ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит для контролю [Павліченко О.М.] 2018

icon06.10.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 435, icon0

Test 7.
Variant 1
1) cloudy
2) rainy
3) snowy
4) sunny
1) I'm going to put my shorts on.
2) I'm going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.
3) I'm going to put my raincoat on.
4) I'm going to put my warm coat on.
1) It often rains in autumn.
2) It's hot and sunny and we are swimming in the sea now.
3) Tom and Mike went for a walk yesterday.
4) What (to you usually wear in summer?
5) Jane is not listening to music now. She is writing a letter to her pen friend.
6) Did. Sam meet his cousin yesterday?
In winter the weather in my town is very cold and frosty. It often snows and sometimes it is windy. I usually wear my warm sweater and coat. Of course, I put my hat and glover on. I like to play with my friends outside in winter.
Variant 2

1) rainy
2) cold
3) sunny
4) snowy
1) I'm going to put my warm sweater and jeans on.
2) I'm going to put my tracksuit and trainers on.
3) I'm going to put my warm hat, scarf and mittens on.
4) I'm going to put my T-shirt and shorts on. I'm going to put my swimsuit on.
1) It is snowing outdoors now.
2) Does it often rain here in spring?
3) My parents bought me a new computer game yesterday.
4) It's cloudy and Kate is not sunbathing now.
5) What does Mike usually wear in winter?
6) Where did you go last Sunday? - I went to the cinema.
The weather in my town is very hot in summer. It is usually stuffy. It rains not very often. I usually wear T-shirt and shorts. And of course, I don't forget to put cap on. I like swimming in summer. I also like playing football or volleyball with my friends.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Зошит Зошит для контролю знань Ранок Павліченко 2018
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