ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карп’юк О.Д.] 2014

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стр.80 ex.2
Уяви, що твій друг хоче отримати кращу оцінку з англійської. Напиши правила, які треба виконати. У таблиці наведені підказки. Напиши це у своєму зошиті.
He/she has to ask the teacher to explain things he / she doesn't understand. He/she mustn't forget homework. He/she mustn't disturb the class. He/she has to listen carefully in class. He/she has to do what the teacher says. He/she has to listen to the CD that comes with this book, write neatly. He/she has to spend at least 10 minutes studying new vocabulary each day. He/she has to listen to English white you are watching films or listening to music. He/she has to ask someone for help. He/she doesn't have learn everything by heart, apple pie, strawberry pancakes, vanilla doughnuts, vanilla ice cream.
стр.81 ex.3
— Today we speak about difficulties to learn English. Ask your questions, please!
— I have some difficulties when I speak English.
— Can you give me advice?
— You don’t have to stop speaking. Think of a word that means nearly the same.
— I speak very slowly because I don’t think in English. What can I do?
— You have to use English words you know.
— When I see a new word I don’t know how to pronounce it. What can I do?
— You can find the pronunciation of new words in your dictionary.
— I feel uncomfortable when I speak English with my classmates. Can you help me?
— Remember, that your English lessons are often the only time you can practice your English.
— Thank you very much for some advice.
— Not at all. Good luck!
стр.81 ex.4
Dear, Tim!
I study English. It is a long process that takes a lot of time and efforts. It is spoken worldwide.
As English is very popular, you can do nothing without it. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. If you want to be an educated person, you must know English well. Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and books n original. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people won’t understand you.
From my point of view, English is necessary for everyone.
стр.82 впр.4
Ваша школа організовує спортивні змагання. Напишіть електронного листа другові.
То: Ann СС: Kate
Subjects: Sports competition Dear Ann,
I want to inform you about the coming sporting event. It is a swimming competition. I am going to participate in it. Would you like to join us and take part in it?
Hope to hear from you soon.
стр.83 ех.6
Переліч твої улюблені спортивні речі.
Му favourite sport programme is "World of Sport" on the Chanel First National. I like to watch sport channels "Xsport" and "Sport 1".
My favourite sport is football. My favourite football star is Cristiano Ronaldo. My favourite football team is FC Barcelona. My favourite sport is basketball. My favourite basketball star is Allen Iverson. My favourite basketball team is Chicago Bulls.
Моя улюблена спортивна телепрограма «Світ спорту» на Першому національному. Мені подобається дивитися спортивні канали «XSport» і «Спорт 1». Мій улюблений вид спорту футбол. Мій улюблений зірковий футбольний спортсмен Кріштіану Роналду. Моя улюблена команда ФК Барселона. Мій улюблений вид спорту баскетбол. Мій улюблений зірковий баскетбольний спортсмен Аллєн Айверсон. Моя улюблена баскетбольна
стр.84 ех.8
Запитай та дай ВІДПОВІДЬ.
What are athletic events? The athletics events are running and jumping. What is the difference between "a game" and "a sport"? When we use the word "a game" we think of some kind of sports in which there are two sides or teams. "A sport" is individual event. What are field (track) events? They are the high jumps, the long jumps, running race. What is your favourite sport? My favourite sport is basketball.
стр.85 ex.10
Доповни речення словами «and», «but», «so» або «because».
1. Му friend is fond of football and he is going to become a famous football player in future. 2. Kate can't buy this dress because it is too expensive. 3. I can read English, but I can't speak English. 4. The first week we spent at the seaside and then we went to the mountains. 5. We haven't got any apples so we can't make an apple pie for today. 6. Julia is very happy because her mother has bought her a fantastic dress for the New Year party. 7. We can speak to her, but we are not sure it will help. 8. I haven't got any brother or sister, but I have got a wonderful friend. 9. The weather was terrible yesterday, so they haven't cleaned the yard yet. 10. He is a good pupil at school and he is a good sportsman, too. 11. The footballers are happy because they have won the match today. 12.
Nobody knew about John's plan so everybody was surprised to hear the news. 13. Mark has finished his work so he can have a rest now.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Карпюк 2014 Підручник Либра Терра
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