ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 623, icon0

Unit 3.
Lesson 2. Nature and the Environment
1. Read the sentences about the situation in the world today. Complete the missing words.
1 Today the world population is about six and a half billion.
2 The number of the people in the world is growing quickly.
3 In the future people will need more food, water, houses and energy.
4 Most children are born in poor countries.
5 It is getting warmer. The climate is changing.
6 This is called global warming.
7 Most scientists believe people are responsible for this change.
8 In the Arctic the ice is melting fast.
9 We buy new things and throw the old ones away. We produce a lot of rubbish.
10 Cars and factories pollute the air.
11 Many rivers and lakes are polluted.
12 We must save water today because in the future we may be thirsty.
13 There is less fish in the seas and oceans because there's too much fishing.
14 Many animal species are in danger.
Match the verb and the noun.
1 to turn offenergy
2 to throw awayrubbish
3 to sayyes
4 to cut downtrees
5 to protectnature
6 to savewater
Read the two texts about two teenagers sometime in the future. The world around each off them is different. Answer the questions on page 77.
What season is it? What day is it? It's spring. It's Saturday
What is the weather like for John? And for Jenny? It's very hot for John, and it's nice and fresh weather for Jenny.
Why isn't John's air conditioning working? Because there isn't enough electricity.
What does John see from his window? What does Jenny see from hers? John sees a dirty street without trees. Jenny sees a lot of trees.
Who will be able to take a shower? Jenny will be able to take a shower.
Who will have to use just a little water? John will have to use just a little water to wash his face.
Who will be able to have a big breakfast? Jenny will be able to have a big breakfast.
Who will have to stay at home all day? John will have to stay at home all day.
Where is Jenny going? She's going outside the city with her friends.
What will she be able to see? If she's lucky, she'll be able to see some wild animals.
What do you think? Will children in the future live in John's or Jenny's world. I hope the children in the future will live in Jenny's world.
Give short explanations of these four laws of ecology.
1 Everything is connected to everything else. Everything in our world is cyclical.
2 Everything must go somewhere. All our actions towards the nature, will have some result.
3 Nature knows best. Nature has the power to create new life.
4 There is no such thing as a free lunch. It's impossible to get something for nothing.
Match answers from the box below to make the interview.
Reporter: I'm at the Recycling Centre, and I'm talking to Arthur Collins. What materials can people recycle here?
4 We recycle a lot of materials — glass, paper, plastic, metal. We collect wood, too, and cardboard.
Reporter: I see. What things do most people bring to the Recycling Centre?
3 Most people recycle newspapers and magazines, glass bottles — and plastic bottles, too.
Reporter: I can see some metal cans over there.
2 Yes, people bring cans — and cardboard boxes, too.
Reporter: Are those things easy to recycle?
1 Yes, they are. The biggest problem is with things like televisions and computers, because they're made of' a lot of different materials — plastic, glass, rubber, metal. Some of the metals are very expensive, like silver and gold.
Choose the best way to define the meaning of each word and write it below the table.
Pollutionb) making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in
Environmenta) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live
Ecologya) natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment
Read the ideas and write at least 6 If-sentences.
1. If we collect cans, bottles and newspapers we will give them for recycling.
2. If pupils don't leave rubbish around our school, there will be clean and nice.
3. If we don't use paper towels, we will save a lot of trees.
4. If we don't leave water running in the toilet, we will save natural water resources.
5. If pupils don't destroy flowers and trees around our school, there will be nice place for rest.
6. If we plant some flowers, there will be nice flowerbed.
Use the words from the box to complete the sentences correctly.
Air, sea and land pollution is one of the biggest problems of our time. We produce a lot of garbage during our lifetime and we need to get rid of it. One solution to this problem is recycling. Ecology is the science that studies the environment.
Ecologists know that nuclear testing is very dangerous for the environment.
9. Fill in the gaps with the right words from the box.
Ana would like to go to an eco-camp this summer because there you stay close to nature all the time, you sleep in tents, explore the woods, feed the animals and learn about ways to save energy at home. She really enjoyed working with animals last year.
Lovro would like to go to a nature-awareness camp.
He loves animals. Learning about survival techniques sounds like fun, too. His cousin will go with him. Sleeping in tents on the solid ground is much better than sleeping on a yacht. Lovro will miss being plugged in, broadband and stuff.
But he'll learn about ecology and that's an issue he really cares about. He'd like to be an expert in that area some day.
