ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
5d What's cooking?
Сторінка 601. A. Match the items in the picture with the words. Then listen and check your answers.
1 - oven dish; 2 - bowl; 3 - fork; 4 - saucepan; 5 - plate; 6 - frying pan; 7 - knife; 8 - tablespoon; 9 - teaspoon.
B. Match the pictures with the phrases. Then listen and check your answers.
1 - bake the cake; 2 - fry the eggs; 3 - stir the mixture; 4 - peel the potatoes; 5 - melt the butter; 6 - pour some orange juice; 7 - grate some cheese; 8 - add some salt; 9 - boil the water.
Сторінка 61
2. В. Read the recipes again. What do the words in bold refer to?
1. You need half a cup of these, rice
2. This ingredient must melt, chocolate
3. You grate these ingredients, carrots and red peppers
4. You heat the milk for this long. 7 minutes
5. You make hot chocolate in this, saucepan
6. You add this first to the tube, rice
7. You remove this before you drink the hot chocolate, chilli
3. Listen to two dialogues and answer the questions below. Choose a or b.
Dialogue 1.
1. What is Ellen going to do?
a. Stir the soup.
2. What's the last ingredient that they will add to the soup?
a. mushrooms
Dialogue 2.
3. What did the chef do with the apples?
a. He fried them.
4. How much sugar did Ted add?
b. half a teaspoon
4. The pictures below show how you can make Baked Bananas. Write the recipe (ingredients and procedure), using the prompts given.
1. Peel off 4 bananas.
2. Cut the bananas and put them into an oven dish.
3. Pour 1 cup of orange juice on top.
4. Add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar.
5. Grate some skin of an orange and add.
6. Add 2 teaspoons of butter.
7. Cover the oven dish with aluminium foil.
8. Bake in the oven at 180 °С for 15 minutes.
9. Serve warm with yoghurt and ice cream.