ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
1. Read and match.3 - 1) It’s snowy.
4 - 3) It’s warm.
1 - 5) It’s cloudy.
5 - 2) It was windy.
6 - 4) It was cold.
2 - 6) It was hot.
2. Listen, match and say.
Woman: What is the weather like in Boston today?
Man: It’s cold and snowy.
Woman: What was the weather like in Poltava yesterday?
Man: It was cloudy and windy.
Woman: What is the weather like in Nantes today?
Man: It’s hot and sunny.
Woman: What was the weather like in Leeds yesterday?
Man: It was cloudy and rainy
3. Look and say.
What was the weather like in Kyiv yesterday?
It was cloudy and rainy.
What is the weather like in Kyiv today?
It was cloudy and rainy.
What was the weather like in Paris yesterday?
It was windy.
What is the weather like in Paris today?
It’s snowy and cloudy today.
What was the weather like in Rome yesterday?
It was hot and sunny.
What is the weather like in Rome today?
It’s cold and sunny. today.
What was the weather like in New York yesterday?
It was and cold und snowy.
What is the weather like in New York today?
It’s windy and warm today.
4. Write your answers in your exercise book.
1) What is the weather like in your place today?
It’s cold and sunny. today.
2) What was the weather like in your place yesterday?
It was and cold und snowy.
5. Let’s play.
“What Is the Weather like Today?” game.
- What’s the weather,
What’s the weather,
What’s the weather like today?
- It is sunny, it is sunny.
- What can we do on a sunny day?
- We can swim.
We can play with a ball.
We can run and jump.
- What’s the weather,
What’s the weather,
What’s the weather like today?
- It is rainy, it is rainy.
- What can we do on a rainy day?
- We can watch TV.
We can listen to music.
We can walk under an umbrella.