ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г. К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon20.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 766, icon0

Unit 4. Places
Сторінка 43
Where can you find the following in this module? Go through the module and find the pictures.
picture A: p.50
picture B: p.48
picture C: p.46
picture D: p.52
picture E: p.44
Сторінка 44
1. Complete the sentences with the places in the box. Then listen and check your answers.
1. You can buy magazines and newspapers at the newsagent's.
2. You can post a letter or buy stamps at the post office.
3. You can borrow books from the library.
4. You can get a haircut at the hairdresser's.
5. You can book a holiday at the travel agent's.
6. You can get medicine from the chemist's.
7. You can buy fruit and vegetables at the market.
8. You can buy flowers at the florist's.
2. A. Listen and read. Where would you hear these dialogues? Choose from the names of the places in activity 1 and write them in the boxes.
1.newsagent's: Daily News, magazine, Popular Teens.
2. travel agent's: San Juan, Puerto Rico, flights, tickets.
3. library: card, borrow, book.
2. B. Read again and write T for True or F for False.
Dialogue 1
1. The girl wants to buy two newspapers. - False.
2. The man Is sure he's got Popular Teens. - False.
Dialogue 2
3. There are cheap flights to San Juan in July. - False.
4, The man wants to go to Puerto Rico in July. - True.
Dialogue 3
5. The boy hasn't got his card with him. - True.
6. The woman decides to give the boy the book anyway. - False.
Сторінка 45
3. Match.
1-c; 2-e; 3-b; 4-f; 5-d; 6-a.
1. It's hot in here. - c. Could you open the window, please?
2. You look tired. - e. Can I help you with the housework?
3. I need to call my sister. - b. May I use your phone?
4. I'm a bit hungry. - f. I may get a sandwich.
5. Its very cloudy. - d. It might rain
6. I really want to buy this skirt. - a. I borrow €50?
4. B. Listen and tick the sound you hear.
/k/: welcome, card, haircut, perfect.
/s/: medicine, centre, facilities, voice.
5. Talk in pairs. Imagine you are the people shown in the pictures below. Ask and answer questions.
1. Can I go to the concert Mum? - Yes, you can.
2. Can I borrow your car tonight? - No, you can't.
3. - What would you like?
- May I have espresso, please?
- Yes, sure.
4. Can you help me to tidy the room? - No, I can't. I have no time.
5. May I see the ticket, please? - Yes, you may.
6. I am late for work. Can you post letter for me? - Yes, I can.
Сторінка 46
2. A. Listen to the dialogue. Then read it out in pairs. Does Stu manage to get to level eight?
He probably does reach level eight.
Білл: Привіт. Стю, у мого брата ця гра. На якому ти рівні?
Стю: Сьомий.
Білл: Це досить складно. Потрібна деяка допомога?
Стю: Так. будь ласка Як потрапити в банк?
Білл: Добре, сідай у поліцейську машину. Йдіть прямо і на світлофорі поверніть праворуч.
Стю: Ой. ось банк, ліворуч.
Білл: А грабіжники банку поза банком! Вони сідають у свою машину. Лови їх!
Стю: Ось і ми! Вони йдуть дуже швидко. О ні! Куди вони пішли? Я втратив їх.
Білл: Швидко пройдіть повз автобусну зупинку і поверніть ліворуч. Стю: Що? Мені їхати в парк? Номер рахунку, вибачте. В кінці парку поверніть ліворуч.
Стю: Добре, що тепер?
Білл: Біля АЗС поверніть праворуч. Хм. Яка це вулиця?
Стю: Я думаю, ми на Стейшн-роуд.
Білл: Добре, спустіться по Station Road і поверніть ліворуч на
Дзвіночок: Вул.
Стю: Я пройду тунель?
Білл: Ні, зупини машину перед супермаркетом. Грабіжники банку знаходяться в будинку позаду нього.
Стю: Звідки ти знаєш?
Білл: Я постійно граю в цю гру. Вийди з машини, лови їх, і ти виграєш.
Стю: Дякую. Восьмий рівень, я прийшов!
2. В. Read again and put the pictures in the correct order.
Write 1-5. a - 3; b - 1; c - 4; d - 2; e - 5.
Сторінка 47
3. Look at the map in activity 4 and circle the correct words.
1. A: Excuse me, is there a florist's near here?
B: Yes, there's one on Sunset Road. It's next to a market.
A: How do I get there?
B: Well, we're on Green Street now. Go straight on and at the traffic lights turn right. Go past Mint Road and turn left at the chemist's That's Sunset Road Go up this road and the florists Is on your left. A: Thank you very much.
2. A: How do I get from the train station to the police station?
B: Well, go down Green Street and turn right into George Street. The police station Is on your right, between the library and the post office.
4. B. Talk in pairs.
- So, how can I get from the station to your house?