10 Use should or shouldn't (and your creativity).
1. You shouldn't waste water.
2. You should save wild animals.
3. You should plant new trees.
4. You should control the usage of the electricity.
5. You should shorten the usage of the oil.
6. You shouldn't pollute rivers.
11 Complete tine sentences.
1 Don't waste water. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
2 Don't leave the lights turned on when you are not in the room.
3 Put old glass bottles into the bottle dumpster.
4 Don't turn on the heating. Put on a warm pullover if it's cold.
5 Switch off the TV when you are not watching it.
6 Don't go by car if you can walk, cycle or take the bus or tram.
13. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
A lot of animals and plants are becoming extinct because their natural habitat is being destroyed. Poachers kill elephants for their ivory tusks. Some organisations are trying to protect endangered species. The WHALE WATCH group helps stranded whales to get back to the sea as soon as possible.
14 Choose one of the endangered species and write a factfile according to the scheme below.
Factfile: Bisons (Buffalo)
Habitat: River valleys, prairies, plains.
Description: large, with hair on its head and shoulders
Food: grass, sedges
Young animals are called: calf
Their appearance: they look like big bull, with brown fur and beard
Length of life: 15 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity.
Why they are endangered: because of hunting and destruction of forests.
What is done to protect them: they are protected by animal activists and their life is controlled at the reserves and national parks.
15 First unjumble the questions (Q) then look at the factfiie and answer (A) them.
1 male / gorillas / heavy / mountain / How / are?
Q : How heavy are male mountain gorillas?
A : They are around 190 kg.
2 in / What / danger / gorillas / mountain / puts?
Q : What puts in danger mountain gorillas?
A : Humans puts in danger mountain gorillas.
3 big / can / How / gorillas / female / be / mountain?
Q : How big can be female mountain gorillas?
A : They can be up to 5 ft tall
4 live / do / mountain / Where / gorillas?
Q : Where do mountain gorillas live?
A : They live in rain forests in Central Africa
5 they/do/eat/What?
Q : What do they eat?
A : They eat mostly plants, some fruit tree bark
6 many / How / left / are / gorillas / in / the / mountain / world?
Q : How many mountain gorillas are left in the world?
A : Around 320 mountain gorillas are left in the world
7 like/are/they/What?
Q : What are they like?
A : They are human-like but very big and with hair all over the body
16 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 Last week a friend of mine, who is a naturalist, went to Africa to do research for an article about wild animals.
2 If you need any information on African wild animals, talk to Julie. She is an expert
3 The worst thing about poachers is that they hunt animals for money.
4 Can you name any other endangered animal besides gorillas and whales?
5 I love documentaries about wildlife, especially tigers.
6 My cat Kiss climbed the tallest tree in the garden. I had to call the firefighters to rescue it.
7 If you want to be a good scientist, then you have to dedicate your whole life to science.
8 There were ten people on the TV crew who were making a film about Zoo animals.
9 They were sailing a kilometre from shore when they saw a whale.
10 Naturalists study the natural world and protect it from those who destroy it.
18 Fill in the missing words.
1 We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
2 We have to take care of our environment because our lives depend on it.
3 Farmers and big companies are destroying rivers in South America.
4 Most countries now have laws to protect animals in danger.
5 Air pollution from factories and cars destroys people's health.
6 One of the ways to get rid of garbage is recycle.
7 The Earth is the planet we live on.
8 A great number of animals and plants have become extinct.
9 A lot of oil is spilled into oceans every year.
10 Greenpeace is an organisation that tries to protect the environment.
19 Put the dialogue into its logical order. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Teacher: A group of animals and plants that live together we call a community. We also call a community its habitat, that is, where the community lives. Both of these we call an ecosystem.
A: 5 Student: What about the food chain? What's that?
B: 6 Teacher: Wei I, let's imagine a fox, a snake and an owl. They all eat rabbits, mice and voles, who in turn eat nuts, leaves, and seeds. If you kill all the snakes, there will be too many mice and voles and there will be an unbalance.
C: 1 Student: Can you give me an example of an ecosystem?
D: 4 Teacher: Well, all the animals and plants in a community are connected by the food chain.
E: 7 Student: Right. Do you know any examples of this happening?
F: 2 Teacher: Yes, a tree in a forest can be. The tree offers a home to many birds and insects and plants like ferns, moss and wild flowers put down roots in the bark of the tree or grow up the trunk.
G: 3 Student: Oh, in what way is that?
H: 8 Teacher: Yes, I do. In the US in the Grand Canyon National Park the wardens shot all the wolves, coyotes and wild bobcats to protect the deer. Then there were too many deer and soon there wasn't enough grass for them, so they ate the young trees and shrubs. Then the deer actually began to die of starvation, there were so many of them.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2017 Карпюк Англійська мова Либра Терра
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