ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 623, icon0

Unit 4.
Lesson 1. The UK Today
Match the words with their definitions.
1 a state — any of a smaller partly self-governing areas making up certain nations
2 a part — any of the pieces, into which something is divided
3 to include — to have as a part; to contain in addition to other parts;
4 to consist — to be made up of
5 to refer — be relevant to
6 to occupy — to be in a place
Complete the text with the words from the box.
The traditional image of the United Kingdom is of a country with a mainly white population. Although white people make up over 90% of the UK population, there are also many other groups living in Britain, who make up nearly 10% of the population. The largest ETHNIC group is Asian, and they are over 4% of the population. Included in this group are people from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.The other main groups are Afro-Caribbean, African, Arabic, and Chinese.
There are approximately 4.5 million non-white people living in Britain, and about 80% live in large cities in England. Most live in London, Manchester, Birmingham or Leeds, or in areas close to these cities. In London, almost 30% of the population are Asian and black.
Immigration to the UK increased greatly after World War II. During the 1950s, the country was still rebuilding its economy after the war. It needed workers for the factories, and for the hospitals of the new National Health Service. Immigrants were encouraged to come to Britain to take up these jobs. Many came from Ireland and from countries that were part of the former British Empire, especially the West Indies, India, and Pakistan. Immigrants from these Commonwealth countries held a British passport and had the right to British citizenship. At first, they were considered to be different and not everyone welcomed them. In the 1970s, a law was passed which made it illegal to treat black people differently from anyone else.
Now, 50 years later, the children and grandchildren of the earlier immigrants are well-established members of British society.
4 a) Match the following words with their definitions.
1 to link — to join or connect
2 to locate — to find the position of; to set in a certain place.
3 to govern — to control and direct the affairs of a country / city / people using political power
4 independent — not governed by another country; self-governing
5 diverse — different, showing variety
6 varied — of different kinds
7 society — a particular broad group of people who share laws, traditions etc;
5 a) Choose right answers to complete the sentences.
1 Ireland b) doesn't refer to to the UK.
2 The official name of the country is c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3 There several overseas territories in other parts of the world which a) are linked to the UK but not a part of it
4 The UK is located in the b) north west of Europe.
5 Northern Ireland a) has its own parliament
6 Nearly 10% of the population c) has a parent or grandparent born outside the UK
7 Many British people visit b) the countryside for leisure activities and for holidays.
Read each statement and circle T if it is true or F if it is false.
1 The capital city of Scotland is Cardiff. F
2 In the UK, the school leaving age is 15. F
3 The patron saint of England is called St George. T
4 The second biggest religion in the UK is Islam. T
5 In Britain a job centre helps you find work. T
6 St Valentine's Day is the Queen or King's official birthday. F
7 Queen Elizabeth II married a prince from Greece. T
8 Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own languages. T
9 The divorce rate in the UK is 45%. T
10 The Prime Minister lives in Buckingham Palace. F
Read about two British people below. Use the words from the box to fill in the gaps.
I live with my family in a block of flats in Inverness. Scottish people are quite friendly but the weather is oftencold and wet here and
some people don't like that. My dad loves Scotland and he doesn't like it if you say he's English or even British. My dad just says he's Scottish. I think I'm Scottish and British... but the most important thing is I'm aRangers fan!
My family lives in Harlech, which is a small seaside town in north Wales. It's very beautiful here, with themountains behind us but it's cold and snowy in winter. I work in a local bank, which is a bit boring but ok. I play guitar in a band at the weekend and in the summer I go mountain bike
riding. I can speak Welsh and I say I'm Welsh too, the same as my family.
Find the correct answers to the questions and complete the sentences.
1 Where does the Prime Minister live? 10 Downing Street
2 What's the population of London? 7,5 million
3 Where does the Mayor of London work? City Hall, The Queens Walk, London
4 Where are the Houses of Parliament? Westminster Palace by the River Thames
5 Who is the head of state of the United Kingdom? the Queen or King
6 In the UK, there is an election every five years
7 The monarch has no power but is very important.
8 What does the Mayor of London help to do? make London a better place
9 Can a woman become the Mayor of London? yes
10 The first PM of Britain was Sir Robert Walpole
11 Wales and Northern Ireland both have assemblies
12 What does the King or Queen do after the summer holiday? opens Parliament
Circle the correct answer to find out how much you know about Scotland.
1 Scotland is a country to the b) north of England.
2 The population of Scotland is about a) 6 million, and its capital is b) Edinburgh.
3 Scottish people are called a) Scots.
4 'Gaelic'is b) a language.
5 Ben Nevis is c) a mountain.
6 Loch Ness is b) a lake which is famous for a monster called Nessie.
7 A kilt is a kind of c) skirt.
8 To make it, you need 6 m of a) tartan.
9 Different families are called a) clans have different tartans.
10 The 'Highland Games' is a festival with sports, dancing and music competitions, held every year in the Highlands, an area a) in the south of Scotland.