- Go straight on and then cross George Street. Go along Green Street than turn right on King Road. Go pass petrol station and travel agent. Turn left to Mint Road. My house is on the left.
Сторінка 48
1. Match. Then listen and check.
houseboat - 3; cottage - 1; bungalow - 6; tree house - 2; farm - 4;
caravan - 5; block of flats - 7.
2. Do you like life in the city or in the country? Do the quiz and find out'.
1. Що ти зазвичай робиш у сонячний день?
а. тусуватися в торговому центрі
b. піти на довгу прогулянку і насолодитися природою
с. зайнятися садівництвом або влаштувати барбекю
2. Який ваш ідеальний домашній улюбленець, золота рибка, кінь чи кіт?
а. Золота рибка, тому що вона не така велика, як інші.
b. Кінь, тому що на ньому можна їздити.
с. Кот, тому що він корисніший за інших. Він може вбивати мишей.
3. Де ваше улюблене місце, щоб пообідати?
а. У дорогому ресторані, звичайно
b. Вдома. Домашня їжа краща і корисніша за їжу в ресторанах.
с. У друга вдома. Це безкоштовно, і мені не потрібно готувати.
4. Який ваш ідеальний будинок?
а. велика квартира в центрі міста
b. котедж біля озера
с. бунгало в тихому районі
5. Кожен у вашому районі знає один одного. Як ти до цього ставишся?
а. Це велика проблема. Я не хочу, щоб усі знали все про моє життя.
b. Це прекрасно. Таким чином ви заведете багато друзів.
с. Це корисно, коли вам потрібна допомога, але іноді це трохи Дратує.
6. Яка ваша загальна думка про життя в селі та в місті?
а. Життя в селі не таке захоплююче, як життя в місті.
b. Життя в селі більш спокійне, ніж життя в місті.
с. Життя за містом недуже відрізняється від життя в місті.
Сторінка 49
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. We are more tired today than we were yesterday.
2. The houseboat is cheaper than the caravan.
3. Sam isn't as annoying as his sister Beth.
4. Today it isn't as cold as it was yesterday.
5. Phil is better than Neil at tennis.
6. Life on a farm is more difficult than lifein the city.
7. Our new sofa is as comfortable as my bed.
4. A. Listen to four people talking and match them with their new homes.
Lionel - 1; Polly - 2; Eric - 4; Stacey - 3.
Лайонел: Мій новий дім гарний, але не гірший за старий. Поллі: Я думаю, що життя в селі здоровіше, ніж життя в місті. Ерік: Мені більше сподобався мій старий район, ніж новий. Стейсі: Мені подобається жити в селі та в місті.
4. B. Listen again and match the people with the statements. Lionel - I liked my old neighbourhood more than my new one. Polly - I think life in the country is healthier than life in the city. Eric - My new home is nice but noisier than my old home.
Stacey - I like living in the country and in the city.
5. A. Talk in small groups. Look at the pictures below. Compare the two places using the adjectives in the box.
Life in the city is more interesting than life in the country. - Yes, but life in the country is safer.
I like city because it is modern. And I like country because it is healthy.
5. B. Write a few sentences answering the following questions: Which place do you prefer, the city or the country? Why?
I like city more because there are a lot of possibilities. I like modern, busy and interesting life. But if I need to have some peaceful time I go the country with my family.
Сторінка 50
1. Listen and number the pictures. Write 1-6.
moon - 4; solar system - 2; planet - 3; galaxy - 6; star - 1; Earth - 5.
2. A. What do you know about our solar system? Listen, read and check your answers.
There are eight planets in our solar system. It is also consists of stars and a lot of asteroids and comets.
У Всесвіті мільярди галактик. Кожна галактика має мільярди сонячних систем! Усі це знають, чи не так? Ну, є ще! Наша галактика Чумацький Шлях, має до 400 мільярдів зірок, і одна з них - Сонце. Сонце знаходиться в центрі нашої сонячної системи, і всі планети рухаються навколо нього. Це важливо для життя на Землі, оскільки дає нам світло і тепло. У нашій сонячній системі вісім планет, а не дев'ять, як ми звикли думати: Меркурій, Венера. Земля, Марс, Юпітер, Сатурн, Уран і Нептун. Вчені вважають Плутон вже не планетою, а карликовою планетою, оскільки вона дуже маленька. Так, найменша планета нашої Сонячної системи - Меркурій, а найбільша - Юпітер. Крім того, найближча до Сонця планета Меркурій, але вона не найгарячіша. Найспекотніша планета з усіх - Венера, але не думайте, що там можна позасмагати: там температура близько 460 °С! Нептун - найдальша від Сонця планета. Це одна з найхолодніших планет Сонячної системи разом із Сатурном і Ураном. Температура на Нептуні може досягати -220 °С!
