ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023

icon22.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 978, icon0

Unit 17. What are you watching?
Сторінка 72
1. Match the sentence halves.
1. You can use the remote control - f. to change channels on the TV.
2. I like to watch the news - c. on an American channel like CNN.
3. I watched a great talent show - a. on TV last night.
4. I'm not a fan of - b. cartoons for children but I sometimes watch them with my little sister.
5. I use my computer to stream - e. programmes I don't have time to watch live.
6. I prefer to watch live football games - d. than record them for later.
3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. The talent show was on TV very late last night so I'm going to stream it this evening.
2. My brother's a big fan of basketball. He always watches the matches live.
3. I like to watch films on demand when I finish my homework because there are never any other good programmes on at that time.
1. Look at the photos. What are the people going to do? Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to.
1. He is going to swim. 2.She is going to open her laptop. 3.They are going to watch a match. 4.He is going to make a cake. 5.She is going to do her homework.
2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. My mother is the biggest fan of Rafa Nadal. She watches all his matches.
2. He couldn't watch the live concert but he saw it the next day.
3. My favourite channel is Nickelodeon.
4. I can't find the remote control to turn the TV on.
5. You can use the internet to stream lots of programmes from other countries.
6. Our TV is so old we can't watch anything on demand, only what they are showing at the time you turn it on.
7. I was surprised to see my best friend on the news last night. She was talking about a sports competition in our town.
1. Put the letters in italics in the correct order to make words about talent shows.
Welcome to the first programme of Talent 1001 In the studio tonight we have ten artists for the first competition. Each performer has five minutes to show us their talent: singing, dancing or playing a musical instrument.
We also have our experts - Lisa Minne won last year and she is back to be a judge with Steve and Kathy. We also ask the audience to give their thoughts. Everyone can vote for their favourite act online or by phone. This year there are going to be ten shows. The winner of each show will go to the final in May. The first prize is going to be £10,000 and the runner - up is going to get £3,000. But first, on the stage tonight we have a famous star - Adele - who is going to sing her new song.
2. Match the words in the box to the meanings.
1. This person gets first prize. - winner.
2. This person gets second prize. - runner - up.
3. Performers stand here when they sing or dance. - stage.
4. This person chooses the best performer. - judge.
5. This is a very famous performer. - star.
6. A talent show is recorded here. - studio.
7. These people watch a talent show. - audience.
Сторінка 73
2. Write sentences with going to.
1. He isn't going to finish his lunch. 2. I am going to visit my mum in hospital. 3. She isn't going to phone her friend. 4. We are going to invite our friends to the party. 5. They aren't going to stream the film.
6. We aren't going to go to the concert.
3. Correct the mistakes in four of the sentences. Which two are correct?
1 - correct.
2 - I am going to play tennis and football.
3 - I am happy because you are going to come to my house.
4 - correct.
5 - We are going to get to the sports centre by car.
6 - I hope you are going to have a lovely time in my town.
4. Connect the questions, answers and comments.
2. Is he going to make a cake? Yes, he is. It is for his mother's birthday.
3. Are they going to play volleyball this Saturday? No, they are not. Theare are no games this weekend.
4. Are you going to walk home after school today? Yes, we are. Do you want to come with us?
Сторінка 74
1. Read Tom's blog. Where does he live?
In the UK/England.
Я дуже люблю дивитися мультики. Мій улюблений мультфільм Сімпсони. Це дуже смішно. «Сімпсони» — відома американська телевізійна програма, і я її великий шанувальник. Це історія родини в маленькому містечку в Сполучених Штатах. Гомер і Мардж є батьками трьох дітей: Барта, Лізи та Меггі. Ліза моя улюблена, тому що вона дуже розумна, але Варт теж веселий. Меггі - дитина. Вона взагалі не розмовляє. У Великобританії ви можете дивитися «Сімпсонів» на Четвертому каналі. Щовечора по телевізору. Я часто дивлюся його з братом і сестрою. Ми також можемо дивитися кожну програму на вимогу, і нам подобається дивитися їх знову і знову. Іноді я транслюю серії на свій планшет, оскільки ввечері маю домашнє завдання, тож дивлюся їх, коли закінчу, або наступного дня. Минулого тижня мене чекав великий сюрприз. Я зустрів Лізу Сімпсон! Так звичайно! У моєї мами є подруга-іспанка, і вона приїхала до нас додому в Англію. Вона актриса, і її робота полягає в тому, щоб озвучувати Лізу Сімпсон іспанською. Подруга моєї мами вже доросла, але вона може говорити голосом маленької дівчинки. Дуже смішно було її слухати! Я думаю, що іспанські діти люблять Сімпсони так само, як і я.
2. Read the blog again and answer the questions.
1. What country is The Simpsons from? - the United States.
2. What type of TV programme is The Simpsons? - a cartoon.
3. Who are Marge and Homer? - the parents.
4. How many children are there in The Simpsons? - three.
5. What two machines does Tom watch The Simpsons on? - on TV or on his tablet.
6. Where did Tom meet the actress who does Lisa Simpson's voice? - at home.
7. What kind of voice does Tom's mum's friend use for her job? - a little girl's voice.
8. Can you watch The Simpsons in Spanish?
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. What's the name of the show? The name of the show is The Voice Kids.
2. How many judges are there? There are three judges.
3. Who won the competition? Jess won the competition.
4. What band does Jenna like? Jenna likes The Vamps.
5. Do other people like the show? Yes, Jennas friends.
2. Think about a talent show you like and answer the questions.
1. What's the name of the show? The name of the show is X factor.
2. When can you see it? I can see it on TV.
3. What do people do in the show? They show their talent.
4. What are the names of some of the performers? It is Monatik.
5. What do you like about them? They are all very talented.
6. Is the show popular? Yes, it is.
3. Write about your talent show. Use your answers to the questions in Exercise 2 and write about 50 words.
X factor is a very popular TV show all over the world. Different people can take part their and show their talent. They can sing, dance or do athletics. They are all very talented and I remember how Monatik came as unknown person there and now he is a famous singer.
Сторінка 75
1. Listen to an interview with Josie. What are her plans for the future?
She is going to open a restaurant. She is going to enjoy her life and have a holiday.
2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Why is Josie famous? - Josie is famous because she won MasterChef.
2. Where did she work in the past? - She worked in Manchester.
3. What does her boyfriend do? - He is in the music business.
4. What did she win in the competition? - She won 50 000 pounds.
5. What is she going to do first? - She is going to have a holiday.
6. What does she think is the most important thing a good cook needs to do? - A good cook needs to have fun with cooking.

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