ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карп’юк О.Д.] 2014

icon01.02.2021, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 165, icon0

Lesson 1. My School Days
Попередні питання до читання. Приклади відповідей:
How many lessons have you got on your week days? I have got six lessons every day. What do you usually do in your favourite lesson? My favourite lesson is Art. I usually draw pictures. Sometimes I do animal cutouts. Do you like English? Why? I like English because I like to sing songs and to watch films in English. Have you got a recipe how to be a good pupil? I think that there are a lot of recipes of that kind. To my mind to be a good pupil means to be attentive at the lesson and to be very persistent. Do you like playing sports? I like sport. My favourite sport is tennis. Did you join any school sport team? I didn't join any school team. / I join a football team.
стр.48 ex. 1
Прочитай назви предметів та скажи, які ти вивчаєш у цьому році.
This year I have such subjects as Maths, Music, Geography, English, Art, Craft, History.
стр.48 ех.2а
Прочитай та вгадай пропущені слова:
History; Geography; Sciences; IT, Maths; PE.
стр.49 ех.З
Виправ неправильні речення.
1. In Geography you learn about our planet, about other planets and the stars. 2. In IT you learn everything about computers. 3. In History you learn about the things and people from the past. 4. In Sciences you learn about nature. 5. In Maths you work with numbers. 6. In PE you play different sports.
стр.49 ех.4
Add +; Subtract -; Multiply х; Divide/
стр.50 ex.5
Прочитай та заповни текст словами з таблиці.
Stella lives with the Williams family but she also goes to school. It's not an ordinary school. It js a language school. There are a lot of students from all over the world in this school. They have come to Liverpool to learn English. The school isn't very big, but it Is new. The classrooms are nice and spacious. There are a lot of posters of the UK on the wall. There are also some grammar rules on the pin board. There is a CD player in each class, in some classes there js an interactive board. There is an room. There are 10 computers there.
Stella hasn't got as many subjects as Emma. In Stella's school they have just 4 subjects. These are: Speaking, Writing, Listening Practice, Culture and Literature. Her favourite teacher is Mrs. Davies. She teacher culture and literature. Her lessons are very interesting. She can tell a lot of stories about Britain and its past. She has got a big DVD collection and some pictures of famous sights. Mr. Holmes is also OK. He helps them with Speaking Practice. He has got long hair. He has got a dog called Prince who often sits next to him. Mr. Holmes is strict but fair. Stella js very happy in this school because she has got a lot of friends there.
стр.50 ех.6
Дай відповіді на питання про свою школу. Працюй у парах.
1. Are there more than 200 pupils in your school? - Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 2. Is there a sports hall in your school? - Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. 3. Is there a playground next to school?
- Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. 4. Are there any posters on the in your English classroom? - Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 5. Are there any grammar rules the pin board? - Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 6. Is there a TV set in the classroom? - Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
стр.52 ex.1
Дай пораду цим людям. Використай should або shouldn't.
1. You should go to the doctor. You shouldn't go out. You should stay in bed. 2. You should take a mixture. 3. You should use the Internet. 4. You should go fora swimming course. 5. You should do exercises. You shouldn't eat too much. 6. You should have a rest. You should go to bed earlier. 7. You should do your homework because you should study well. 8. You shouldn't play on the computer because it is bad for your eyes.
стр.52 ex. 2
Заповни пропуски у реченнях тау / might or may not / might not.
1. It's my dad's birthday next week. We may buy him a new suitcase. 2. My brother is going to Paris for a week. I might give him my new camera. 3. There are some black clouds in the sky. It may rain today. 4. Peter doesn't study very much. He may not get a good mark tomorrow. 5. I'm very tired. I might not go to the cinema. 6. She isn't feeling well. She may not go to school tomorrow.
стр.52 ех.З
Пригадай твої шкільні правила. Розкажи, що учні повинні і неповинні робити у школі.
School rules:
Pupils must wear uniform. Pupils mustn't run during the breaks. Pupils mustn't be late at the lessons. Pupils must help junior pupils during the breaks. Pupils mustn't drop litter on the floor. Pupils must be polite. Pupils must be attentive.
стр.53 ех.4
Прочитай англійські прислів'я та поясни їх значення.
1. Friends may meet, but mountains never. Equivalent: Гора з горою не зійдеться, а чоловік з чоловіком колись та й зустрінеться. Explanation: It says that an unexpected meeting with your friend is more possible than to move mountains.
2. A fool may ask more questions than a man can answer.
Equivalent: Розумний за сім років не відповість на запитання, які дурень поставить за одну годину; як напише дурень, то не розбере й розумний; як напиши один дурень, то й сто розумних не розбере; один дурень зіпсує, то і десять розумних не направлять. Explanation: That means that a fool will just ask and never try to answer but just because one is wise does not mean they know all the answers.
3. If we can't as we would, we must do as we can. Equivalent: Якщо ми не можемо робити, як хочемо, то треба робити, як можемо. Explanation: Doing is better than saying. Use your resourses to do what you can.
4. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Equivalent: Люди, які живуть в скляних будинках, не повинні кидати каміння. Explanation: A phrase one can say meaning people should not criticize others for faults that they have themselves.
5. You may lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Equivalent: Ви можете привести коня до води, але ви не можете змусити його пити. Explanation: People, like horses, will only do what they have a mind to do. You can give someone the opportunity to learn or to do something, but you can never force him to accept that opportunity.
6. A man can die but once.
Equivalent: Людина може померти, але один раз. Explanation: If death comes now, you will not have to experience it later.
7. He who likes to eat fruit must climb the tree. Equivalent: Той, хто любить їсти фрукти, повинен залізти на дерево. Explanation: It means that you have to do the work in order to get the reward!
стр.53 ex. 5
Обери правильне модальне дієслово щоб доповнити речення.
1. "She must be at home now!" mother said angrily 2. His English is not good, he should study better. 3. May I have some cookies, please? 4. You mustn't write on pages! 5. They have to wake up early to be at school in time. 6. I think she might come to us tomorrow.
стр.54 ex.6
Обери правильну форму дієслова.
Mary: I might go to the disco tonight. Would you like to come?
Kate: Oh, I'd like to go, but I have to do my homework.
Jane: We should help that old lady with her shopping.
Liz: You're right, Her bags look heavy. She might drop them.
Bob: There's a good film on TV at ten. I don't might watch it.
Father: You should be in bed at ten o'clock!
Bob: But I don't have to go to school tomorrow. Mike: I have to be at school by nine.
Mother: Hurry up, boy! It's twenty to nine now. You should get up earlier.
Mike: You're right, mum! I might not get to school on time today.
Listening. Аудіювання
стр.55 ех.1
Перед прослуховуванним поговори про свою школу. Використай наступні питання. Приклади відповідей.
1. What new subjects do you study in the 6th form? I have two new subjects. They are Geography and Biology. 2. Have you got new teachers? Who are they? Yes, I have. Her name is. No, I haven't. 3.
What subjects are your favourite? My favourite lesson is Art. 4. What days do you have English lessons? I have English on Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday.
стр.56 ex.2
Подивись на новий розклад Майка. Дай відповіді на питання.
1. How many subjects has Mike got? Mike has got eleven subjects. 2. What is his first lesson on Monday? His first lesson on Monday is Maths. 3. What is his second lesson on Thursday? His second lesson on Thursday is English. 4. What is his third lesson on Tuesday? His third lesson on Tuesday is PE. 5. What is his fourth lesson on Wednesday? His fourth lesson on Wednesday is Art. 6. What is his last lesson on Friday? His last lesson on Friday is Geography.
— More than 300 million people speak English as their first language
— I know Australian, Scottish, Canadian, American and British English accents.
стр.56 ex.2
1. Mike has got 11 subjects
2. Maths is the first lesson on Monday
3. English is the second lesson on Thurs-
стр.59 ех.Зb
Перепиши таблицю та відміть галочкою відповідне поле в ній.
Mike's teacherForm teacherMathsPEHistory
Mr. Finch

