ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
Lesson 9. STORY TIME
1. Look at the pictures. What are these stories about?Про то як діти одягаються на погоду.
2. Listen, repeat and point.
Bill: Hi, Jack. Let’s go and ride bikes. The weather is sunny today.
Jack: No, I can’t ride a bike. My telephone says that the weather is cold today.
Jill: It is windy today. Are you cold, Jack?
Jack: No, I’m not cold. My telephone says that the weather is hot today.
Mary: Jack, it’s cold and snowy today. Put on your warm jacket and a hat.
Jack: My telephone says that it’s warm today.
Vlad: Hi, Jack. It’s rainy. Have you got your umbrella?
Jack: No, I haven’t got an umbrella. My telephone says that it isn’t rainy today. It’s warm and sunny.
Olenka: Jack, it’s warm today! Take off your sweater.
Jack: My telephone says that it’s cold and windy today.
Vlad: Can I see your telephone? Look, this weather is not for London. It’s the weather in New York!
Jack: Oh, no!
3. Discuss in class. Why is Jack surprised?
Jack: No, I can't ride a bike. My phone says the weather is cold today.
Jill: It's windy today. Are you cold, Jack?
Jack: No, I'm not cold. My phone says that the weather is hot today.
Jack: My phone says it's warm today.
Jack: No, I don't have an umbrella. My phone says it's not raining today. Warm and sunny.
Jack: My phone says it's cold and windy today.