ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023

icon22.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 978, icon0

Unit 14. Getting around town
Сторінка 60
1. Put the letters in the correct order to make town words.
1 - library; 2 - traffic lights; 3 - bridges; 4 - bus stops; 5 - streets; 6 - roundabout;
2. Match the words to the definitions.
1. These change colour from red and yellow to green when the cars can go. - d. traffic lights.
2. You can buy fruit and vegetables here. - f. market.
3. People and cars can use this to go across a river or a road. - a. bridge.
4. This is round and several roads meet here. - c. roundabout.
5. This is where students at school go at break time. - e. playground.
6. You can read books here. - b. library.
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. My mother went to the petrol station to put air into her car's tyres.
2. I took the letter to the post office.
3. My friends and I play volleyball at the sports centre.
4. There is a very long street in the middle of the town.
5. A lot of buses go from the bus station to other cities.
6. I go to a swimming pool near my house twice a week.
1. Match the two parts of the compound nouns.
1. guide - d. book.
2. post - a. card.
3. walking - b. tour.
4. tour - f. guide.
5. rain - c. coat.
6. cycle - e. tour.
2. Match the compound nouns in Exercise 1 to the definitions.
1. This has information for tourists. It tells them about places to visit, guidebook.
2. You can write on this and send it to a friend. - postcard.
3. This is when you look around a small town on foot. - walking tour.
4. This person shows you the best places to visit. - tour guide.
5. You wear this when the weather is bad. - raincoat.
6. This is when you visit different places on a bike. - cycle tour.
3. Complete the text with compound nouns in Exercise 1.
Last summer I went on a walking tour in Italy with my parents and my younger sister - a wonderful weekend enjoying the Italian countryside on foot! We went to ‘Bergamo where we met our tour guide. She gave us a guidebook to look: at on the way. Then we caught a bus to the mountains. Two hours later the bus stopped near a river It was sunny and warm so we didn't need a raincoat. We walked past lakes, through villages and over mountains. It was very beautiful. In one village we found a very small shop and I bought a postcard to send to my best friend.
Сторінка 61
2. Look at the map on page 60 again and complete the sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. The football stadium is outside the town.
2. The cinema is next to the cafe.
3. The restaurant is opposite the post office.
4. The bank is next to the park.
5. There is a river going through the town.
6. There is a bridge across the river.
7. There is a market opposite the shopping centre.
3. Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
1. A: Excuse me, which way is the library?
B: Go straight on. The library is on your left.
2. A: Is there a post office near here?
B: Yes, there is turn left at the roundabout. The post office is on your right.
3. A: Excuse me, where is the bank?
B: It’s opposite the cinema go past the supermarket and it's on your left.
4 A: Excuse me, is there a petrol station near here?
B: Umm, yes, there’s one next to the shopping centre. Drive along this street and turn right at the bridge. It's there just after the park.
A: Thank you very much.
4. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. The school is next to the bus station.
2. I live opposite the supermarket.
3. We can meet outside my house.
4. Go along the main street.
5. The lake has a bridge across it.
Сторінка 62
1. Read the magazine article about a model village and tick the places you can find there.
1. a train station; 2. a castle; 3. a beach; 5. a zoo; 7. a mountain. Bekonscot Model Village майже 90 років. Це найстаріше типове селище у світі, і це вражає. Там можна побачити багато різних речей. Всі вони виглядають справжніми, але, звичайно, вони дуже маленькі! Одне місце - зоопарк з моделями жирафів і шимпанзе. Є модельні люди, які дивляться на тварин у зоопарку. Інше місце - місто біля моря з пляжем. Діти-моделі граються у воді, а інші люди ходять по піску. Є вулиці, де можна побачити машини, автобуси та світлофори. Світлофор змінює колір, а машини рухаються! На головній вулиці є багато магазинів - з моделями людей усередині магазинів і на вулиці. Ви можете подивитися в магазинах і подивитися, що вони продають. Поруч із містом є залізнична станція з маленькими поїздами, які їдуть навколо села, через мости або через тунелі. Там також є гора, і ви можете спостерігати, як люди піднімаються на неї. Моє улюблене місце це замок. У ньому є король і королева - вони стоять біля входу і махають руками. У зразковому селі можна залишитися весь ранок, а потім пообідати в кафе поруч із селом. їжа дуже смачна - справжня їжа!
2. Read the article again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
1. Bekonscot Model Village has 90 different models. - Wrong.
2. You can't see real wild animals there. - Wrong.
3. People are having fun on the beach next to the town. - Right.
4. There are people outside the shops. - Right.
5. The writer thinks the best thing about the park is the castle. - Right.
6. There is a real cafe inside the village. - Wrong.
1. Write this or these.
1. these buildings.
2. these streets.
3. this river.
4. this park.
5. these museums.
6. this cinema.
2. Choose the correct words to complete the text.
Budapest is the capital of Hungary and it's in the centre of Europe. This city is one of the most beautiful in the world. The River Danube goes through the city. On one side of this river there is the old part of the city. It's called Buda. There are many lovely old buildings there. These are very popular with tourists. On the other side is the new part of the city called Pest. There are lots of cinemas there. These cinemas show lots of interesting films. Margaret Island is a very interesting place in Budapest. It's in the middle of the Danube in the centre of the city. This island has parks, tennis courts and swimming pools.
3. Complete the article with the words and phrases in the box.
My town is in Galicia, in Spain. It is a beautiful place. Near the town there are lots of lovely beaches. These are popular with young people and families. In the town centre there are a lot of shops. These sell clothes and food. An interestins place in my town is the museum. I like it because it has an old photograph of my street.
4. Write an article about your town or city. Use the text in Exercise 3 to help you and write about 50 words. Remember to use this and these correctly.
My town is very nice and beautiful. There are a lot of parks there.
Young people like to walk there with their friends. There are also a lot of different shops which sell clothes and food. We have also some museums about the past of Ukraine and War museum. My town is full of different cafes and restaurants.
Сторінка 63
1. You will hear Lucas talking to a friend about his trip to Cardiff with his family. Which place did each person visit on Saturday?
1. sister - C. clothes shop.
2. mum - F. restaurant.
3. brother - H. stadium.
4. dad - G. theatre.
5. grandfather - D. park.

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