ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карп’юк О.Д.] 2014

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Lesson 2. So Many Places
стр.158 ex.2
Скажи, які з слів є назвами країн. Випиши назви національностей.
Nationalities: Australian Japanese British Italian Russian American German French Canadian Ukrainian.
стр.158 ех.З
Назви країни, де люди розмовляють цими мовами.
People speak English In England. People speak Spanish in Spain. People speak Japanese in Japan. People speak German in Germany. People speak Italian in Italy.
стр.158 ex.4
Прочитай та з'ясуй, які мови вивчають діти у школі. Запитай та дай відповідь у парах.
A. What foreign language does Ivan study at school?
B. He studies English.
A. What foreign language does Tom study at school?
B. He studies German.
A. What foreign language does Oksanka study at school?
B. She studies English and German.
A. What foreign language does Gustav study at school?
B. He studies French and English.
A. What foreiqn lanquaqe does Bill study at school?
B. He studies Russian.
A. What foreign language does Jack study at school?
B. He studies Ukrainian.
A. What foreign language does Robert study at school?
B. He studies Japanese.
A. What foreign language does Gregory study at school?
B. He studies English.
A. What foreign language does Arturo study at school?
B. He studies German and English.
A. What foreign language does Mary study at school?
B. She studies French.
A. What foreign language does Yoko study at school?
B. She studies American English.
стр.160 ex.1a
Подивись на малюнки і скажи, які з них є символом країни:
France - The Eiffel Tower; The USA - Statue of Liberty; Ukraine - Bohdan Khmelnitski Monument; Great Britain - Big Ben; Russia - St. Basil Cathedral; Australia - Sydney Opera House.
стр.160 ex.1b
Назви міста, де ці будинки чи пам'ятники знаходяться.
Paris - The Eiffel Tower; New York - Statue of Liberty; Kyiv - Bohdan Khmelnitski Monument; London - Big Ben; Moscow - St. Basil Cathedral; Sydney - Opera House.
стр.161 ех.2а
Перед прочитанням з'ясуй, чи багато ти знаєш про Лондон.
Where does the British Queen live in London? The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. What is the Queen's favourite summer home? The Queen's favourite summer home is Windsor Castel. Which is the most famous bridge? It's Tower Bridge. What is the largest square? It's Trafalgar square. What's the most popular park? It's Hyde Park. What's the biggest museum called? It's The British Museum. What's the name of the most famous bell? Big Ben. What's the largest church called? St. Paul's Cathedral. What's the largest castle in the world still lived in? Windsor Castle.
стр.164 ex.4
Обери a, b a bo с, щоб доповнити речення.
1) с; 2) b; 3) а; 4) b; 5) с; 6) с; 7) b.
стр.168 ех.5
Запиши назви окремих міст та їх пам'ятників (визначних місць). Попрацюй з партнером.
Використай інформацію з стр.158 ех.1b
стр.170 ex.4b
Дай відповідь на запитання.
1. What would Pam like to visit? London. 2. What is the most famous square in London? Trafalgar Square. 3. What river can you see in London? The River Thames. 4. What building in New York has got a hundred and two floors? The Empire State Building. 5. Where is the most interesting opera house in the world? In Sydney. 6. Who is a real friend? Nano is a real friend.
стр.172 ех.1
Перевір знання з використання артиклі. Впиши в речення артиклі «а» або «the». Поясни свій вибір.
1. I saw the Moon last night (єдиний свого роду предмет - артикль the). 2. I saw a star last night (приналежність до певного класу предметів). 3. The British Isles (група островів, тому the) are washed by the English Channel (означає географічний водний об'єкт) on the south-east (частина світу). 4. The Nile (є назвою річки) is а river (приналежність до певного класу предметів). 5. The parrot (назва тварини вжита в узагальнюючому значенні) is a bird
стр.172 ex.2
Впиши в речення артикль «the», де необхідно.
1. The Sphinx is in _ Egypt. 2. The Chicago River flows south towards the Gulf of _ Mexico. 3. „ Regent Street is a street in the West End of _ London. It runs between _ Oxford Circus and _ Piccadilly Circus. 4. The National Gallery faces _ Trafalgar Square. 5. The Canary Islands are popular with British people for a holiday at the seaside. 6. The Volga flows from _ Valdai Hills to the Caspian Sea. 7. Where are the British Isles? 8. „Margaret lives in _ Vienna. It is in _ Austria. 9. You can find beautiful collections in the Tate Gallery. 10. We get tea mostly from _ China and Ceylon. 11. The Danube rises in _ Germany and flows through _ Vienna in _ Austria, _ Budapest in _ Hungary and through _ Romania and _ Moldavia, and finally into the Black Sea. 12. They brought the potato to_ Europe from _ America. 13. _Mary speaks _ English very well. 14. The British are conservative nation. 15. Have you written a letter to the Johnsons?
стр.173. ех.З
Використай артикль «the», де необхідно.
A. 1. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from _ France to the United States, 2. _ Donald and _ Sarah went to school yesterday. 3. On our trip to the USA we crossed the Atlantic Ocean. 4. _ Nickolas is the youngest son of the Browns. 5. He lived in the South-East, then he moved to the North. 6. Some seas have names of colors: the Black Sea, the Red Sea, the Yellow Sea. 7. _ Fleet Street in London took its name from the Fleet River, which till 1765 ran into the Thames. 8. His ship nearly sank in the Pacific.
B. 1. The article tells about the events in _ Asia and in _ Africa. 2. My uncle has been to the Latin America. 3. _ Asia is between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. 4. The Mount Blanc is the highest peak of the Alps. 5. _ Aladdin was a lazy boy. 6. In one of the cities of _ China there lived _ Mustapha. 7. This man is _ English. 8. Thousands of people go to _ Crimea in summer. 9. What is the capital of _ Canada? 10. The Pamirs, which are called the "Roof of the world", are in _ Asia.
стр.178 ex.1b
Прочитай листівку знову та дай відповідь на питання.
How do we start postcard? Dear / Hi. How do we finish it? See you soon / Love. What do we write about? Order the ideas: what's it's like it's wonderful / terrible, where we are at the hotel in Cairo, how we like it there it's fantastic / it's awful.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Карпюк 2014 Підручник Либра Терра
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