ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 16:
1. Запишіть on чи in.
in December
in the 1990s
in the 21st century
on Sunday
on 6th of September 2010
in 2012
on Tuesdays
on 10th of August
in the 18th century
in summer 2002
in April
in October 2018
2. Запишіть onчи inна місці пропусків.
1) Our next dance class is on 3rd of January.
2) They built this castle in the 10th century.
3) My friends always play badminton on Fridays.
4) Johnny Depp was born in June 1963.
5) My sister's birthday is in April.
6) We like to travel in spring when the weather is really nice.
7) Jess recorded his first album in 2018.
8) Astronomical winter usually begins on 21st or 22nd of December.
3. Запишіть форму past simple дієслів.
stay - stayed
enjoy - enjoyed
receive - received
like - liked
open - opened
try - tried
agree - agreed
plan - planed
visit - visited
arrive - arrived
4. Прочитайте цікаві факти про життя Королеви Єлизавети II. Обведіть правильні слова.
1 - on
2 - in
3 - studied
4 - trained
5 - owned
6 - posted
7 - in
8 - in
9 - published

5. Доповніть речення формою present simple або past simple дієслів у дужках.
1) Last month our neighbours (opened) an Italian restaurant.
2) I really (enjoy) watching cartoons on TV.
3) When Clare was 10, she (wanted) to do gymnastics at school.
4) When the rain stopped, we (decided) to go for a walk.
5) My brother usually (wakes) up early in the morning.
6) Last year Mike (traveled) to France to teach English as a foreign language.
7) In spring 2019 I (visited) my friend in Italy and (stayed) there for a month.
8) My mum (cooks) something special for my birthday every year.
Сторінка 17:
6. Роздивіться планери Кирила та Іванни. Розкажіть, що вони робили минулого тижня.
Last Monday Kyryl helped his brother to make a surprise birthday cake.
Last Tuesday Kyryl joined a gym.
Last Wednesday Kyryl recorded a music video and downloaded it to Youtube.
Last Thursday Kyryl visited his aunt.
Last Friday Kyryl created a blog.
Last Saturday Kyryl played football with Natan and Jess. Kyryl cooked soup.
Last Monday Ivanna finished her school project.
Last Tuesday Ivanna phoned Anne and invited her to the party.
Last Wednesday Ivanna played badminton after school.
Last Thursday Ivanna helped her sister with her homework.
Last Friday Ivanna tidied her room and watched a football match with Jimmy.
Last Saturday Ivanna stayed at home and prepared her homework.
Last Sunday Ivanna walked with the dog.
7. Доповніть діалог правильною формою дієслів з рамки.
1 - were
2 - was
3 - walked
4 - started
5 - visited
6 - was
7 - enjoyed
8 - were
9 - was
10 - wanted
11 - needed
12 - wasn't
13 - were

8. Напишіть п'ять речень про, що ви робили минулого тижня.
Last Monday I went swimming with my sister.
Last Wednesday I cooked dinner with my mom.
Last Friday I washed the car with my dad.
Last Saturday I went to the park with my friends.
Last Sunday I visited my grandparents in the country.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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