ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карп’юк О.Д.] 2014
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
5 416,
стр.87 ex.2
Прочитай та скажи чи є речення правдивими (true) або хибними (false) відповідно до байки.
1. The hare told he was a great runner. (True) 2. All the other hares liked to listen to him. (False) 3. "I must boast" the hare thought. (False) 4. The hare was glad that he was not a tortoise. (True) 5. The hare wanted to have a race with the tortoise. (True) 6. The hare won the race. (False) 7. The tortoise taught the hare a good lesson. (True)
стр.87 ех.З
Подивись на малюнки та розкажи історію.
There lived a hare who liked to boast. Once he saw a tortoise and decided to have a race with her. The hare ran as fast as he could but decided to wait tortoise near the finish. The day was hot and he fell asleep and when he woke up the tortoise had already reached the finish.
ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Карпюк 2014 Підручник Либра Терра
стр.87 ex.2
Прочитай та скажи чи є речення правдивими (true) або хибними (false) відповідно до байки.
1. The hare told he was a great runner. (True) 2. All the other hares liked to listen to him. (False) 3. "I must boast" the hare thought. (False) 4. The hare was glad that he was not a tortoise. (True) 5. The hare wanted to have a race with the tortoise. (True) 6. The hare won the race. (False) 7. The tortoise taught the hare a good lesson. (True)
стр.87 ех.З
Подивись на малюнки та розкажи історію.
There lived a hare who liked to boast. Once he saw a tortoise and decided to have a race with her. The hare ran as fast as he could but decided to wait tortoise near the finish. The day was hot and he fell asleep and when he woke up the tortoise had already reached the finish.
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