ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г. К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
2 782,
Unit 3. Adventure.
Сторінка 31Where can you find the following in this module? Go through the module and find the pictures.
picture A: p.34
picture B: p.33
picture C: p.39
picture D: p.40
picture E: p.36
Сторінка 32
1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Brian jumped off a wall fell down and hurt his arm and his back and brake his finger.
2. Tina fell off her bike and hurt her knee.
3. Nigel crashed into tree a hit his head and broke his wrist.
4. Jessica slipped on a tree, broke skin, fell down and sprained her ankle.
2. A. The people and the cat shown below were involved in a car accident. Can you guess what happened?
The woman was driving fast. She tried to avoid hitting a cat and crashed into the tree. The boy fell off his skateboard and hurt himself. 2. B. A police officer is interviewing three eyewitnesses to the accident. Listen, read and check your answers. Then read the dialogues out in groups.
Офіцер: Вибачте. Що саме тут сталося?
Чоловік: Я не впевнений. Я живу в тому будинку. Я щойно бачив хлопчика. Він лежав на тротуарі, і його коліно кровоточило, тому я викликав швидку.
Офіцер: Машина збила хлопчика?
Чоловік: Справді не знаю. Він зараз у порядку?
Офіцер: Хлопчик? Так. він просто поранив спину і коліно.
Офіцер: Вибачте. Ви бачили аварію?
Дівчина: Так. Хлопець катався на скейтборді по тротуару. Раптом, я побачила машину.
Офіцер: Де ви були?
Дівчина: Я йшла по іншій стороні вулиці.
Офіцер: Водій їхав швидко?
Дівчина: Так! Але раптом автомобіль розвернуло, змінило напрямок і мало не збило хлопця!
Офіцер: Отже, машина не збила хлопця.
Дівчина: Ні, він просто впав і машина врізалася в дерево.
Офіцер: Це дивно.
Офіцер: Вибачте, чи можете ви пояснити, що сталося?
Жінка: Ну був кіт. Розумієте.
Офіцер: А! Кіт.
Жінка: Так. Це було посеред вулиці, я думаю, водій не хотів вдарити його, тому вона.
Офіцер: Тепер я розумію. Водій звернув через кота і мало не збив хлопчика.
Жінка: Який хлопчик?
Офіцер: Неважливо.
Сторінка 33
2. C. Read again and complete the paragraph below.
A boy was skateboarding on the (1) pavement.
A young woman was (2) driving her car but she was going fast.
Suddenly, she saw a (3) cat.
In the middle of the (4) street. She tried not to hit the cat so she swerved and (5) crashed into a tree. She didn't (6) hit the boy but he fell off his (7) skateboard and hurt his back and his (8) knee.
3. Complete with the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets
1 - were cooking, was bleeding;
2 - was watching;
3 - were....doing. Were...playing, wasn't playing, was surfing
4 - was running.
1. Yesterday afternoon Jill and Greg were cooking. Suddenly, Jill cut her finger. It was bleeding a lot and she couldn't stop it so Greg took her to hospital.
2. Susan was watching DVDs all day yesterday. At seven, a friend came to see her.
3. A: What were you doing all afternoon? Were you playing the guitar?
B: No, I wasn't playing the guitar. I was surfing the Net.
4. A: How did Sophia break her leg?
B: Well, she was running near the swimming pool and she slipped and fell
4. A. Role play. Imagine that there was a car accident in your neighbourhood yesterday. Talk in groups of four.
A: What time did the accident happen yesterday?
B: It was at lunch time.
C: Yes, at about 1 o'clock.
A: Where were you?
D: I was crossing the road.
B: I was playing with my dog.
A: I see. What exactly did you see?
B: I saw a girl running. And she fell down near car.
C: No, she was staying and the car kicked her.
D: It is not true. She was crossing the road and the car turned unexpectedly and the girl fell down.
A: Oh, you have so many versions. Who called the ambulance?
B: Me. It was the first thing I did when saw it.
A: You are very clever. But the situation is not very clever.
C: I can repeat once more.
A: No thanks. It is enough. Thank you for your help.
4. B. Write a short paragraph about the accident.
Yesterday I was a victim of a car accident. I was playing with my dog in the street. The girl was crossing the road and suddenly the car appeared from the corner. The girl fell down. She was scared, but everything was ok. It was a small shock. A police officer and ambulance arrived in 2 minutes. Luckily she was safe.