Сторінка 51
2. B. Read again and write T for True or F for False.
1-F; 2-F; 3-T; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F.
1. Every galaxy has got lots of universes. - False.
2. The sun Is In a solar system but not in the Milky Way. - False.
3. The Earth Is bigger than Mercury. - True.
4. The Earth Is 1320 times smaller than Jupiter. - True.
5. Venus Is hotter than Mercury. - True.
6. Uranus isn't colder than Venus. - False.
3. Look at the box and read the numbers a-e aloud. Then listen and check.
a. 372 - three hundred and seventy-two;
b. 3.400.000.000 - three billion four hundred million;
c. 59,213 - fifty-nine thousand, two hundred and thirteen;
d. 4.200.000 - four million two hundred thousand;
e. 7690 - seven thousand six hundred and ninety.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the grammar adjectives in brackets
1 - taller, tallest; 2 - cheapest; 3 - popular; 4 - warm, coldest; 5 - newer, more modern; 6 - most famous; 7 - hottest.
1. Adam is taller than Mike, but Fran is the tallest of the three.
2. I didn’t have a lot of money on me so I bought the cheapest T-shirt in the shop.
3. The National Museum is as popular as the History Museum
4. Today it isn't as warm as it was yesterday. I think today is the coldest day of the week.
5. My uncle's car is newer and more modern than my dad's.
6. Who's the most famous scientist of our century?
7. In Malta, July Is the hottest month of the year. The temperature can reach over 38 °C.
Сторінка 52
1. Match the pictures with the words and the signs. Then listen and check your answers.
1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - f; 4 - b; 5 - e; 6 - d; 7 - g.
а. залізнична станція; b. аеропорт; c. стадіон; d. автостоянка; е.
міст; f. замок; д. порт.
2. В. Listen to a radio advertisement and tick the places above that are mentioned.
San Francisco Bay, Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown.
2. C. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1-fourth; 2-About 16 million; 3-1280; 4-baseball; 5-Chinatown; 6- Golden Gate Bridge.
1. San Francisco is the fourth largest city in California.
2. About 16 million tourists visit San Francisco every year.
3. The Golden Gate Bridge is 1280 metres long.
4. At AT&T Park you can watch a basebail game.
5. Chinatown is a good place for shopping at street markets.
6. You can go on a bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge.
3. A. Read the description and answer the questions below.
1. What place Is the writer describing? - The writer is describing Paris, the capital of France.
2. Where Is that place? - It is on the River Seine in northern France.
3. How many sights does the writer talk about in the second paragraph? - He is talking about two sights, such as: the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.
4. What does the writer think of Paris? - He thinks that it is a beautiful city.
5. What does the writer enjoy doing with his friends? - They enjoy going cycling and watching their football team Paris Saint-Germain at the Parc des Princes Stadium.
6. What adjectives does the writer use to describe the place? - He uses such adjectives as: northern, famous, interesting, amazing, popular, beautiful.
Сторінка 53
3. B. Think about your town/city. Look at the questions in the speech bubble and make some notes. Then talk in pairs.
What is the name of your town/city? - It is Kyiv.
Where is it? - In Ukraine.
What are some important features of this place (size, population, mountains, etc.)? - The population is about more than 2 million people.
What are some of the most interesting sights? - There are a lot of beautiful parks, bridges and museums.
What can people do there? - People can go on excursions there.
What do you think of the town/city? - It is beautiful.
What do you enjoy doing there with your friends? - Go for a walk, visit cafes and parks.
3. C. Read and find what the highlighted words (1-6) from the text refer to.
1 - it: Paris; 2 - them: the sights; 3 - it: the Eiffel Tower; 4 - Here: the Louvre; 5 - them: the parks; 6 - We: my friends and I.
4. D. Write a description of your town/city. Use your notes from activity 3B and follow the plan below.
I live in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It is a beautiful and big city. There is a river called Dnipro. You can also see some hills in Kyiv.
There are a lot of interesting sights in Kyiv. One of the famous is Golden Gate. There a lot of museums, monuments and parks. People can go on excursions, visit interesting places and enjoy time on a picnic. A lot of visitors come to Kyiv every year.
I think that my town is wonderful place. I like everything there. My friends and 1 enjoy every moment while walking in the park.
Сторінка 54
Read the song and choose the correct words. Then listen and check your answers.
I woke up this morning One hour late for (1) school
I missed the (2) bus so I walked Oh, I'm such a fooll
While I was walking I saw a big black (3) cat
I slipped and fell down Ouch! I (4) hurt my back.
It’s an unlucky day Oh, when will it end?
Please tell me soon Or I’ll go crazy my friend!
I asked my dad for the (5) car And he gave it to me
But when I was (6) driving home I crashed into a tree!

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