ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит для контролю [Павліченко О.М.] 2018

icon06.10.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 440, icon0

Test 8.
Variant 1
2) V
4) V
1) V
3) V
5) V
6) V
7) V
8) V
1) A compass help me to find the way in the forest.
2) When we go camping we take our sleeping baas to sleep in them at night.
3) The first-aid course teaches us how to help people when they have problems with their health.
4) In spring the days are longer than the nights.
5) During thunderstorms you can see lightning.
6) The weather is usually dry. in summer.
1) c
2) b
3) a
4) b
5) a
6) b
The weather is usually hot and sunny in summer. People go to the seaside to swim and sunbathe. Sometimes there are thunderstorms, but they are not long. Children often go camping. The sun shines brightly. The temperature is about + 20-+30C degrees.
Variant 2

1) V
2) V
3) V
6) V
4) V
5) V
1) A torch helps us to see in the dark.
2) When I go fishing I always take my thermos to keep the tea hot.
3) In winter the days are shorter than the nights.
4) Our instructor told us what mushrooms were good for eating and what mushrooms were bad because they were poisonous.
5) Flowers bloom in spring.
6) In summer we often go to pick berries in the forest.
1) b
2) a
3) c
4) c
5) a
6) c
It is slippery and cold in winter. It is freezing and it often snows. Children play snowballs and make a snowman. People usually go skiing and skating. Sometimes it is windy. People put on warm coats, hats, scarves and mittens.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Зошит Зошит для контролю знань Ранок Павліченко 2018
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