ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Зошит з граматики [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon8 275, icon0


1. Decide if the verbs are followed by a verb in the gerund or in the infinitive form.
1 finish — Gerund
2 like — Both possibilities are correct.
3 hope — to + infinitive
4 feel like — Gerund
5 seem — to + infinitive
6 forget — Both possibilities are correct.
7 start — Both possibilities are correct.
8 manage — to + infinitive
9 agree — to + infinitive
10 avoid — Gerund
2. Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets to fill in the gaps.
1 listening
2 doing
3 to remember
4 cooking
5 to buy
6 to eat
7 to find
8 becoming
9 to buy
10 hugging
11 cooking
12 do
13 eating
14 to surf
15 to see
16 studying
17 to wash
18 Doing
19 to rent
20 to be
21 to say
22 crying
23 to answer
24 to find
25 posting
26 travelling

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