ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 18:
1. Складіть заперечні речення та запитання з речень нижче.
1) Five years ago she didn't travel to Spain to become a cook.
Did she travel to Spain to become a cook five years ago?
2) Emily didn't work as a shop assistant when she was in Paris.
Did Emily work as a shop assistant when she was in Paris?
3) Jason didn't want to be an actor when he was a child.
Did Jason want to be an actor when he was a child?
4) Last summer our friends didn't work in a cafe.
Did our friends worked in a cafe last summer.
5) Lucy and Peter didn't visit a theme park when they were on holiday.
Did Lucy and Peter visit a theme park when they were on holiday?
2. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворити заперечні речення та запитання.
1) Му brother didn't want to work for a computer company.
2) Did you go to the gym yesterday?
3) Unfortunately, Donna didn't complete her school project.
4) What time did the party end yesterday?
5) She didn't visit her family last week?
6) She didn't like the concert.
7) I didn't answer the phone because I was busy.
8) Why did he decide to become a pilot?
3. Виправте помилки у реченнях.
1) Му dad liked playing football that's why he decided to become a sports coach.
2) She (opened) her presents before the party.
3) Sam didn't (want) to join a football club.
4) We (didn't) watch TV yesterday, we played basketball instead.
5) Last Friday our classes (ended) at 15.30.
4. Доповніть блог Кетті формою past simple дієслів у дужках.
1 - didn't like
2 - tried
3 - didn't want
4 - started
5 - liked
6 - moved
7 - didn't stay
8 - decided
9 - joined
10 - trained
11 - agreed

Сторінка 19:
5. Доповніть діалог словами did/didn'tта правильною формою дієслів у дужках.
Mr Davies: And where were you at 9:00?
Johnny: I was still at home. I don’t usually wake up early.
Mr Davies: (4) Did you check (check) my e - mails?
Johnny: No, I (5) didn't. But (6) answered (answer) the phone.
Davies: And you (7) didn't clean (not clean) my desk.
Johnny: Yes, 1(8) did!
Johnny, (0) did you do (do) the things that I asked you to do?
Johnny: I’m sorry, Mr Davies, but I (1) didn't have (not have) enough time.
Mr Davies: Ok, (2) Did you post (post) my letters?
Johnny: No, I (3) didn't. Because the post office opens at 9:00 and closes at 15:00.
6. Роздивіться зображення. Запишіть запитання, використавши pastsimpleта дайте на них відповіді.
1) Did your lessons start at 9:30? - Yes, they did.
2) Did they go to school by bus? - No, they didn't. They went t school on foot.
3) Did you stay at home last weekend? - No, we didn't. We went sightseeing.
4) Did Anne tidy her room yesterday? - No, she didn't. She watched TV.
5) Did Nick and Rika join baseball club? - No, they didn't. They joined handball club.
6) Did it rain on Saturday? - Yes, it did.
7) Did you phone Kim yesterday? - No, we didn't. We chatted to Kim.
8) Did Frankie work as a model in summer? - No, she didn't. She worked as a doctor.
7. Складіть речення, використавши форму present simple або past simple, щоб доповнити діалог.
1) A: Did you work in a shop last summer?
B: Yes, I did. I did a week of work experience.
A: What did you do?
В: I helped customers with shopping.
A: Did you like it?
B: Yes, but sometimes I was very busy and tired.
2) A: What do you usually do at weekends?
В: I usually walk with friends and stay sometimes home. But last Saturday I helped my mum in her studio. She works as a photographer.
A: What did you do?
В: I answered the phone and talked to customers.
A: Did you take photos?
B: No I didn't. But I learned a lot about business.

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