ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
1. a) Listen and read.Mary: Bill, I’m bored! Let’s play a game or watch a cartoon.
Bill: No, Mary. I’m angry! I can’t find my favourite toy!
Mother: Are you sad, Mary?
Mary: No, I’m not sad. I’m bored. Let’s play a game!
Mother: Oh, no, Mary! I’m tired!
Father: Why are you sad? Look! We are going to Egypt! I’m happy! Are you happy, too?
Mother: We are surprised and happy!
b) Read and choose. Write the correct sentences in your exercise book.
1) The mother is scared / (tired).
2) Mary is (bored) / sad.
3) Bill is (angry) / scared.
4) The father is surprised / (happy).
2. Listen and match.
Man: Number 1. Are you sad, Jill?
Jill: No, I’m not. I’m scared. There is an angry dog
in front of me!
Man: Number 2. Are you tired, Vlad?
Vlad: No, I’m not. I’m sad. I can’t watch my favourite cartoon!
Man: Number 3. Are you surprised, Olenka?
Olenka: No, I’m angry. I can’t see my telephone!
3. Read and choose the words from the box. Write the sentences in your exercise book.
1) Mary is scared. There is a spider in her room!
2) Bill is tired. He cleaned his room and then he did his homework.
3) Olenka is surprised. Bohdan gave her an ice cream!
4) Jack is happy. He can go to the mountains with his father!
5) Jill is sad. She can’t go to her friend’s birthday party.
4. Match the sentences from ex. 3 to the pictures. One sentence is extra. What can you feel in the situations? Talk in the class.
1 - 4
2 - 1
3 - 2
4 - 3
5. Match the words.
swim - swam
see - saw
take - took
have - had
go - went
ride - rode
read - read
6. Listen and chant.
I like to ride a bike and swing,
Ride and swing, ride and swing,
I like to ride a bike and swing,
Every summer, every spring.
I like to paint, I like to draw,
Paint and draw, paint and draw,
I like to paint, I like to draw,
I like my hobbies more and more.
(I. Dotsenko, O. Yevchuk)
7. Project work “My Emotions”. Draw pictures of faces, showing that they are angry, tired, surprised, sad, bored, scared. Show these pictures to your classmates and let them guess the emotions.