ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
1. Look, listen and repeat.Fairy tale
Alice in Wonderland
Harry Potter
Little Red Riding Hood
2. Listen and read.
Hello, Jill! Are you busy?
Well, I’m reading a book.
What book is it?
It’s “Alice in Wonderland”. Did you read it, Olenka?
No, I didn’t. My favourite book is about Harry Potter.
I like it, too. Olenka, I want to read some Ukrainian book. What book can I read?
“Kotyhoroshko” is a good book. You can read it on the Internet.
Thanks, Olenka
3. Read and choose.
1) Now Jill is reading … .
a) “Harry Potter”
(b) “Alice In Wonderland”
2) Olenka’s favourite book is … .
(a) “Harry Potter”
b) “Alice In Wonderland”
3) Jill can read the Ukrainian book … .
a) “Ivasyk Telesyk”
(b) “Kotyhoroshko”
4. Listen and point.
Number 1. This little girl wants to visit her granny. She goes through the forest and meets a wolf.
Number 2. He is a strong Ukrainian boy. He kills a dragon.
Number 3. This book is about a bear who has got many friends.
Number 4. This book is about a boy who goes to a magic school and has many friends.
1 - 3
2 - 4
3 - 2
4 - 1
5. Read and act out. Guess the words in green and make up your own dialogues.
Mary: Do you like reading?
Jack: Yes, I do.
Mary: What is your favorite book?
Jack: It’s “ Winnie-the-Pooh”.
Mary: What is it about?
Jack: It’s about a bear that has many friends.