ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2021

icon12.09.2021, icon8 Клас / Англійська мова, icon14 829, icon0

Unit 5. Lesson 10. Different Countries, Different Customs...
2. Listen and read the dialogue. Say what Olia tells Ann about the Scottish traditions.
Olia tells Ann about Scottish traditions of the Highland Games and the Eisteddfod Festival in Wales.
3. Choose the correct pronouns to complete the sentences.
1. I went to the Bakers’ house this morning but there was nobody at home.
2. The fridge is empty. We need to buy something for dinner tonight.
3. I don’t want to talk to Stewart. I don’t have anything to say to him.
4. I’ve left my wallet at home. Can somebody lend me a bit of money?
6. Write questions to the sentences given below
1. What penfriends do you want to visit? Whom do you want to visit?
2. Where has Taras never been? Who has never been to Northern Ireland?
3. Who wore a kilt when he was in Scotland? Where did you wear kilt?
4. When will Brian watch a rugby match? What will Brian watch next Saturday?

iconГДЗ 8 клас Підручник Генеза Англійська мова 2021 Несвіт
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