ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит Prepare [Куки Керолайн, Сміт Кетрін] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
4 978,
Unit 18. Magazines and books
Сторінка 76Vocabulary
1. Match the words in the box to the pictures and photos.
1 - headline; 2 - interview; 3 - advertisement; 4 - photograph; 5 - cartoon;
2. Match the type of writing to the examples.
1. an article about nature - c. You can find these animals in the Amazon rainforest.
2. a headline about a sports event - d. SPANISH TEAM WIN THE MATCH.
3. some information about a walking tour - e. We will start at the market square at 10 a.m.
4. an interview with a pop star - b. 'What are your plans for next year?' 'I'm going to give concerts in the USA.'
5. a review of a book - a. It was really interesting and I recommend that everyone reads it.
3. Complete the email from Harry to the headteacher of his school with the words in Exercises 1 and 2.
Dear Mrs Young,
In Class 3B we are going to make a monthly school magazine. We saw an advertisement in the town newspaper last Monday for a competition and we want to enter. We have to include different sections. There is a page for a review of a film, a page with information about school activities, like sports matches or concerts, and a page for an article about any topic we want - perhaps something on the new school science lab? One of the students, Tess Williams, can draw very well, so she can draw a great cartoon of our class! We would also like to include an interview with you. Can I come to your office and ask you some questions? The headline for this could be 'A DAY IN THE LIFE OF OUR HEADTEACHER'. We would like a photograph of you as well. Can we take one?
Thank you very much, Harry Dawson (class 3B representative).
Сторінка 77
1. Match the sentence halves.
1. Why don't we - b. watch the new cartoon on BBC 3 tonight?
2. Let's - d. stop. I'm tired.
3. I will - e. help you with your homework.
4. Shall - a. we start a school magazine?
5. Why not call - c. our online newspaper The Buzz?
2. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
George: Hi, Alba. Are you free this weekend?
Alba: Yes, I am shall we meet in the city and go shopping?
George: Good idea. I need some new shoes. Why not go to the new shopping centre next to the post office?
Alba: Excellent idea, it's got a great cafe. Why don't we have lunch there?
George: Yes, OK. And let's go to the cinema in the afternoon. I'd like to see the new film.
Alba: Hmm. I'd like to see the cartoon about the singing mouse.
George: OK. Why not see both?
Alba: Great! I buy the tickets tonight!
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. The school magazine is great because, as it has interesting articles.
2. The film was boring, so I fell asleep in the cinema.
3. When the singer finished performing, the audience stood up and applauded.
4. We didn't enjoy the beach because, as it was raining.
5. It's the cheapest shop in town, so you should go there.
6. The children found a magic box when they were at their friend's house.
3. Write suggestions to make to a friend or family member for this weekend.
1. Why don't we have lunch at my house?
2. Shall we play football in the park on Sunday?
3. Why not go to the mountains?
4. Let's have a party on Saturday.
5. Why don't we play computer games at your house?
4. Underline five mistakes with phrases for making suggestions in the email.
Hi Javi,
How are you? Thanks for your email. Yes, I'm free on Saturday. Lets go to the cinema! Why not seeing the new Hidden Figures film? Shall we to go to the cinema café before the film? They have great cakes! Why doesn't we meet in front of the cinema at 5 o'clock? Is that OK for you? Why not to call me tonight and we can talk about it?
Speak soon, Marina.
5. Correct the mistakes in the email in Exercise 4.
1. Let's go to the cinema!
2. Why not see the new Hidden Figures film?
3. Shall we go to the cinema café before the film?
4. Why don’t we meet in front of the cinema at 5 o'clock?
5. Why not to call me tonight and we can talk about it?
1. Match the sentence halves.
1. I read a review of a film - c. because I wanted to know more about it.
2. I didn't go to the cinema - d. as I had no money.
3. I bought a magazine to read - a. when I got to the airport.
4. The book was great, - b. so I think you should read it.
Сторінка 78
1. Read the article about what students are reading. Who is reading something they are going to give back when they finish?
