ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 051, icon0

Unit 8b
Сторінка 80
A. Complete with the words in the box.
1. Chorley United are a good team so I'm confident that they're going to win.
2. I was walking to the board when I fell down. It was so embarrassing!
3. Andy is always nervous before auditions but this time he was relaxed and he did well.
4. I'm a bit confused. Is Kevin your cousin or your uncle?
5. Freddie is jealous because he only got 32% and I got 90% in the exam.
6. Well done jimmy! We're really proud of you! Now, go and get your prize.
B. Complete the dialogues. Use So/Neither+ auxiliary verbs.
1. A: I was quite disappointed with that roller coaster.
B: So was I. It was too slow.
2. A: I've never seen a play at the theatre before.
B: Neither have I. I'm very excited.
3. A: My brother is a great singer.
B: So is my brother. He's got a fantastic voice.
4. A: I'm not going to go to work tomorrow.
B: Neither am I. I'm really tired.
5. A: I don't drink enough water.
B: Neither do I. I should drink more.
6. A: We had pasta for dinner yesterday.
B: So did we. Let's have something different today.
C. Choose a or b.
1-a; 2-b; 3-a; 4-b; 5-b; 6-b; 7-a; 8-a.
1. I haven't entered this competition before, a. I have.
2. Wendy didn't play well today, b. Neither did Ruth.
3. I love going to rock concerts, a. So do I.
4. Olga hates performing in front of people, b. Ellen doesn't.
5. My brothers are going on holiday to Ibiza this year. b. So are my parents.
6. I can't see the headlines clearly, b. Neither can I.
7. Jeff and I love watching horror films, a. I don't.
8. I didn't like the food at the restaurant, a. We did.
Сторінка 81
D. Complete with the sentences a-e.
1-e; 2-b; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c.
Steve. So. how did the match go?
Lisa. The other team won 3-1.
Steve. (1) e. How come you lost? You're a really good team.
Lisa. I don’t know.
Steve. What about you? Did you play badly?
Lisa. Not really. (2) b. I gave it my best shot.
Steve. Well, that's all you can do.
Lisa. It wasn't enough, though.
Steve. Hey' (3) d. There's no need to get upset.
Lisa. I don't want to play next Sunday. (4) a. What if we lose again? Steve. Come on, you can't think like that. (5) c. I'll tell you what. I'll practise with you this week.
Lisa. Will you? Oh, thanks.
E. Read and answer the questions.
1. Simon Cowell had the idea for the Got Talent series.
2. The USA showed the first Got Talent show.
3. Got Talent show has had over 50 countries.
4. Talented people like singers, dancers, comedians and actors take part in Got Talent shows.
5. Susan Boyle took part in Britain's Got Talent in 2009.
6. No, she wasn’t.

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