ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Книга для читання [Карп'юк О.Д.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
6 213,
Text 10. On the Mountaintop
Ex. A p. 521. He is on a mountaintop.
2. He can’t fall asleep because of the cold.
3. He felts badly, he was afraid.
4. He lost his flashlight and couldn't see anything.
5. It is a St. Bernard and termos flask.
Ex. B p. 52
1. I lost my flashlight, so I can’t see anything.
2. It is freezing and I can’t move my fingers and toes.
3. I am very tired because I had a long day climbing mountains.
4. I drink hot tea, so I warm up.
Ex. C p. 52
5. I hear a strange noise outside the tent.
4. I call for help but nobody me.
7. The dog is licking me all over the face.
1. I am on the mountaintop.
3. I’m lying inside the sleeping bag.
6. Someone enters the tent.
2. I lost my flashlight.
Ex. D p. 53
1. Mount Kilimanjaro — Africa
2. The Alps — Europe
3. Himalayas — Asia
4. Rocky Mountains — North America
5. The Andes — South America
Ex. E p. 54
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
Ex. F p. 54
1. All I want to do is sleep in my tent.
2. I lost my flashlight and I can't see anything.
3. It is so cold I cannot move my fingers and toes.
4. Someone is coming into my tent.
5. The furry creative is coming to save me.
Ex. G p. 55
1. mountaintop
2. flask
3. furry
4. play
5. qreature
6. flashlight
7. tent
8. sleeping bag
9. neck
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