Сторінка 34
1. Match the pictures with the words. Then listen and check your answers.
ghost - 6; scream - 2; shadow - 8; footprints - 4; alien - 1; appear/disappear - 5; dark - 7; monster - 3.
2. A. Look at the pictures, read the titles of the texts and guess what the mysteries are about. Then listen, read and check your answers.
The first mystery is about two children who looked like aliens.
The second mystery is about some huge footprints in the snow which were twice the size of human footprints.
Сторінка 35
2. B. Read again and write M for Matilda, J for Jim or B for both.
1. I was with a friend when it happened - both.
2. It was getting dark when it happened - Matilda.
3. I can't explain what I saw. - both.
4. I was scared. - Jim.
5. I heard and saw something strange - Matilda.
3. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. I was lying on the sofa when I saw a shadow on the wall. I was frightened!
2. While Samantha was doing her homework. Pam was writing e- mails.
3. While you were playing tennis. Rob called you.
4. The teacher was reading something to her students when Mr Barnes came into the room.
5. Gary fell and broke his leg while he was running.
4. A. You will hear a radio programme called Mystery Hour. Before you listen, guess the answers to the questions below. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Were there ever any green Children in Woolpit? - Yes, there were.
2. Why were they green? - Maybe because they didn't eat a lot.
4. B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
1. The green children first appeared in Woolpit nine years ago. - False.
2. The green children ate only green vegetables. - True.
3. The girl died after a year. - False.
4. The green children spoke the same language as the people in Woolpit. - False.
Сторінка 36
2. A. Look at the pictures. What happened to Bill? Listen to the dialogue and find out. Then read it out in groups.
He got ketchup all over his T-shirt.
Емі: Привіт. Лів, давай вип'ємо лимонаду та поїдемо в Країну мрій.
Лів: Добре. Болт, там Білл і Стю.
Емі: Отже, як це в Країні пригод?
Білл: Американських гірок немає, але є чудові атракціони.
Лів: Почекай хвилинку. Ти весь мокрий.
Стю: Так, ми пішли на колоду.
Емі: Що це?
Стю: Це як велика водна гірка.
Білл: А ти в човні.
Лів: Білле, на твоїй футболці кров. Все гаразд?
Білл: Не хвилюйся, це просто кетчуп, я з'їв бутерброд.
Стю: Ну, ти насправді не все з'їв, га га..
Емі: Що ти маєш на увазі?
Білл: Ми отримали бутерброд перед тим, як сісти, але я не встиг його доїсти. Так. Я взяв Його з собою.
Емі: Ти брав їжу в дорогу?
Стю: Так, погана ідея.
Білл: Я їв бутерброд, коли раптом ми спустилися з пагорба. У мене кетчуп по всій футболці.
Стю: На щастя, ми бризнули в воду, і це трохи змило її.
Білл: У будь-якому випадку це було дуже весело! Правильно, що далі?
Емі: Чи була довга черга біля колоди?
Стю: Чому?
Лів: Ми хочемо використовувати цей інструмент.
2. B. Read again and complete the sentences.
1-Dreamland; 2-roller coasters; 3-ketchup; 4-was eating; 5-Amy and Liv.
1. The girls were going to Dreamland when they saw the boys.
2. There aren't any roller coasters in Adventureland.
3. There's ketchup on Bill's T-shirt.
4. Bill was eating while he was on the log flume.
5.Amy and Liv want to go to Adventureland.
Сторінка 37
2. C. Read again and put the summary of the story in the correct order. Write 1-7. Which words are used to link the sentences?
1 - Yesterday, Bill, Stu, Amy and Liv went to the funfair.
2 - First, Bill and Stu went to Adventureland.
3 - When they got there, they each got a sandwich.
4 - Then, they decided to get on the log flume.
5 - While Bill was eating his sandwich, the logflume went down a hill and he got ketchup all over his T-shirt.
6 - After that, they plashed into some water and the ketchup washed off.
7 - Later, they found Amy and Liv and told them about Bill's accident.
3. Complete with some, any or no.
1. Are there any good restaurants in the area?
2. I'm sorry. There is no lemonade. Would you like some orange juice?
3. We wanted to go on the roller coaster and luckily there were no people in the queue.
4. When we went to Costa Rica, we bought some beautiful paintings by local artists.
5. They didn't have any ice cream, so I got us some cake.
4. B. Listen and tick the sound you hear.
/i/: hill, Ferris;
/i:/: cream, each;
/ai/: slide, prize, why.