Miss Jones+
Mrs. Pitt

стр.59 ех.4
Скажи, чи є речення вірним чи хибним.
1. Mike's first week at school is fine. (True) 2. Mike's timetable is OK. (False) 3. Mike is bad at Maths. (True) 4. Mr. Finch is strict. (True) 5. What is his fourth lesson on Wednesday? His fourth lesson on Wednesday is Art. 6. What is his last lesson on Friday? His last lesson on Friday is Geography.
стр.59 ex.5
Запитай та дай відповідь у парах.
1. How many subjects has Mike got? He's got eleven subjects. 2. Why isn't his timetable OK? Because first lesson is Math on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 3. What isn't he good at? He isn't good at Math. 4. Why is he afraid of Mr. Finch? Because he is really strict and Mike isn't very good at it. 5. What is Mike's favourite subject is PE. 6. Who is his form teacher? His form teacher is Miss Jones. 7. Who is his favourite teacher? His favourite teacher is Miss Jones. 8. What is she like? She is great. 9. Who is his History teacher? His history teacher is Mrs. Pitt. 10. Why is she unusual? Because she has got unusual hair colour, 11. How many new pupils are there in his class? There are two new pupils in his class. 12. Who are they? Thev are twins, teacher? His form teacher is Miss Jones. 7. Who is his favourite teacher? His favourite teacher is Miss Jones. 8. What is she like? She is great. 9. Who is his History teacher? His history teacher is Mrs. Pitt. 10. Why is she unusual? Because she has got unusual hair colour. 11. How many new pupils are there in his class? There are two new pupils in his class. 12. Who are they? They are twins.
стр.60 ех.6а
Послухай пісню та впиши пропущені слова.
If you want to be good pupil, too. Here is a recipe for all of you. Buy a big backpack, yellow or red.
Don't bring a ball. Bring your slippers instead. Fill your bags with books, pencils, scissors, too. Don't forget your notebooks, pencil box and some glue. The sixth form isn't hard, you will see it soon. Just follow this recipe and you'll be over the Moon. If you want to be good pupils, too. Here is a recipe for all of you, Mobile phones or iPods are truly fun and cool, But teachers don't allow them when you are at school. Don't eat crisps and don't chew gum, And never hide your marks from your mum. The sixth form isn't hard, you will see it soon. Just follow this recipe and you'll be over the Moon.
стр.60 ex.6b
Запиши рекомендації з пісні у дві колонки.
You have toYou don't have to
buy a biq backpackbrinq a ball
fill your baqs with books,brinq a mobile phone,
pencils, scissors, notebooks, some qlue.iPod
bring slipperseat crisps and chew qum

