ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 22:
1. Доповніть таблицю правильними словами, використавши some - /any - /every - /no - .

some -
any -
every -
no -
no one/nobody
2. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити розповідь.
1 - е
2 - b
3 - а
4 - а
5 - е
6 - а
7 - а
8 - b
3. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.
1) Did you meet anyone at the party?
2) I love this place! There are books everywhere.
3) Hello, is anyone here?
4) I didn't eat anything because I wasn't hungry.
5) Donna didn't tell anyone about it.
6) Let's do something to improve the situation.
7) They had nowhere to stay so we invited them to our place.
8) It's late, don't go anywhere.
4. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити текст.
1 - anything
2 - everything
3 - nothing
4 - everywhere
5 - everything
6 - no one
7 - no one
8 - Everyone
Сторінка 23:
5. Доповніть речення словами - thing, - oneчи - where.
1) They didn't understand (anything).
2) She wrote (something) but then deleted it.
3) Did you go (anywhere) at the weekend?
4) There's (nothing) in this cupboard. It's empty.
5) We saw (somebody) outside the house. I think it was Sam.
6) What a beautiful day! (Everyone) is outside playing basketball.
7) They live (somewhere) near here.
8) I phoned her several times but (no one) answered.
6. Доповніть речення одним словом. Використайте слова з вправи 1.
1) The match was really exciting, (everyone) enjoyed it.
2) It was dark outside and we couldn't see (anything).
3) He told her (everything) he knew about the accident.
4) Olivia said (something) but we heard (nothing) because of the noise.
5) I can't find my keys (anywhere).
6) Is there (anything) interesting on TV?
7) You can find these shops (everywhere) in Europe.
7. Змініть речення на заперечні.
1) We don't have anything here.
2) They didn't invite everyone to the meeting.
3) We didn't see anything strange there.
4. She didn't ask anyone to show her the way.
5. Mike did nothing to help us.
6. There wasn't anyone knocking at the door.
8. Доповніть розмову одним словом для кожного пропуску. Використайте слова з впр. 1.
1 - something
2 - anything
3 - anywhere
4 - No one
5 - somewhere
6 - nothing
7 - anyone
8 - someone
9 - Everyone
10 - No one
11 - everything

Сторінка 24 - 25: Тест
1 - b
6 - е
11 - c
16 - a
21 - c
26 - c
31 - b
2 - а
7 - е
12 - b
17 - b
22 - c
27 - a
32 - b
3 - a
8 - а
13 - е
18 - b
23 - c
28 - c
33 - a
4 - b
9 - а
14 - b
19 - a
24 - b
29 - c

5 - е
10 - b
15 - c
20 - a
25 - a
30 - b

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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