5. A. Listen to Sue talking to her friend on the phone about an experience she had yesterday and answer the questions. Choose picture a or b.
1.What was Sue doing when she lost her hat? - a;
2. How did Sue get hurt? - b;
3. What happened to Sue? - a.
5. B. Write a short paragraph about what happened. Use some of the words in the box to link your sentences.
When I came back from school, my sister was at home. Then I was making lunch for us while she was doing her homework. After that we had some time to go for a walk. Later our parents came and we had dinner together.
Сторінка 38
2. A. Look at the book cover and the picture from Chapter 1 and guess the answers to the questions below. Then listen, read and check your answers.
1. Where does the story take place? - In the far north of America.
2. Who are the mail characters? - Henry, Bill and some wolves.
3. Are the animals friendly or unfriendly? - The dogs are friendly and the wolves are unfriendly.
4. What will happen? - The wolves will kill Bill.
На далекій півночі Америки було холодно й льодяно, і скрізь був сніг. Генрі та Біля були у довгій і важкій подорожі. Спочатку у них було шість собак, але щоночі вони втрачали ще одного через вовків. Тепер лише з трьома собаками. Вони їхали повільно. "Всі знають, що акули слідують за кораблями. Ну, ці вовки - сухопутні акули!" сказав Вілл. Він був дуже злий, бо вони не могли відлякати вовків. Раптом з'явилася відважна вовчиця. У ній було щось інше. Вона була наполовину собакою, наполовину вовком і не боялася людей. Генрі та Вілл були здивовані. Навіть їхні собаки були до неї привітні, і один із них побіг до неї. Тоді з тину вискочило близько дванадцяти вовків, які напали на собаку і почали кусати її за шию та ноги. Двоє чоловіків були шоковані! «Це пастка! Ці вовки спритні! Ми повинні зупинити їх негайно!» - сказав Вілл і почав ганятися за вовками. "Ти божевільний!" - крикнув Генрі. - У тебе лише три кулі! Через кілька хвилин Генрі почув крики та три постріли. Тоді він нічого не почув. Білл не повернувся. Він знав, що нічого не може зробити, щоб врятувати його. Тепер був тільки він і двоє собак. Він був самотній і боявся.
Сторінка 39
2. B. Read again and answer the questions.
1. What was the weather like? - It was cold and icy.
2. How many dogs did Henry and Bill have when they started on their journey? - Six.
3. Why was the she-wolf different? - Because she was half dog, half wolf and wasn't scared of the humans.
4. What happened when one of the dogs ran towards the she-wolf? - About twelve wolves jumped out of the bushes, attacked the dog and started biting its neck and legs.
5. Why did Henry think Bill was crazy to chase the wolves? Because he had only three bullets.
6.What happened to Bill? - He didn't return, so the wolves probably killed him.
7.How did Henry feel? - He was afraid.
3. Circle the correct words.
1. A: Would you like something to drink?
B: No thanks. I don't want anything.
2. A: Who's that?
B: She’s new at school but no one likes her.
A: Why not?
B: Because she thinks she knows everything.
3. A: Does anybody know Kevin?
B: I do.
A: I've got something for him. Can you give It to him?
B: Sure.
4. A: I can’t find my MP4 player anywhere.
B: It's probably somewhere in your room. Look again.
4. A. Listen to a teacher talking to his students about White Fang and put the pictures in order. Write 1 -4.
a - 2; b - 4; c - 1; d - 3.
4. B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
1-T; 2-T; 3-T; 4-F; 5-F.
1. Some men saved Henry from the wolves. - True.
2. The she wolf is White Fang's mother. - True.
3. A man called Grey Beaver gave White Fang his name. - True.
4. The she-wolf tried to attack the Indians. - False.
5. White Fang used to live with men in the past. - False.
5. Discuss the following.
1. Did you like the extract from White Fang? - Yes, I do.
2. How do you think the story continues? - I think they become friends.
3. Would you like to read the book White Fang? - Yes, I do.
4. Do you like dogs or are you afraid of them? - I like dogs.
5.Have you got or did you use to have a dog? what is/was it like? - I have a dog. He is very nice and kind.
Сторінка 40
1. Match the pictures with the phrases. Then listen and check your answers.
1 - a. I lost my keys. 2 - f. I got locked out. 3 - b. I got stuck in a lift.