hide your marks from your mum
стр.61 ех.1
Обери з таблиці і заповни текст.
I want to improve my English. That's why I have to work hard at it. I have to learn how to read. I have to learn many words to understand English better.
I have to do many exercises to know English, And, of course, I have to listen spoken English to understand English better. I am sure, it can all help me to study English.
стр.61 ex.2
Прочитай назви професій і скажи, хто повинен знати англійську мову і чому.
I think a spaceman has to know English. He can fly with an international space team. I think a scientist has to know English. He can communicate with his colleges from the other countries and attends international conferences. I think a businessman has to know English. He can speak with an international partners. I think a writer has to know English. He can write his books in English. I think an artist has to know English. He can go abroad for his work and speak with his new friends. I think a waitress has to know English. She can help people to choose the food and give useful information about the proper thing from the menu. I think a computer programmer has to know English. He can write programmes in English. I think a doctor has to know English. He can save lives if he understand the problem of his patient. I think a travel agent has to know English. He can make phone calls to the other countries to find out the most useful things about the tour. I think an air hostess has to know English. She can fly with an international team and speak with people in the plane.
стр.62 ех.З
Запитай і дай відповідь у парах.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to buy a birthday present.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to learn the poem.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to use the computer.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to clean the room.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to read an English book.
- What do you have to do now? - I have to walk my pet.
стр.62 ех.4а
Прочитай та з єднай два стовпчики.
1с; 2с; Зb; 4а
стр.63 ех.5а
Прочитай вислови дітей про їхні шкільні предмети та скажи, які з них їм подобаються і які ні.
Alison like Math. Alison doesn't like History. Ted likes Geography, History and Math. George likes doing experiments. George doesn't like school at all. Andrew doesn't like Mathematics lesson.
стр.64 ex.5b
Прочитай вислови дітей знову і доповни речення.
Ted loves all of the subjects. Alison likes only Maths. George doesn't care about studying. Andrew hates Maths. Ted thinks that school is interesting. Alison thinks that History is dull. George thinks that school is boring. Andrew thinks that Maths is awful.
стр.64 ех.5с
Склади речення про те, чому вони надають перевагу одним предметам, а не іншим.
Alison is more interested in Maths because it is great. Ted prefers Geography, History, Maths because he wants to work for an air-taxi. George likes most doing experiments at his father's lab, because they are really interesting and he can perform lots of them there. Alison likes Maths better than History, because everything was discovered before us.
стр.64 ex.6
У групах розкажи про те, що робить шкільні предмети цікавими чи нудними. Використовуй зразок нижче. П ри клади можл и вих відповідей.
It is interesting if it's useful for my future profession. It is interesting if the textbook is nice. It is interesting if the teacher is good. It is interesting if there are a lot of experiments. It is interesting if we read (learn) about nature. It is interesting if it helps me in my daily life. It is interesting if we work with computers. It is interesting if homework isn't large. It is boring if there is a lot of reading and writing. It is boring if there is a lot to learn by heart.
стр.65 ех.1
Прочитай шкільні правила Блекпульської школи. Напиши правила своєї школи. Приклади можливих відповідей:
1. You must not be late. 2. You must not run in the corridors. 3. You must eat only in a school canteen. 4. You must wear the uniform. 5. You must not go out during the lessons.
стр.65 ех.2
Робота в групі. Створить правила для уроку англійської мови.
Rules for English lessons: 1) do a lot of grammar exercises; 2) dramatise texts and dialogues and set up role-plays; 3) study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; 4) listen to spoken English on different cassettes, imitating the sounds and intonation of native speakers; 5) have a good oral practice; 6) learn many poems and songs.

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