ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 26:
1. Доповніть таблицю.
Possessive determiners
I It’s my jumper. It’s mine.
This city is famous for it's history.
You Is it your tablet? Is it yours?
We It isn’t our house.
This house isn’t ours.
He Are they his trainers?
Are they his?
They is it their bag? Is it theirs?
She It’s her scarf. It’s hers.
2. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку.
1) This beautiful silk scarf is hers.
2) This is his favourite jumper.
3) A: Are these our seats? B: No, these are their seats.
4) My brother is a manager and he likes his job.
5) The house has its own swimming pool.
6) These are Sammy's sunglasses, they're not yours.
7) It's not their car, it's ours.
3. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.
1 - е
2 - b
3 - а
4 - b
5 - а
6 - е
7 - а
8 - а
4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.
1) I don't think she is (her) sister.
2) Look, she's wearing mine (my) favourite wool jumper and a new pair of trainers.
3) Are (your) boots made of leather?
4) Steve, don't leave (your) socks on the floor.
5) Our school has (its) own football field and a basketball court.
6) These gloves are not (ours), they are his.
Сторінка 27:
5. Доповніть діалог правильною формою дієслів з рамки.
1 - your
2 - my
3 - mine
4 - his
5 - mine
6 - our
7 - your
8 - her
9 - mine
10 - your
11 - yours
12 - his
6. Поєднайте запитання (0 - 8) з відповідями (а - і).
1 - d
2 - h
3 - і
4 - а
5 - е
6 - b
7 - е
8 - g
7. Доповніть діалог правильною формою слів з таблиці вправи 1.
1 - my
2 - mine
3 - her
4 - their
5 - his
6 - my
7 - its
8 - our
9 - Their
10 - yours
11 - mine

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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