ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 623, icon0

Unit 2.
Lesson 2. Career Choices
Read the statements and write in 'T' if it is true or 'F' if it is false.
F 1 It's too early to begin thinking about your future career.
T 2 Any person may have several jobs during his/her lifetime.
T 3 People can work from home using the Internet.
F 4 Each job or profession needs the same requirements.
T 5 You can change your mind lots of times before you'll choose your afterschool career.
F 6 Your interests don't matter when you choose a profession.
T 7 You'll use careers officers' help to choose your future career.
F 8 You should be able to use English and a computer in any job.
T 9 You've started getting special skills already.
Complete the sentences with the information about yourself.
1 As I am fond of PE I think I'll take up additional training.
2 Most of all I am keen on volleyball that is why I often take part in volleyball competition.
3 I think I am capable of swimming so I go to the swimming pool twice a week.
4 What really interests me is my physical health.
5 I am afraid I don't care much about my lessons.
6 What matters most to me is development of my personal talents.
7 My parents think my talents are unlimited, but I should work hard to develop them.
8 I have always dreamt about becoming a famous sportsmen. 
9 I would definitely consider my parents's advice.
10 I intend to apply to medical university.
11 I have always thought that I can become a good doctor.
12 My ambition is to make people healthy and happy.
13 I wouldn't mind of becoming a sportsman, but I think, I could help people. 
14 I can define myself as a determined and persistent person.
15 In the near future I am going to take extra classes in biology and English. 
Find the sentences with the names of jobs or professions.
1 A person who deals with office correspondence and records is a secretary.
2 A person whose job is to treat sick animals is a vet.
3 A person who checks in and out books and give advice on what to read is a librarian.
4 A person who gets coal from under the ground is a miner.
5 A person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a stevedore.
6 A person whose job is to cook in a restaurant is a cook.
7 A person who sells newspapers and magazines is a paperboy.
8 A person who works in a government office is a official.
9 A person whose job is to help people buy and sell houses is a real estate agent.
10 A person who designs buildings is an architect.
4a) You are going to interview an adult (your parents/teacher/ neighbour) about what made him/her choose his/her profession. Prepare eight questions to interview him/her.
1) Why did you choose such profession?
2) Did your parents made you to choose such profession?
3) Was it your idea to take such profession?
4) Did you dream about such profession in your childhood?
5) Did you play role games acting your profession?
6) What school subjects provoked your interest to such profession?
7) Did you improve your skills to get such profession?
8) You made the right choice, didn't you? 
Complete the text with the present or past simple of the verbs in brackets.
Sandy Benson is a travel agent. She has her own company now but when she first started working she worked as a travel representative for different travel agencies. She travelled to many famous holiday resorts then and shelearned Italian and Spanish. It was not easy for her to be on the road all the time in those years, but she didn't mind because she met many people and saw a lot of great places. She does not so much these days but she stillloves her job. She especially enjoys putting together holidays for young people who don't have much money. She always finds interesting places at good prices.
Complete the text using the words from the box.
Helen Hunt is a careers officer in Manchester. She says that girls' career choices are changing. Careers officers are trying to make both sexes aware of all the job possibilities. Things don't change overnight.
People need to judge somebody's work by how a person does it, not by what sex somebody is. This problem begins at home where men and women don't share the housework equally in families where boys and girls do all kinds of housework, children are more open to different careers and jobs.
Complete the interview with the questions to the following answers.
Careers Officer: What is your name?
Meg: Meg Morton.
Careers Officer: Where do you live?
Meg: In Bristol.
Careers Officer: Are you a good pupil?
Meg: I'm a very good pupil.
Careers Officer: What subjects do you like?
Meg: I like history and geography.
Careers Officer: What are your marks in these subjects?
Meg: I've got an A in geography and a B in history.
Careers Officer: What subjects are difficult to you?
Meg: I have problems with maths. I hate maths.
Careers Officer: What are your hobbies?
Meg: I collect stamps. I really enjoy looking at my collection. You can learn so much from stamps.
Careers Officer: What profession would you like to choose?
Meg: I don't know for sure. Something like a travel agent or a tourist guide, I guess.
Careers Officer: Why?
Meg: Because I'd like to travel and meet interesting people.
Careers Officer:Thank you very much. I'd like you to make the right professional choice.
Read the letter and decide which answer ('a', 'b', 'c' or 'd') on page 52 best fits each space (1-10).
I am writing to you because I would like to become a journalist when I a (1) school. Since you are the editor of the local newspaper, I was hoping that you might be able to give me some advice about what I should do. I have written some articles a (2) my spare time and I am enclosing two of
them. I hope that you won't mind looking at them and telling me whether you think they are good or not. I would d (3) any comments you make because I am keen to learn. I also wonder if you could a (4) me about a few other matters.
Do you think it is better to do a b (5) in journalism at a college or to try to get a job as a junior reporter as soon as I finish school? Do newspapers prefer to c (6) people with a qualification in journalism or to train them c (7) they are actually doing the job?
Another question I would like to ask is, would you advise me to specialize d (8) one kind of reporting, such as politics, or is it advisable to know a little bit about a lot of subjects? I am sure that you are very busy but I would be grateful b (9) any advice you could give me. c (10), would it be
possible to come into the newspaper officers one day so that I could see how a real newspaper operates? I would welcome the opportunity to do that.
9a) Read what Claire says about her job.
She says that she is a pediatrician and that she loves her job although it can be very difficult.
She says that helping sick children makes her really happy. She says that the best thing about her job is when a child gets well.
She says that it's great when a child smiles again. Her little patients often write to her and even visit her after they leave the hospital. She says she would never change her job.
9b) Imagine Dr P. or Dr Q. tells about his job. What would he say? Write a paragraph.
He says that he is a surgeon and that he is very devoted to his job because it is very demanding profession.
He says that he can spend 24 hours at work without sleep and food, because the life of the patients is in his hands. He says that it is incomparable feeling when you help  other people and save their lives.
10 Fill in the gaps with the missing prepositions 'with', 'at', 'about', 'of', 'in', 'up' or 'about'.
1 Bruno is very good at Maths.
2 She has always been interested in foreign languages.
3 I'm going to take up Italian next month.
4 We are crazy about football.
5 He is sick and tired of school.
6 She is going to take part in a campaign against the fast food industry.
7 Peter has just got a job at an American company.
8 Bruno is very excited about his trip to Sweden.
12 Do the quiz.
1 What do you call a person who gives information about jobs? Careers officer
2 How do you say 'not modern'? Old-fashioned
3 What has become very important for most jobs? computer and communication skills
4 How do you say 'offer to do something'?  to advise
5 What is another word for a job or profession? occupation
6 How do you say 'make better'? improve
7 What do you say about someone who cannot hear very well?
He/she is thick of hearing
8 What do you say about something that is very easy to do?
It's a piece of cake.
14 Say who you would contact or call in the situations bellow. Match each situation in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column.
1 a filling has come out of one of your teeth → c a dentist
2 you need to have your hair cut → f a barber/hairdresser
3 you need legal advice → b a lawyer
4 your house is on fire → d a fireman
5 your granny's knee needs an operation → a a surgeon
6 in the shop you want advice on what sort of coffee to buy → g a shop assistant
7 all the lights in your house have gone out → i an electrician
8 your neighbour's flat has been burgled → j a policeman
9 you don't get on well with your parents → e a psychologist
10 your father needs somebody to help his firm with money problems → h an accountant

iconГДЗ 9 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2017 Карпюк Англійська мова Либра Терра
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