11 Contestants dance and play c) the bagpipes which is a traditional instrument of Scotland.
12 Scotland is the home of a) golf which started there over 600 years ago.
13 Aberdeen and Glasgow are the names of a) towns and Skye and Arran are the names of b) islands in Scotland.
14 Some of the most famous Scots are Alexander Graham Bell who made a) the first telephone and John Logie Baird who invented b) the television.
10 Check your answers in class. Then, copy the sentences with their correct endings below.
Scotland is a country to the north of England. The population of Scotland is about 6 million, and its capital is Edinburgh. Scottish people are called Scots. 'Gaelic' is a native Scottish language.
Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the British Islands, located on Scotland. Loch Ness is a lake which is famous for a monster called Nessie.
A kilt is a kind of traditional Scottish skirt. To make it, you need 6 m of tartan. Different families are called clans. Each clan has it's own tartan. The 'Highland Games' is a festival with sports, dancing and music competitions, held every year in the Highlands, an area in the south of Scotland. Contestants dance and play the bagpipes which is a traditional instrument of Scotland. Scotland is the home of golf which started there over 600 years ago.
11 Choose the best option.
1 Enormous means a very big, huge.
2 If something is offensive, it is b rude.
3 Minorities are people who belong to a a small group.
4 An anthem is a c song.
5 Ethnic is connected with a particular a nation or race.
6 A border is a line that separates c countries.
7 If something is official then it is b accepted and recognized.
8 Standard means a b level.
12 a) Match the words / expressions from the two columns.
1 enormous — country
2 offensive — name
3 ethnic — minorities
4 national — anthem
5 official — language
6 standard — of living
7 unprotected — border
8 native — people
12 b) Make up your own sentences with these word pairs.
1. The United Kingdom is an enormous country.
2. The offensive name of the Scots is the delightful term 'porridge wog'.
3. There're a lot of ethnic minorities in the UK.
4. Every country has it's own national anthem.
5. The official language of the UK is English.
6. Every country has it's own standards of living.
7. There're no unprotected borders in the UK.
8. 'Indigenous' is a term usually used to describe a native people of some country.
13 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 You shouldn't use the word Eskimo because it can be regarded as offensive
2 Canada is an enormous country. There's only one country bigger than Canada and that is Russia.
3 It has the longest unprotected border and the longest coastline in the world.
4 People from all over the world came to live in Canada. It is a truly multicultural country.
5 Although there are many different national and ethnic minorities in Canada, they are all equally respected.
6 Canada is attractive to immigrants because it is known for its high standard of living.
7 There are many tourist attractions in Canada, the biggest of which is probably the Niagara Falls.
8 Although it is huge in area, Canada is not densely populated. Its population is only about 33.5 million people.
9 Its symbol is the maple leaf and the national colours are red and white.
10 Both English and French are the official languages.
14 a) Find pairs of words in the two columns below.
1 densely — populated
2 official — language
3 ethnic — minorities
4 national — anthem
5 multicultural — country
6 offensive — names
7 unprotected — borders
14 b) Use some of the pairs of words from task 'a' to complete the sentences below.
1 Nobody has the right to use offensive about other nations.
2 All ethnic minorities should have the same rights as the majority.
3 Can you think of any other multicultural country besides Canada?
4 Is Enqlish an official language in India?
5 Is Canada more densely populated than the USA?
15 Read each statement and circle T if it is true or F if it is false.
1 The second biggest city in England is Birmingham. T
2 The Welsh language is taught in schools in Wales. T
3 40% of Christians in the UK are Catholic. F
4 The leader of the government is called an MP. F
5 Education is free in the UK. T
6 Traditionally, English people eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for Saturday lunch. F
7 Women have had equal voting rights with men since 1965. F
8 Every year it rains and snows more in Rome (Italy) than in London. T
9 In 1840, Queen Victoria married a Russian prince. F
10 1 in 5 British people are vegetarian. F
16 Sort out the words from the box in the columns below.
green valleys, Great Britain, poetry and literature, red dragon, Cardiffbird watching, Sydney, koala
bear, Bondi Beach, continent
American state, palm
trees, colourful flowers, 132
islands, 'Aloha!'
17 Complete the texts with the words above.
Wales is a country on the west coast of Great Britain. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. On the national flag of Wales you can see a red dragon. The Welsh like poetry and literature. Wales is well known for its beautiful countryside, mountains and green valleys. 
Hawaii is an America state that is made up of 132 islands in the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is well known for its beautiful beaches, palm trees and colorful flowers. In the Hawaiian language 'Aloha' means love, greetings, welcome and farewell.
Australia is a continent and a country. Sydney is the biggest city. Australians love surfing, sailing and scuba diving. The most popular beach is
Bondi Beach. There are some interesting animals in Australia: the kangaroo, the koala bear or the platypus. There are a lot of birds so people go bird watching.

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