ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 509, icon0

Unit 8a
Сторінка 78
A. Complete with the words in the box.
1. I feel sorry for George. He lost his mobile phone.
2. Let me see your design for the laptop advertisement.
3. The flowers in Mrs Tomlinson's garden are very colourful.
4. A: What happens next in this competition?
B: I'm not sure. Julie is the organiser. Let's ask her.
5. My dream holiday would be a trip to Iceland.
6. Check out the headline on the first page. 'Barcelona wins cup!'
7. Jill knew about the surprise party because Rodney was being very mysterious all week.
8. I’ll meet you outside the town hall at four o'clock.
B. Use the nouns given to form adjectives and complete the sentences.
1. These chips are really tasty.
2. Be careful! I It's dark in that cave.
3. Martin told me a funny joke today.
4. Rock climbing without the right equipment can be dangerous.
5. Kelly drank a whole bottle of water because she was thirsty.
6. Ellen looked beautiful on her birthday.
7. The shop assistants in the new clothes shop are quite helpful.
C. Complete with who, which or that.
I entered an art competition last month but I didn't win. The girl (1) who won was from my school, but she’s a student (2) who never gets good marks in art. The painting (3) which won the first prize is called Swirly Sea.
Last week. I was walking home when I saw my cousin Robert, (4) who was talking to a woman. His bike, (5) which was lying in the middle of the street, was badly damaged. I asked him ’What happened?' and the woman (6) who was standing next to him told me 'A car almost hit him.' He tried to avoid it and crashed into a tree.' I was shocked!
Сторінка 79
D. Cross out the extra word.
1. That's the woman who she won the competition.
2. Show me the shoes that you bought them yesterday.
3. That's the boy who he lives next to my house.
4. That's the book which I was looking for ft last night.
5. Is Sandy the woman who she works at the supermarket?
6. This is the pen that ft writes under water.
E. Join the sentences. Use who, which or that. If the pronouns can be omitted, put them in brackets.
1. Brenda, who is my cousin, is a successful tennis player.
2. Every Saturday we play football in the park which is near our school.
3. We have got a new classmate who looks like Robert Pattinson.
4. Do you like this painting which my sister bought today?
5. There is the singer Adrian saw at the funfair.
F. Complete the sentences with who, which or that and your own ideas.
1. My best friend is a person who always supports me.
2. That's the film which I have told you about.
3. There's the dog that is popular nowadays.
4. My teacher is the person who made me like English a lot.
5. Basketball is a sport that is played by team.

iconГДЗ 6 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2023 Мітчелл Малкоґіанні Лінгвіст
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