ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит до підручника Карп'юк [Косован О.] 2019

icon15.01.2019, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon21 860, icon0

Lesson 2. Weather and clothes
1. a) Unscramble the names of clothes.
cketja — jacket
carfs — scarf
serstrou — trousers
tensmit — mittens
hirts-T — T-shirt
atcorain — raincoat
rtssho — shorts
otsbo — boots
b) Complete the sentences with the words from a).
In winter I wear a (scarf) and (mittens).
In spring I wear a (jacket) and (trousers).
In summer I wear a (T-shirt) and (shorts).
In autumn I wear a (rain coat) and (boots).
2. Complete the table.
Present Simple
Present Continuous
is wearing
is sleeping
is going
Past Simple
3. Circle the correct variant.
1. Tom never (wears) / is wearing a scarf in autumn.
2. I writing / (am writing) a letter at the moment.
3. It often (rained) / rains last November.
4. Jane is wearing / (wore) that pink dress last Sunday.
5. Is it (raining) / Does it rain now?
6. Do / (Did) you buy it yesterday?
7. It (doesn’t snow) / isn’t snowing in summer.
8. Does it often snows / (snow) here?
4. Read the text (PB, p. 160, ex. 2) and choose the correct variant to complete each sentence.
1. Jasmine (always) gets up at 7 o'clock.
A never
В sometimes
(C always)
2. She was in a hurry, so she had time only (to brush her teeth).
A to comb her hair
В to put on a dress
(C to brush her teeth)
D to eat
3. The weather was (cold and raining).
(A cold and raining)
В foggy and chilly
C hot and sunny
D warm and cloudy she put on
4. When she changed her clothes, she put on (warm sweater and jeans).
A a scarf and mittens
В a raincoat and boots
C a hat and a coat
(D a warm sweater and jeans)
5. When Jane found out that there was no school that day, she decided (to finish reading a book).
A to go to sleep
(В to finish reading a book)
C to brush her teeth
D to watch TV
6. (Sunday) is Jasmine’s favourite day of the week.
(A Sunday)
В Monday
C Saturday
D Friday
5. Match the clothes to the parts of the body. Use the dictionary if necessary.
1 shirt - В body
2 socks - D feet
3 cap - A head
4 jeans - C legs
5 belt - H waist
6 glasses - G eyes
7 gloves - E hands
8 scarf - F neck
6. Write an essay (4 sentences), using the following questions:
1. What are you wearing at the moment?
2. What did you put on yesterday?
3. What are your favourite clothes? When do you wear them?
1) At the moment i am wearing a T-shirt, a tracksuit and a pair of slippers.
2) Yestarday i put on my school uniform in the morning. That i changed into my home clothes. My favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirt. I wear them as often as i can.
7. a) Match the pairs of clothes
1 fur-coat - D hat
2 raincoat - E boots
3 shorts - A t-shirt
4 dress - B shoes
5 jacket - C trousers
b) Complete the sentences. Use the world from ex. 7a.
1. It is frosty. You'd better put a fur-coat a hot on.
2. It is hot. You’d better put a T-shirt and shorts on.
3. It is raining. Yuo'd better put a dress and shoes on.
4. It is warm. You'd better put a dress and shoes on.
5. It is cool. You'd better put a jacket and trousers on.
8. Write an essay (8-9 sentences) about the clothes you and your parents wear. Use the following phrases:
• usually wear • at school
• never wear • at home
• (don’t) like to wear • at work
My father usually wears a business suit at work. At home he changes into a tracksuit. He like to wear confartable clothes. My mother likes to wear skirts and blouses at work. At home she likes to wear dresses. She likes boose cosual clothes. I wear my school unifirm at school and then after school i put an my favourite jeans and a T-shirt. When it is warm i like to rear shorts and a T-shirt. I never wear formal clothes when i am not a warm. Jackets and boots. I never wear scarves or mittens.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Косован 2019 Підручники і посібники Карпюк Карп'юк
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