ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

icon25.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 529, icon0

Unit 10. Buying things.
Vocabulary and Reading
1. Match photos A - H to the words in the box.
A - discount; B - receipt; C - bill; D - purse; E - wallet; F - cash; G - sale; H - price.
4. In pairs, discuss your answers. Which of you:
1. David buys more online than in the shops.
2. Nick sometimes checks the bill.
3. Maria usually shops in the sales.
4. Mark carries cash in their purse.
5. Steve never asks shop assistants anything.
6. Mary spends more on clothes than their friends.
5. Put the words from Exercise 1 into the correct columns.
Countable: bill, discount, price, purse, receipt, sale, wallet. Uncountable: cash.
1. Read the sentences from the quiz. Then complete the rules with countable, uncountable or countable and uncountable.
1. countable and uncountable
2. countable and uncountable
3. countable and uncountable
4. countable
5. uncountable.
2. Match the photos A - D to the sentences.
1. He's got a bit of pizza. - A.
2. He's got a few books. - D.
3. He's got a lot of pizza. - C.
4. He’s got a lot of books. - B.
3. Look at the photos. Complete the sentences with a bit of, a few or a lot of.
1. There are a lot of socks on the bed.
2. There's a bit of cake left.
3. There are a few eggs in the fridge.
4. There are a few books on the shelf.
5. He's got a lot of money in his wallet.
6. I only ate a bit of breakfast this morning.
6. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. Please can you bring (some) pencils for drawing.
2. I want to buy (some) clothes. Can you help me?
3. I'm phoning to tell you (some/a bit of) good news.
4. You only need to bring (a) (some) shorts and a T - shirt.
5. I'm sorry, but I haven't got any cash.
7. Write six sentences about your shopping habits using some, any, a lot of, a few or a bit of.
1. I like buying some tasty cakes for party.
2. I don't buy any sweets for children.
3. I usually buy a lot of products in a shop.
4. I need a few pieces of tomatoes to buy in a shop.
5. I want to buy some apples.
6. I need to buy a few carrots.
2. Look at the photos of the two young business people. Read and complete the information:
1. Name: Cory Nieves
Country: The United States
Name of business: Mr. Cory's Cookies
Type of business: It sells cookies.
2. Name: Bella Tipping
Country: Australia
Name of business: Kidzcationz
Type of business: It gives information.
3. Read the articles again and answer the questions.
1.What did Cory sell before he sold the cookies?
He sold hot chocolate and lemonade.
2.What do Cory and his mum still do?
Cory and his mum still try out the recipes themselves at home.
3. What surprised Bella's mum after the holiday?
She was surprised that Bella did not think the holiday was great.
4. How can families use Kidzcationz?
They can look at reviews from young people about hotels and restaurants.
1. Match the phrases with for to the meanings:
1. for the next day; 2. for cookies; 3. for just over a dollar each; 4. for parties; 5. for his website.
1. For each question, choose the correct answer.
1. Two friends are talking at the shopping centre. Why is the boy at the shopping centre? - B. He wants to visit a new shop.
2. A boy is talking about shopping. What did he buy? - C. some bread.
3. A woman is talking to her daughter about a present for her son, Matt. What is the present? - A. something for Matt to wear.
4. Two friends are talking at one of the friend's houses. What is the boy doing? - B. He’s looking at websites.
5. A teacher is talking to the class about a school trip. What is he telling them to do? - C. wear warm clothes.
I wanted to buy a new football T - shirt so I looked on the internet. I found one on this fantastic website and ordered it. I payed online as it was very easy. It took the whole week to arrive to our post. When I opened the T - shirt, the size was wrong. It was too huge for me. I sent it back, but they didn't have my size and didn't sent me money back. After that I never do payment in advance.
1. In pairs, discuss the questions with your partner.
1. Is your home or school near a shopping centre, street market or charity shop?
My school is near the shop.
2.How are small shops and shopping centres different?
Small shops sell one sort of thing, such as clothes or books, help you choose your shopping, Small shops are often in villages, towns and cities. Shopping centre has lots of different shops and different things for sale in one place. They often are outside the city centre.
2. Read about shopping in different countries. Where do you do your shopping?
I do my shopping online if I buy some clothes and if I need some food, I go to the supermarket.
3. Match the texts (1-3) in Exercise 2 to the photos (A - C).
A - 2; B - 3; C - 1.
Сторінка 63
4. Read the texts again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
1. There are not a lot of technology stores at the mall. - Wrong.
2. Mark walks or cycles to the mall. - Right.
3. Karen likes shopping in Camden Street. - Right.
4. Charity shops only sell clothes. - Wrong.
5. The street market in Poltava sells food from local farms. - Right.
6. Pavlo's family like tea with honey in winter. - Wrong.
5. Complete the sentences with the highlighted words in the texts.
1. When I go to the centre of town, I love going window shopping I don't buy anything.
2. I like buying local fruit and vegetables at the Farmers' Market. That way, I help small businesses and farmers from the area.
3. I'm taking some clothes to the charity shop to donate them.
4. I love shopping for hats, scarves, sunglasses and other accessories.
5. I need to save every penny of my pocket money to buy a concert ticket next month.
6. This afternoon my mum is taking me to a technology store to see some different phones.
6. Listen to Gemma talking to two people about shopping. Tick the correct answers.
1. Leo likes shopping - c. at the shopping centre.; 2. Gemma's mum likes shopping - b. at the Farmers' Market.
7. Listen again and match the two halves of the sentences.
1. Leo is - e. 13 years old.
2. Leo likes - a. window shopping at the shopping centre.
3. Leo goes shopping - h. at weekends.
4. Leo sometimes buys - d. music magazines.
5. Gemma's mum goes shopping - b. three times a week.
6. She likes - g. the local products and the prices.
7. She always buys - c. fruit and vegetables.
8. Gemma and her dad love - f. cheese.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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