ancient times.
The book has changed greatly since ancient times. First the Celts carved runes on the stones and the Slavs wrote on the bark of a birch tree. Then Egyptians used papyrus. And modern people print books nowadays.
3. Read the text and choose the best title for it.
C. All books are here to stay
4. Answer the questions.
1. We can find the personal opinion of the writer in the first paragraph.
2. We can find a thought provoking fact to get the reader interested in the subject in the second paragraph.
3. We can find the emphasis on the difference between owning a traditional book and an e-book in the third paragraph.
4. We can find an argument about which type of books will be used in future in the fourth paragraph.
5. a) Look through the text of Ex. 3 on p. 67. Find and write down the sentences in the Future Simple Passive Voice.
1. With time, these gadgets will be used more and more, and electronic books will be read by almost everybody. What will be used more and more with time? What will be read by almost everybody?
2. The moment you pay for it, the text will be shown on your screen. When will the text be shown on your screen? What will be shown on your screen the moment you pay for it?
3. I am sure I will be joined by other book lovers around the world. Who will I be joined by? Where will I be joined by other book lovers?
6. Write sentences in the Future Simple Passive Voice. Use the verbs from the word bank.
1. The film about Tom Sawyer will be shown on TV tonight.
2. The new' library will be built in the city centre.
3. The writer will be met at the airport tomorrow.
4. An interesting fairy tale will be told in the evening.
5. This book will be given next week.
6. The last issue of the magazine will be published in three days.
7. Look and order the pictures. Describe the process of making a book. Use the Future Simple Passive Voice.
F. The trees will be cut in the forest.
A. The wood will be delivered to the paper factory.
B. The wood will be turned into substance.
D. The substance will be turned into paper.
C The paper will be cut into sheets.
E. The sheets of paper will be turned into books.
8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Passive Voice. Then write negative sentences and questions.
1. This book will be discussed at the lesson of World Literature. This book will not be discussed at the lesson of World Literature. Will this book be discussed at the lesson of World Literature?
2. The pupils of our class will be taken on an excursion next Friday. The pupils of our class will not be taken on an excursion next Friday. Will the pupils of our class be taken on an excursion next Friday?
3. The composition about Rob Roy will be written tomorrow. The composition about Rob Roy will not be written tomorrow. Will the composition about Rob Roy be written tomorrow?
4. The catalogue of books will be made next week. The catalogue of books will not be made next week. Will the catalogue of books be made next week?
5. The dictionary will be used while reading the text in English. The dictionary will not be used while reading the text in English. Will the dictionary be used while reading the text in English?
6. This information will be included in the new edition of the encyclopedia. This information will not be included in the new edition of the encyclopedia. Will this information be included in the new edition of the encyclopedia?
7. The school library will be visited tomorrow. The school library will not be visited tomorrow. Will the school library be visited tomorrow?

iconГДЗ 8 клас Підручник Генеза Англійська мова 2021 Несвіт
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