4 - e. I got a flat tyre. 5 - c. I missed the bus. 6 - d. I got lost.
2. A. Read the story and answer the questions. When it is possible, underline words/phrases in the story to justify your answers.
1. Does the writer say when and where the story happened? - Yes. It was Monday when he got home.
2.Does the writer mention the events of the story in the order in which they happened? - Yes. He was walking back home, saw a black cat, got home saw a cat again, ran outside, the door closed behind him, he got locked.
3.Does the writer use present tenses to describe what happened? - No, the writer used Past Simple and Past Progressive.
4. Does the writer use adjectives and adverbs? - Yes. Such as: suddenly, black, bad, quickly, windy, immediately.
5.Does the writer use linking words? - Yes. suddenly, when, so, while, after a while.
6. Does the writer say what finally happened? - Yes. A neighbor told the police that Chris wasn't a burglar.
Все сталося два місяці тому. Був понеділок після обіду, і я повертався додому зі школи. Раптом. Я побачив чорну кішку. «Це невдача», - подумав я. Коли я прийшов додому. Я знову побачив кота в нашому саду, я швидко вибіг на вулицю, але було дуже вітряно, і двері за мною зачинилися. Мене заблокували, у мене не було ні ключів, ні телефону, ні грошей. Моїх батьків не було на кілька днів, тож ніхто не міг мені допомогти. На щастя, вікно моєї спальні було відчинене, тож я взяв драбину й почав підніматися. На жаль, коли я піднімався, мене побачив поліцейський. «Спускайтеся негайно!» він закричав. Я був шокований Я намагався пояснити ситуацію, але він не хотів слухати. На щастя, через деякий час нас почув наш сусід, вийшов і сказав поліцейському. «Я не думаю, що Кріс грабіжник! Це його дім! Ну, може, врешті-решт мені пощастило.
Сторінка 41
2. B. Read and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Raymond was in the lift all alone suddenly it stopped He was frightened!
2.When Susan left the room, they started talking about her.
3. We were walking on the beach when it started raining, luckily, it stopped after a while.
4. Tracy had a very nice book about Spain. Unfortunately, she lost it.
5. While we were studying, Brian was playing the guitar.
2. C. Talk in pairs. Below are the first and last paragraph of a story. Look at the pictures and use the prompts to tell the main part of the story.
Last weekend. Kelly and her cousin Carla decided to go camping in the forest. It was the beginning of summer and it was quite warm and sunny. When they arrived, they put up a tent near the river. Then they decided to explore the area. After a while they got tiered and stopped. They wanted to go back to tent but they couldn't. They were lost. They were walking in the forest when suddenly heard a strange noise. They thought it was a bear. They were frightened so they started running. Kelly and Clara were walking for hours and finally found road. Luckily there was a car with flat tyre. The driver was trying to fix it. Fortunately, when the driver fixed the flat tyre he took the girls home safely. They were so happy to be back. After their adventure, they didn't want to go camping alone again!
Сторінка 42
Listen, read and complete the sentences.
1. The capital of Scotland Is Edinburgh.
2. Ben Nevis is in the Highlands.
3. Loch Ness Is famous for the Loch Ness Monster.
4. Tourists visit Loch Ness and try to take picture of the monster.
5. A kilt is a traditional Scottish skirt for men.
6. Scottish people speak English and Gaelic.
Завдяки своїй неймовірній красі, замкам і історіям, сповненим таємниць, Шотландія є одним із найдивовижніших місць у світі. Нагір'я розташоване на півночі Шотландії, і це одне з найпопулярніших місць для відвідування. Вони домашнє телебачення, найвища гора Великобританії. Бен Невіс. Зелені пагорби, блакитні річки та озера Хайлендс роблять їх ідеальним місцем для відвідувачів. У Шотландії є багато озер. Озеро Лох-Несс, мабуть, найвідоміше. Багато людей вірять, що там живе Нессі, лохнеське чудовисько, і багато туристів щороку відвідують озеро, сподіваючись сфотографувати її! Глибина деяких частин озера перевищує 200 метрів, тож це ідеальне місце для монстра!
Столицею Шотландії Единбург став на початку 15 століття. Сьогодні це популярний туристичний центр. Волинка є традиційним музичним інструментом Шотландії. Шотландці, коли грають на волинці, наближаються до звичайного виду спідниці, кільфа.
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