Alyssa and Lily.
Ітан любить бойовики та пригодницькі історії. Минулого літа він прочитав «Я номер чотири» Піттакуса Лора, тому що батьки подарували йому це на день народження. Йому це сподобалося, тому зараз він читає наступну книгу про тих самих героїв під назвою «Сила шести». Всього шість книг, і вони про групу молодих людей з особливими можливостями. Вони прийшли з іншого світу. Це фантастична книга та чудова історія. Ітан також хоче прочитати інші чотири книги.
Алісса не дуже любить читати книжки, але їй подобаються велосипедні журнали. Вона велика прихильниця велоспорту. Вона любить кататися і дивитися це по телевізору, тому цього тижня вона читає Cycle Week. Тут міститься вся інформація про нові мотоцикли та важливих гонщиків Тур де Франс. Вона не купує журнал, тому що він дорогий, але дядько позичає її їй після того, як прочитає.
Лілі каже: «Я читаю все!» Вона отримує одну або дві книжки на тиждень у бібліотеці. Вона читає щовечора перед сном. Зараз вона читає Басейн бабок Єви Ібботсон. Це про дівчину на ім'я Теллі та її пригоди в країні під назвою Берганія. Лілі вважає, що це чудово, оскільки йдеться про боротьбу добра зі злом. Чи можете ви вгадати, хто виграє? Ви повинні прочитати книгу, щоб дізнатися!
2. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Where did Ethan get I am Number Four from? He got a number from his parents.
2. Where do the people in Ethan's book come from? They came from another world.
3. What is Alyssa's favourite sport? Her favourite sport is cycling.
4. Why doesn't she buy Cycle Week? She doesn't buy Cycle Week because it is expensive.
5. When does Lily read books? She reads every night before she goes to sleep.
6. What is her opinion of the book, The Dragonfly Pool? She thinks it is brilliant.
1. Read the review of a website. Does the writer like it? Which words and phrases show how good or bad it was? Underline them.
Yes, the writer likes it.
good - great; really interesting, brilliant, fun, bad - boring;
2. Complete the table with the adjectives in the box.
Good opinion: amazing, brilliant, exciting, fantastic, great, interesting;
Bad opinion: awful, boring, horrible, terrible;
3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. I loved it.
2. I think it is boring.
3. Make sure you see it.
4. You should go there.
5. Go and eat there.
Сторінка 79
1. Sofia calls a cinema and listens to a message. Write the numbers Sofia needs to press (1-5) for the information below. Which numbers does she choose?
A. to hear about the cafe - 3.
B. to buy tickets - 5.
C. to talk to an assistant - 4.
D. to hear about next week's new film - 2.
E. to hear about this week's new film - 1.
Sofia chooses numbers 1 and 3.
2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What is the name of the cinema? Film of the Week.
2. What is this week's film called? My wonderful cousin.
3. How much are the tickets? 5 pounds.
4. What is the name of the cafe? New Film;
5. What cakes can you buy in the cafe? Chocolate and carrot.
4. Think about a website you like and answer the questions.
1. What is it called? Travelling around the world.
2. What can you do on the website? See different countries.
3. What is good about it? You can choose any place you like.
4. What is not good about it? Not all options are free.
5. What suggestion can you make about it? To make free download sheets.
5. Write your review. Use your answers to the questions in Exercise 4 and write about 50 words.
The website Travelling around the world is very interesting. You can see there different countries and all the cities. You can choose any place you like and visit online. The only thing I don't like is that some options are not free of charge, I need to pay to receive photo to print. But anyway, the website is really nice.
1. Look at the pictures and write sentences with the correct form of have to and the phrases.
1. We have to be quiet in class.
2. We have to wear a uniform.
3. We have to start school at 7.30.
4. We have to go to school on Saturdays.
5. We have to learn Spanish.
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