ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит для контролю [Ходаковська О.О.] 2016

icon31.05.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon6 444, icon1

Test 6. Great Britain: London
Variant 1
1. Listen and circle the correct variant.
1) Big Ben is the name of a clock in one of the ... of the Houses of Parliament.
a) tall clocks
(b) tall towers
2) The National Gallery has ... of Italian, German, Dutch and French artists.
(a) a collection of pictures
d) a collection of galleries
3) ... is the Queen's official London residence.
a Buckingham Abbey
(b) Buckingham Palace
2. Look and write the names of London places of interest.
1) Big Ben.
2) Westminster abbey.
3) Kensington Palace.
4) Coven't garden Market.

3. Agree with the statements using so or neither.
1) He knows how to poster pictures online — (So do we).
2) She enjoyed watching «Harry Potter» — (So did i).
3) He isn't lazy — (Veither am i).
4) He'll never be busy — (So will i).
5) I've lost a lot of money — (So has my brothr Ihor).
6) He didn't have to wear school uniform — (Neithar did the other).
7) She won't read the article about London — (Neithar will they).
8) I'd forgotten about the traffic in the City — (So had my parents).
9) I've never been to London — (Neither has Alla).

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Зошит для контролю Зошит Ходаковська 2016 Ранок
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