ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon71 368, icon18

Unit 2.
Lesson 2. Career Choices
2. Complete the sentences based on the article.
a) It’s never too early to begin thinking about my future career,
b) Changes in the world will affect the jobs available,
c) We often speak of full-time jobs or part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs,
d) People may lose their jobs and become unemployed and have to look for new jobs,
e) Some jobs require special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours,
f) In their career choices some people are influenced by certain people or certain events, and a lot of people are encourages by their teachers, parents and friends, some follow in someone’s footsteps,
g) Your aptitudes are your natural abilities or talents,
h) Skills are the learnt capacities for doing something,
i) Specialized training opens up even more job opportunities.
3. Answer the questions.
1. One of the most important decisions in life of any personality is to choose the right career or occupation.
2. Choosing a career isn’t easy, because you should keep in mind your interests, your aptitudes, your skills, computer literacy, education and list of highly demanded jobs in the future.
3. The phrase ‘to take a good look at yourself means to realize all your own strong and weak sides (aptitudes and skills) as they are to know which occupations will fit you better.
4. Four questions can help me to focus on aptitudes: 1) In what school subjects I get the highest marks? 2) What talents and natural abilities do I seem to have? 3) What do I think I could learn to do well? 4) What do other people think I could do?
5. Career officers, teachers and parents can help young people to have good training.
6. The examples of skills that can be useful are communication and computer skills.
7. Education is important because it gives more chances in future career prospects.
8. Specialized training is available in vocational high school, in a college, in vocational-technical school, through on-the-job training.
4. Fill in with the words ‘job’, ‘profession’, ‘occupation’ or ‘career’.
a. — How long has Linda been unemployed? — She’s been looking for a job for two months;
b. Please, write your occupation on this form and hand it in;
c. His career as a boxer came to an end after that fight;
d. My mother is a doctor. I like this profession and I may follow her in her footsteps.
5a. Read the text below and guess the missing word and the job which is described.
It’s a postman.
...I take posts to 250 addresses... I really like it when I give somebody a letter and it makes them happy.
6. Find the names of jobs in the snake below and match right descriptions to them.
A bodyguard travels with someone important and protects them from attack.
A plumber repairs toilets, baths and sinks.
A hairdresser cuts and does ladies’ hair.
A pilot operates and controls a plane.
A spy tries to get secret information about another country.
A nurse helps a doctor to look after sick people.
A car mechanic repairs cars.
A housekeeper shops, cooks and cleans the house for someone.
An architect designs houses and buildings.
A programmer writes programmes for computers.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Підручник Либра Терра 2017 Карпюк
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icon 12.05.2019

1 a) Відгадайте назви цих українських міст.
1. Символом міста є знамениті Потьомкінські сходи на Приморському бульварі.
Відомі сходи в Одесі.
2. Це курорт, який відомий своєю лікувальною водою «Нафтуся».
Найвідоміша мінеральна вода Трускавця.
3. Місто розташоване на правому березі Десни, приблизно в 150 км від Києва і є одним з найстаріших міст України.
4. У цьому місті Івано-Франківської області є музей Писанка, єдиний у світі музей, в якому експонуються твори писанської живопису.
В місті Коломия.
5. Це місто і районний центр Закарпатської області, відомий своєю чарівною фортецею Паланок 14-17 століть.
Замок у закарпатському місті Мукачево.
6. Хортиця - історико-культурний заповідник, що знаходиться в цьому місті.
Острів Хортиця в місті Запоріжжі.
7. Це місто в Черкаській області, де є унікальний парк, побудований бельгійським інженером Л. Метлецем на прохання графа С. Потоцького і названий на честь дружини Софії.
Знаменитий парк «Софіївка» в Умані.

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Саша, добавив.

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